Governor Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan Budget 'A Joke'


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As usual, this breath of fresh air is right again. Paul Ryan's budget is indeed a joke and Palin has the guts to call him out on it. This is what made her a stand out as governor of Alaska. She called out politicians of her own party and took them to task challenging them and exposing their cronyism.

Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan Budget 'a Joke'

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As usual, this breath of fresh air is right again. Paul Ryan's budget is indeed a joke and Palin has the guts to call him out on it. This is what made her a stand out as governor of Alaska. She called out politicians of her own party and took them to task challenging them and exposing their cronyism.

Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan Budget 'a Joke'


Breitbart? How's is he doing? Oh right he is worm food. As to Ryan he is a moron and palin writes like a 15 year piece of white trailer teenage trash , geee wizz golly wow!!! Cut everything now!! Yea remember the wassail hillbillies going on a shopping spree and spending over 150,000 of others money for her hill billy husband and her!! Yep governor quitter is a real leader!! Yea this is someone that should lead America!! LOL what a low IQ Clown she is and an embarrassment to This country!
As usual, this breath of fresh air is right again. Paul Ryan's budget is indeed a joke and Palin has the guts to call him out on it. This is what made her a stand out as governor of Alaska. She called out politicians of her own party and took them to task challenging them and exposing their cronyism.

Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan Budget 'a Joke'


Breitbart? How's is he doing? Oh right he is worm food. As to Ryan he is a moron and palin writes like a 15 year piece of white trailer teenage trash , geee wizz golly wow!!! Cut everything now!! Yea remember the wassail hillbillies going on a shopping spree and spending over 150,000 of others money for her hill billy husband and her!! Yep governor quitter is a real leader!! Yea this is someone that should lead America!! LOL what a low IQ Clown she is and an embarrassment to This country!

Your petty immaturity and hatefulness shines as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. :cuckoo:

Because it doesn't kill the nws, epa, fda, noaa, nhc, fbi, cdc, on down the list it is a joke alright. If it doesn't defund all research, science, and infrastructure investment in this country it is a laughable joke.

This bitch is the joke! A anti-America back stabbing ****!
Your petty immaturity and hatefulness shines as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. :cuckoo:

Stop comparing the President and First Lady to simians in your posts and pictures before you accuse others of immaturity and hatefulness. Once you do that, we can discuss your perpetual hard-on for Sarah Palin.
As usual, this breath of fresh air is right again. Paul Ryan's budget is indeed a joke and Palin has the guts to call him out on it. This is what made her a stand out as governor of Alaska. She called out politicians of her own party and took them to task challenging them and exposing their cronyism.

Sarah Palin: Paul Ryan Budget 'a Joke'


Breitbart? How's is he doing? Oh right he is worm food. As to Ryan he is a moron and palin writes like a 15 year piece of white trailer teenage trash , geee wizz golly wow!!! Cut everything now!! Yea remember the wassail hillbillies going on a shopping spree and spending over 150,000 of others money for her hill billy husband and her!! Yep governor quitter is a real leader!! Yea this is someone that should lead America!! LOL what a low IQ Clown she is and an embarrassment to This country!

IF we cut across the board so blindly we will be killing tens of billions of dollars of research investment and infrastructure projects. You know who gets hurt? The worker trying to get by working on these projects and the American people that now have to do without them. The gop is completely blind to reality and the damage they wish to do to our country.

NO the private sector can't do it....fact. I love the private sector as it does great things but there's a reason why we let our government doll out the publics infrastructure funds as the private sector would form a monopoly. Oh, shittty, that's what the nobility wants in this country. These idiots would slash our science programs that are the leading tip to our ability to remain a first world power.

Kim jong un would be proud as this is the difference between tech in the north and tech in the south.
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I would love to see Sarah Palin write a federal budget. It would be the greatest piece of humor ever written.

"Gosh golly, we know there's lots of pork and kickbacks in there!"

Palin utters bumper sticker homespun retardation in bite size piece for the rubes to easily digest and regurgitate without a single spark of activity being registered in the brain. Just toss in a giant MILF photo of her to make up for the inability to produce any real content, and call it good!
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