Governor Abbott Is Sparing No Expense When It Comes To Fighting COVID -- For Himself

"Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 Tuesday, his office says, just a day after attending a crowded indoor campaign event at the Republican Club at Heritage Ranch in Collin County. "Governor Abbott is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in good health, and currently experiencing no symptoms," Miner said, adding that Abbott is receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment."

In addition to Abbott pulling out all the stops by getting Regen treatment despite having no symptoms; he is also getting daily COVID tests and he is "MANDATING" that everyone else is tested before they enter the governor's chambers...and there are also unconfirmed reports that he had also received a 3rd booster shot too.....

"NBC News, citing two unnamed sources, said Abbott has told people he received a third booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Asked if the governor received a booster, Abbott press secretary Renae Eze replied, “I am not aware.”

There are over 10,000 patients in Texas hospitals who are not lucky enough to be receiving this special Regeneron treatment. It's real easy to play the tough role on COVID when you know you personally will get the most top of the line treatment if you happen to contract it....Easy to tell other people to deal with it and tough it out when you know you won't have to....It would have been better for his brand and PR if Abbott simply had refused any treatment and embraced COVID fully...and showed people how it isn't that big of a deal...but to insist on getting Regen treatment despite claiming you have no symptoms -- seems like someone who doesn't practice the bullshit he preaches.....
I had Covid in November, was vaccinated last month, got Covid again last week and found a hospital that had the Regeneron treatment, only one in the area and while my symptoms were mild, the nurse said that my coming in when I did was a good thing. The best time to get the treatment is early on, otherwise in is not as effective.

I'm not sure why you people are pissed off. First you were pissed that Republicans didn't get the vaccine, then you laughed at Trump for the Regeneron therapy and many called it a hoax and would never work, today you are pissed because a Republican is following the Covid-19 protocols the CDC?

"Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 Tuesday, his office says, just a day after attending a crowded indoor campaign event at the Republican Club at Heritage Ranch in Collin County. "Governor Abbott is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in good health, and currently experiencing no symptoms," Miner said, adding that Abbott is receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment."

In addition to Abbott pulling out all the stops by getting Regen treatment despite having no symptoms; he is also getting daily COVID tests and he is "MANDATING" that everyone else is tested before they enter the governor's chambers...and there are also unconfirmed reports that he had also received a 3rd booster shot too.....

"NBC News, citing two unnamed sources, said Abbott has told people he received a third booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Asked if the governor received a booster, Abbott press secretary Renae Eze replied, “I am not aware.”

There are over 10,000 patients in Texas hospitals who are not lucky enough to be receiving this special Regeneron treatment. It's real easy to play the tough role on COVID when you know you personally will get the most top of the line treatment if you happen to contract it....Easy to tell other people to deal with it and tough it out when you know you won't have to....It would have been better for his brand and PR if Abbott simply had refused any treatment and embraced COVID fully...and showed people how it isn't that big of a deal...but to insist on getting Regen treatment despite claiming you have no symptoms -- seems like someone who doesn't practice the bullshit he preaches.....

It's ok, he's vaccinated.
Why is Abbott taking Regen treatment when he claims to not even have symptoms...

Or as his spokesperson said....."He doesn't have symptoms but took the Regeneron treatment just to be safe..."

Why all of the precaution for something that isn't really a big deal??

He tested positive, retard.
My Texas Brother's family caught it when his kids went back to school. They suffered for 2 weeks now without any treatment from Texas overcrowded healthcare system. They are using a oxygen concentrator barrowed from a friend, to keep themselves alive.
There are over 10,000 patients in Texas hospitals who are not lucky enough to be receiving this special Regeneron treatment.

Its not rationed

The answer is that its not very useful once a person has been hospitalized with serious symptoms
Why is Abbott taking Regen when he doesn't have any symptoms??

And why was he so panicked that he got a 3rd booster shot before anyone else has even been cleared to receive them?

I swear you cucks are full of shit
Isn't the answer obvious?

He's a coward crippled (high risk for covid and dying from it) who is afraid of dying so took all 3 shots and still got the virus. Now all you nitwitted dems are also upset because his public infection proves that our faux vaccines don't stop the virus. You guys better pray that he isn't seriously sick and dying.
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My Texas Brother's family caught it when his kids went back to school. They suffered for 2 weeks now without any treatment from Texas overcrowded healthcare system. They are using a oxygen concentrator barrowed from a friend, to keep themselves alive.
You could dry that post out and fertilize the lawn with it.

"Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 Tuesday, his office says, just a day after attending a crowded indoor campaign event at the Republican Club at Heritage Ranch in Collin County. "Governor Abbott is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in good health, and currently experiencing no symptoms," Miner said, adding that Abbott is receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment."

