California governor Gavin Newsom, who suports green energy, demands an investigation to find out why clouds and weak wind caused widespread blackouts

Aha. What about to bring your knowledge about natural science in the next 5000 years on a new level, Osiris?
Natural science like "Men with tits" are considered women, science? Dont talk to us about science until you can define what a "woman" is.
An idiot is still smarter than a Joe Biden voter..

Ab idiot is an idiot - except he is an evilwilling criminal super-idiot like Dr. Donald Trump. Don't fortget to inject disinfectants in case of a virus infection. This will become for sure a WHO testimonay after Trumpo had fired everyone in the WHO, had closed all hospitals and bound all medicine men on stakes to let them torture from Guantanamo guys.
Natural science like "Men with tits" are considered women, science? Dont talk to us about science until you can define what a "woman" is.

Your are not heartful and intelligent enough for a woman! That's why you don't find one - specially not the only one.

In meinem Garten, in meinem Garten
Blühte blau der Rittersporn
Zwischen dem Unkraut, in meinem Garten
Im Geröll in meinem Garten
Wo die anderen Blumen verdorr'n
Blumen verdorr'n
In meinem Dache, in meinem Dache
Baut' ein Rabe sich sein Nest
Unter meinem brüchigen Dache
Unter dem zerfallenen Dache
Wo der Wind durch die Balken bläst
Wo der Wind durch die Balken bläst

In mein Leben, in mein Leben
Hat sie sich zu mir verirrt
Und sie nahm Platz in meinem Leben
Platz in meinem engen Leben
Und hat meine Gedanken verwirrt
Gedanken verwirrt
Was ich besaß, hab' ich ihr gegeben
An Vernunft und an Verstand
Meine Seele ihr gegeben
Mag's der liebe Gott vergeben
Weil ich sonst nichts zu schenken fand
Weil ich sonst nichts zu schenken fand

In meinem Garten, in meinem Garten
Goss ich meinen Rittersporn
Jätete Unkraut in meinem Garten
Harkte emsig meinen Garten
Doch die Blume verwelkte im Zorn
verwelkte im Zorn
Für den Raben in meinem Dache
Deckt' ich Ziegel Stück für Stück
Wo es Löcher gab im Dache
Doch ins Nest unter dem Dache
Kam der Rabe nicht mehr zurück
Kam der Rabe nie mehr zurück

Seit jenem Tag, an dem der Rabe
Sein geschütztes Nest verschmäht
Seit ich die Blume trug zu Grabe
Meine Ruhe nicht mehr habe
Bitt' ich, dass sie nicht auch von mir geht
dass sie nicht geht
Ging sie fort, ging auch mein Leben
Und das ist kein leeres Wort
Was ich besaß, hab' ich vergeben
Meine Seele und mein Leben
Und die nähme sie mit sich hinfort
Last edited:
Your are not heartful and intelligent enough for a woman! That's why you don't find one - specially not the only one.

In meinem Garten, in meinem Garten
Blühte blau der Rittersporn
Zwischen dem Unkraut, in meinem Garten
Im Geröll in meinem Garten
Wo die anderen Blumen verdorr'n
Blumen verdorr'n
In meinem Dache, in meinem Dache
Baut' ein Rabe sich sein Nest
Unter meinem brüchigen Dache
Unter dem zerfallenen Dache
Wo der Wind durch die Balken bläst
Wo der Wind durch die Balken bläst

In mein Leben, in mein Leben
Hat sie sich zu mir verirrt
Und sie nahm Platz in meinem Leben
Platz in meinem engen Leben
Und hat meine Gedanken verwirrt
Gedanken verwirrt
Was ich besaß, hab' ich ihr gegeben
An Vernunft und an Verstand
Meine Seele ihr gegeben
Mag's der liebe Gott vergeben
Weil ich sonst nichts zu schenken fand
Weil ich sonst nichts zu schenken fand

In meinem Garten, in meinem Garten
Goss ich meinen Rittersporn
Jätete Unkraut in meinem Garten
Harkte emsig meinen Garten
Doch die Blume verwelkte im Zorn
verwelkte im Zorn
Für den Raben in meinem Dache
Deckt' ich Ziegel Stück für Stück
Wo es Löcher gab im Dache
Doch ins Nest unter dem Dache
Kam der Rabe nicht mehr zurück
Kam der Rabe nie mehr zurück

Seit jenem Tag, an dem der Rabe
Sein geschütztes Nest verschmäht
Seit ich die Blume trug zu Grabe
Meine Ruhe nicht mehr habe
Bitt' ich, dass sie nicht auch von mir geht
dass sie nicht geht
Ging sie fort, ging auch mein Leben
Und das ist kein leeres Wort
Was ich besaß, hab' ich vergeben
Meine Seele und mein Leben
Und die nähme sie mit sich hinfort

Dude, if you could only find a woman like i did. But then again, if you did, you wouldnt be a panzy ass, pussified, pajama boy either..

Ab idiot is an idiot - except he is an evilwilling criminal super-idiot like Dr. Donald Trump. Don't fortget to inject disinfectants in case of a virus infection. This will become for sure a WHO testimonay after Trumpo had fired everyone in the WHO, had closed all hospitals and bound all medicine men on stakes to let them torture from Guantanamo guys.

Chuck Schumer Thought About Eating a Tide Pod... and It …

Published: Feb 09, 2018

Author: V. Saxena

Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
During a stunning news briefing six years ago, current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer seemed to admit to having once almost eaten a Tide Pod. He had been speaking at the briefing about the then-growing trend of children consuming Tide Pods when he made the astonishing remark, according to the New York Daily News .
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.

