Governor Gavin Newsom signs the California “Momnibus” Act to improve infant and maternal health, especially for families of color

California leading the way again

Meanwhile....Gavin Newsom and friends want to make it as easy as possible for ShaQuita and Guadalupe to use abortion as a contraceptive.
hahahaha....fucking's crazier than the Twilight Zone
That's just dumb

Is that how you justify being racist?
its dumb? dont think many republicans think they are better than those families of color?...and if you saw me you would think im one of those people, so stick your racist bullshit up your ass.....
its dumb? dont think many republicans think they are better than those families of color?...and if you saw me you would think im one of those people, so stick your racist bullshit up your ass.....
You're hella racist. If you Democrats didn't think white people were superior you wouldn't talk down to "families of color" every chance you get.
apparently white people dont have many of the same problems....

That's because doctors treat white people differently. When white women complain of problems, the doctors listen.

You're hella racist. If you Democrats didn't think white people were superior you wouldn't talk down to "families of color" every chance you get.
lol.....last week i was righty now im a democrat....has anybody told you today that your a dipshit? must be drinking today, come back when you are sober and read what i posted might have a different
It is a good bet that this is a scheme to inject more mothers with depopulation drugs that greatly reduce reproductive ability in females. And, on top of that, this law probably requires babies to be injected with depop drugs if they survive abortions.
Doubt this law is negating the Biblical millstones being attached to the necks of Bablonian priests of baal in California some time before they go swimming.

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