In addition to Abbott pulling out all the stops by getting Regen treatment despite having no symptoms; he is also getting daily COVID tests and he is "MANDATING" that everyone else is tested before they enter the governor's chambers...and there are also unconfirmed reports that he had also received a 3rd booster shot too.....

"NBC News, citing two unnamed sources, said Abbott has told people he received a third booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Asked if the governor received a booster, Abbott press secretary Renae Eze replied, “I am not aware.”

There are over 10,000 patients in Texas hospitals who are not lucky enough to be receiving this special Regeneron treatment. It's real easy to play the tough role on COVID when you know you personally will get the most top of the line treatment if you happen to contract it....Easy to tell other people to deal with it and tough it out when you know you won't have to....It would have been better for his brand and PR if Abbott simply had refused any treatment and embraced COVID fully...and showed people how it isn't that big of a deal...but to insist on getting Regen treatment despite claiming you have no symptoms -- seems like someone who doesn't practice the bullshit he preaches.....

Why isn't he taking zinc, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and invermectin?

Those are supposed to be the cure for the virus yet abbott isn't using any of it.

abbott is using an experimental, human altered drug that isn't fully approved. It's only approved for emergency use. Nor does anyone know the long term side effects from it.


So when abbott gets the virus he doesn't do any of what the republicans advocate and does do what the republicans don't advocate.

Sounds about right for a republican.

Its not rationed

The answer is that its not very useful once a person has been hospitalized with serious symptoms
Why would he care if he got COVID in the first place??

The vaccine he got is much more dangerous, is it not?
Isn't the answer obvious?

He's a coward crippled (high risk for covid and dying from it) who is afraid of dying so took all 3 shots and still got the virus. Now all you nitwitted dems are also upset because his public infection proves that our faux vaccines don't stop the virus. You guys better pray that he isn't seriously sick and dying.
Yea, he's a coward...on that much we can agree...

But cowardice is something you conservative cucks have in common......

Talk all that shit about doctors, nurses and science.....and then run to those same doctors, nurses and science when you think your life is on the line...

Run to a church
Yea, he's a coward...on that much we can agree...

But cowardice is something you conservative cucks have in common......

Talk all that shit about doctors, nurses and science.....and then run to those same doctors, nurses and science when you think your life is on the line...

Run to a church
I trained as a nurse idiot due to bad doctors keeping me sick because they have a gawd complex and less brains than I do. I trust the science and know the science better than many doctors. It's likely why I knew they were lying their asses off from the beginning about covid and the vaccines. I btw, loaded up on vitamins, and had my collection of cold/allergy medicine and mouthwash on hand to fight the virus when I got it. I grew up on a small farm and knew about feed stores selling a certain "horse medicine" if I needed it as well but I didn't need it. As I suspected that it would be for me even before I got the virus, it was a cold with an awful soar throat. I made sure my lungs stayed cleared as much as possible and slept a lot but was able to fight it off despite being anemic. And fyi, I'm an atheist and fiscal conservative----------social and unsocial on other issues. I'm an independent voter and thinker.
Breathtaking. When will the government step in to deal with the likes of this idiot and desantis ?
It never will, Mr. Tainent. You can listen to jealous haters of Republicans all day, but people on both sides revere our governor who ended racial genocide by supporting the state's friendship majority who believe in live and let live with no holds barred. We love our governors no matter what party. First lady Lady Bird Johnson, who was a Democrat whose life was dedicated to every good thing and I fondly think of her when traveling down the highways and byways of the Friendship State seeing all the lovely flowers in spring through fall along Texas highways that got a helping hand from the plantings and seedings started by her back in the sixties. Another First Lady, Laura Bush pushed her mother-in-law's and her mutual love for literacy and strong libraries across the Lone Star State. I will always cherish the good our Governor's wives encouraged while their governor husbands led good business and employment challenges is our beautiful, beautiful Texas where the beautiful bluebonnets grow!

And now, we will not have to shed tears for families who lost a grandchild to getting its brains sucked out in a horrifying and invasive murder of a human being in abortion that was formerly used as a means of birth control with the downside of supporting a lifestyle so poisonous it ends someone else's life prior to other stages of human developing including birth, schooling, marriage and giving birth to continuing the family's line.
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Because Regeneron, Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are most effective in the early stages of the virus. They prevent the virus from developing into a more serious form. Personally, I think they should be a standard treatment for everyone but politics got in the way of science somewhere along the way. I think you know where.

For COVID there is absolutely NO science behind HC (OR horsey dewormer or bleach) :lol:
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