If you include a section on how blackouts are racist and Trump's fault, you're golden. Collect that million dollar fee and laugh all the way to the bank.
Sorry - but your life style has absolutelly nothing to do with anything what I am able to respect.
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...But, but you said i couldnt find a decent woman, and once again, i have proved you wrong. As for Respect, i have no respect for any prog, because they lie all the fucking time....
The hole in the O3-sphere for example is not a big problem any longer since CFCs are not used any more.

Mount Erebus is still there, right below the alleged ozone hole, still spewing out more ozone-damaging stuff every day than Mankind has produced in the entire time we've existed, as it has been doing since before Mankind existed.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is against nuclear power and fossil fuels. He has been getting rid of those reliable sources of electricity, and replacing them with solar power (which only work when the sun is shining) and wind power (which only works when the wind is blowing).

California recently had widespread blackouts.

California’s Independent System Operator had been warning for years that the state’s growing dependence on solar and wind power could lead to blackouts. The organization blamed the state’s recent blackouts on clouds and weak wind. And now Governor Newsom is demanding an investigation to see how and why clouds and weak wind prevented California’s solar panels and windmills from operating at their maximum possible capacity.

Governor Newsom is a hypocrite and an idiot.

Here’s an article about it from the Wall St. Journal:

California’s Green Blackouts

If you eliminate fossil fuels, power shortages are inevitable.

By the Editorial Board of the Wall St. Journal

Aug. 19, 2020

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared Monday while ordering regulators to pull out all stops to keep power on. “This cannot stand.”

Mr. Newsom is demanding an investigation, though he can start with his party’s obsessions over climate and eliminating fossil fuels. Even former Gov. Gray Davis admitted the culprit is the state’s anti-fossil fuel policies. “The bottom line is, people don’t want lights to go down,” he told Politico. “People also want a carbon-free future. Sometimes those two aspirations come into conflict.” They certainly do.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds
laughing hilariously.jpg
Mount Erebus is still there, right below the alleged ozone hole, still spewing out more ozone-damaging stuff every day than Mankind has produced in the entire time we've existed, as it has been doing since before Mankind existed.

What do you speak about in this context? That everyone is able to say anything and becomes an Albert Einstein because of this? Or is Albert Einstein also only wrong in your view to see the world because he made a "Jewish" physics?
They are getting smaller and smaller. They were right, back in the 1970's

Yeah, but it isn't from rising seas. It is from damming up the rivers which stops the supply of beach replenishing sand.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is against nuclear power and fossil fuels. He has been getting rid of those reliable sources of electricity, and replacing them with solar power (which only work when the sun is shining) and wind power (which only works when the wind is blowing).

California recently had widespread blackouts.

California’s Independent System Operator had been warning for years that the state’s growing dependence on solar and wind power could lead to blackouts. The organization blamed the state’s recent blackouts on clouds and weak wind. And now Governor Newsom is demanding an investigation to see how and why clouds and weak wind prevented California’s solar panels and windmills from operating at their maximum possible capacity.

Governor Newsom is a hypocrite and an idiot.

Here’s an article about it from the Wall St. Journal:

California’s Green Blackouts

If you eliminate fossil fuels, power shortages are inevitable.

By the Editorial Board of the Wall St. Journal

Aug. 19, 2020

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared Monday while ordering regulators to pull out all stops to keep power on. “This cannot stand.”

Mr. Newsom is demanding an investigation, though he can start with his party’s obsessions over climate and eliminating fossil fuels. Even former Gov. Gray Davis admitted the culprit is the state’s anti-fossil fuel policies. “The bottom line is, people don’t want lights to go down,” he told Politico. “People also want a carbon-free future. Sometimes those two aspirations come into conflict.” They certainly do.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds
Trump campaigned pointing out that if the wind isn’t blowing, windmills are not generating power. He didn’t need an investigation to realize this.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he makes a fair point. We are not yet at the point where we can totally do away with fossil fuels. If we all run out and buy electric cars in the next decade, solar and wind will not be able to provide the power to charge the batteries.

President Donald Trump knows “a lot about wind,” and this vast store of knowledge tells him that televisions powered by “windmills” — as supported by his former Democratic rival Hillary Clinton — won’t work if the wind is not blowing.

Criticizing wind-based power has become a favorite talking point of the president, with his most recent comments during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Thursday marking the fourth time Trump has blasted the renewable energy source in recent weeks.

"If it doesn't blow, you can forget about television for that night," the president told rally goers on Thursday night. "Darling, I want to watch television.' 'I'm sorry! The wind isn't blowing.' I know a lot about wind.”
Donald Trump is really an unbelievable strange idiot. Why believes anyone in his lies and stupidities?
Donald Trump is really an unbelievable strange idiot. Why believes anyone in his lies and stupidities?

1. He is an odd person, with an off putting manner.

2. He is brilliant. The way he got elected against all odds, prove that.

3. He doesn't seem any more or less dishonest than other politicians.

4. And more importantly, he is NOT hostile to me and mine, like other politicians are.

I hope that helps clear it up for you.
1. He is an odd person, with an off putting manner.

2. He is brilliant. The way he got elected against all odds, prove that.

3. He doesn't seem any more or less dishonest than other politicians.

4. And more importantly, he is NOT hostile to me and mine, like other politicians are.

I hope that helps clear it up for you.

No. What you say here sounds in my ears like "Heil Trump!".
No. What you say here sounds in my ears like "Heil Trump!".

That's interesting. Because nothing I said, in any way, supports that.

You.... really need to think about that.

Let me ask you something. America of the 1950s, would you consider that a fascist society?

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