Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Could this explain people like Sallow, Rightwinger, Franco, JoeB., and others who - in the face of overwhelming evidence - ignore all reality and forge ahead with the official Democrat narrative and propaganda?

[ame=]Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion - YouTube[/ame]

Troll that mothafuuuuuuuuuuu
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

I literally laughed out loud when I read this post and started to applaud. But then it hit me, since when does the government hire anybody intelligent? I mean, they have Barack freaking Obama as president. It doesn't get much dumber than that guy (he can't even speak without a teleprompter telling him what to say - stutters and stammers like a blithering idiot).
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

I literally laughed out loud when I read this post and started to applaud. But then it hit me, since when does the government hire anybody intelligent? I mean, they have Barack freaking Obama as president. It doesn't get much dumber than that guy (he can't even speak without a teleprompter telling him what to say - stutters and stammers like a blithering idiot).
You could have a point there, the liberals have never been known for their intelligence, they just rely on stupid people to carry their message for them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess it's not unreasonable to think they could be paying idiots like Swallow, Synthaholic, and Moonglow to troll when they're using other people's money. Why not?
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

Well, the job of the trolls would simply be to regurgitate the daily talking points, ridicule anyone who disagrees with Obama by calling them racist or other names and they would be completely unable and unwilling to engage in debate. I do see a lot of talking points repeated by posters who never explain themselves. I see a few who merely repost the same stupid insults over and over. When proven wrong by facts, they rush to other threads and post like crazy to bury ones that embarrass their dear leader.

I think being a useful idiot is the only requirement for the job. It's no coincidence that Obama wants to make sure everyone (meaning his dependents) have access to the internet. He wants to send his little peons out there to spread the word of the great messiah. The only ones influenced by them are other idiots.

Luckily, there are far more people willing to actually think for themselves and discuss issues.
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

Well, the job of the trolls would simply be to regurgitate the daily talking points, ridicule anyone who disagrees with Obama by calling them racist or other names and they would be completely unable and unwilling to engage in debate. I do see a lot of talking points repeated by posters who never explain themselves. I see a few who merely repost the same stupid insults over and over. When proven wrong by facts, they rush to other threads and post like crazy to bury ones that embarrass their dear leader.

I think being a useful idiot is the only requirement for the job. It's no coincidence that Obama wants to make sure everyone (meaning his dependents) have access to the internet. He wants to send his little peons out there to spread the word of the great messiah. The only ones influenced by them are other idiots.

Luckily, there are far more people willing to actually think for themselves and discuss issues.
Maybe so, I'm sure they don't pay very much though. As stupid as the liberals on this site are, they're probably pretty easy to screw over.
THINKING about it, brainwashed moron. That's called transparency lol. You certainly need the information, fools. YOU'LL NEVER GET IT FROM THE PUB PROPAGANDA gd dumb...
I guess it's not unreasonable to think they could be paying idiots like Swallow, Synthaholic, and Moonglow to troll when they're using other people's money. Why not?

I wished I could get paid to post, then I wouldn't have to work as a brick layer and earn money.
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

Well, the job of the trolls would simply be to regurgitate the daily talking points, ridicule anyone who disagrees with Obama by calling them racist or other names and they would be completely unable and unwilling to engage in debate. I do see a lot of talking points repeated by posters who never explain themselves. I see a few who merely repost the same stupid insults over and over. When proven wrong by facts, they rush to other threads and post like crazy to bury ones that embarrass their dear leader.

I think being a useful idiot is the only requirement for the job. It's no coincidence that Obama wants to make sure everyone (meaning his dependents) have access to the internet. He wants to send his little peons out there to spread the word of the great messiah. The only ones influenced by them are other idiots.

Luckily, there are far more people willing to actually think for themselves and discuss issues.

Which is one of your weak points. You have no ability to discuss as long as you call people names, so you have proven like SJ that you are incapable of dialogue for the purpose of risk/crisis management.
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

Well, the job of the trolls would simply be to regurgitate the daily talking points, ridicule anyone who disagrees with Obama by calling them racist or other names and they would be completely unable and unwilling to engage in debate. I do see a lot of talking points repeated by posters who never explain themselves. I see a few who merely repost the same stupid insults over and over. When proven wrong by facts, they rush to other threads and post like crazy to bury ones that embarrass their dear leader.

I think being a useful idiot is the only requirement for the job. It's no coincidence that Obama wants to make sure everyone (meaning his dependents) have access to the internet. He wants to send his little peons out there to spread the word of the great messiah. The only ones influenced by them are other idiots.

Luckily, there are far more people willing to actually think for themselves and discuss issues.

Not only that [MENTION=34478]Clementine[/MENTION], but don't forget his first priority as president was to start demanding he be handed an "internet kill switch" (so he could also prevent the flow of accurate information from those he has labeled as "the enemy" - or what a normal human would call "conservatives").
Could this explain people like Sallow, Rightwinger, Franco, JoeB., and others who - in the face of overwhelming evidence - ignore all reality and forge ahead with the official Democrat narrative and propaganda?

Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion - YouTube

sorry, but i do not have 7 mins. 33 secs. to waste on something i already know about these liberal trolls who ignore reality and truth, truth being their worst enemy, i swear, if a known raghead were to attempt to kill Maobama the media and liarberals would devote their lives to try to convince us it was a Tea Party activist. :up:
Nah, not those guys. They're not smart enough, I think they're just useful idiots.

I literally laughed out loud when I read this post and started to applaud. But then it hit me, since when does the government hire anybody intelligent? I mean, they have Barack freaking Obama as president. It doesn't get much dumber than that guy (he can't even speak without a teleprompter telling him what to say - stutters and stammers like a blithering idiot).
You could have a point there, the liberals have never been known for their intelligence, they just rely on stupid people to carry their message for them. :lol: :lol: :lol:

stutters and stammers like a blithering idiot

whaddya mean "like a blithering idiot".., he is the head idiot and epitome of them all ! :up: .......... :lmao:
I guess it's not unreasonable to think they could be paying idiots like Swallow, Synthaholic, and Moonglow to troll when they're using other people's money. Why not?

I wished I could get paid to post, then I wouldn't have to work as a brick layer and earn money.

a brick layer ? ? ? ? ? ?

i once worked as a hod carrier for a brick layer in Ohio during the winter, he ordered me to put more calcium chloride in the mud to keep it from freezing, come spring time when some hard rain hit the side of the building.., that part of the wall collapsed, he was sued and the dumb SOB tried to blame me.., didn't work, i had witnesses that he ordered more C.C., he lost his Genl. contractor license
Rottweiler, a paid Koch entity online hack, complains about "Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion".

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