Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States

Unfortunately in this new age of glamorizing lawlessness, filth and degeneracy a primary function of government is protecting good, legitimate, productive folks from the bad decision making of lowlife, pieces of shit. You honestly didn't know that?
^^This guy's a fucking cop or prison guard.
Nobody is this ignorant.
No offense to most cops who are cool, and probably most CO's. ( luckily I don't know first-hand except for a short 30 day stint several years ago in Georgia)
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Does it make you smarter or dumber? There I ended the debate.

It makes you forget shit, retention skills degrade, you can't stay focused on a single task, you don't take anything very serious, you lack ambition / motivation, going to the gym becomes a waste of time as getting loaded becomes the priority...It's awesome...all societies full of degenerates lowlifes should encourage the usage.
Pulled from another thread as I am sick of repeating myself.
You have been painting a pretty picture with that broadbrush about folks not having a work ethic and being lazy or ignorant.
This was simple a marijuana legalization thread. The only folks talking about hard drugs are the self righteous nannies using a false comparison.
I build custom homes for wealthy folks, brutal physically and mentally demanding work. In the so called haze of my moderate use put together complex structures like this.

I work at heights and roof pitches that make most folks cringe. I live a very middle class life with a stellar credit rating and some expensive toys in my second garage.
I have news for you. We have found out many of our wealthy clients regardless of political views occasionally use pot.

You don't know me.

Again I will point out that you will never control me either.

That's awesome...good for you, you've done very well managing a very bad habit...You are not the norm. Keep smoking it on the down-low ILLEGALLY like you always have and like many of us did as stupid children...don't tell 13 year olds how cool smoking weed is and don't fight to legalize it.
I don't tell children to use any substance. WTF kind of nonsense is that anyway?

Doesn't matter whether legal or not. Simply would be easier if I could simply go to a store like all the degenerate drunks, who by example damage far more families.
Does it make you smarter or dumber? There I ended the debate.

It makes you forget shit, retention skills degrade, you can't stay focused on a single task, you don't take anything very serious, you lack ambition / motivation, going to the gym becomes a waste of time as getting loaded becomes the priority...It's awesome...all societies full of degenerates lowlifes should encourage the usage.
Pulled from another thread as I am sick of repeating myself.
You have been painting a pretty picture with that broadbrush about folks not having a work ethic and being lazy or ignorant.
This was simple a marijuana legalization thread. The only folks talking about hard drugs are the self righteous nannies using a false comparison.
I build custom homes for wealthy folks, brutal physically and mentally demanding work. In the so called haze of my moderate use put together complex structures like this.

I work at heights and roof pitches that make most folks cringe. I live a very middle class life with a stellar credit rating and some expensive toys in my second garage.
I have news for you. We have found out many of our wealthy clients regardless of political views occasionally use pot.

You don't know me.

Again I will point out that you will never control me either.
We know that you are a pothead. You told us. There are many unacceptable people that no one controls.
If you and the loser find me unacceptable, I take that as complementary.
A couple of self righteous pain in the asses.

You can't get it at the grocery store like you can alcohol but here there are a ton of marijuana stores. They advertise too. When the billboards started to go up I went out to photograph them. I mean, at the time a sign advertising marijuana wasn't an everyday occurrence. Yet.

Here are a few signs.

The idea that a person who smokes it gets brain damage is so stupid it doesn't deserve being acknowledged.

Like you, I'm very successful with my career. In fact, so successful I was able to retire from working when I was 54 years old.

People who try to peddle lies about marijuana do more harm than not saying anything at all.

My generation got the lies in the 60s and 70s. I was told how marijuana would do all kinds of horrible things by the anti drug programs in school at the time.

My first experience with those big drug books they used in Jr HIgh to show us what the drugs look like, my lab partner, the son of a pharmacist, hid behind the book, took out a little yellow pill, dumped out the content, chopped it up a bit. and snorted it right there in class behind the drug book. He smiled and whispered "and that's what you do with that shit"

Of course he died before he was 20 and never made it out of the 70's.
Does it make you smarter or dumber? There I ended the debate.

It makes you forget shit, retention skills degrade, you can't stay focused on a single task, you don't take anything very serious, you lack ambition / motivation, going to the gym becomes a waste of time as getting loaded becomes the priority...It's awesome...all societies full of degenerates lowlifes should encourage the usage.

That's an odd take. A million years ago I would toke up to keep on an exercise program. It relieved the boredom. Which is I guess much the same reason people exercise with a Walkman or video screen.

As I just said, you couldn't handle it, so you want to penalize everybody else. If you lack ambition/motivation --- that's on you.
No doubt why you named yourself what you did.
Unfortunately in this new age of glamorizing lawlessness, filth and degeneracy a primary function of government is protecting good, legitimate, productive folks from the bad decision making of lowlife, pieces of shit. You honestly didn't know that?
^^This guy's a fucking cop or prison guard.
Nobody is this ignorant.

I'm afraid lots of people are. Trump was elected.
And Obama was better ? The war on whistleblowers guy ?
Trump signed the Farm Bill legalizing hemp at least....Obama did nothing.
And what about queen Hillary ?

.... lobbyists for two major prison companies are serving as top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton.

Corrections Corporation of America and the Geo Group could both see their fortunes turning if there are fewer people to lock up in the future.

Last week, Clinton and other candidates revealed a number of lobbyists who are serving as “bundlers” for their campaigns. Bundlers collect contributions on behalf of a campaign, and are often rewarded with special favors, such as access to the candidate.

How could trump have done that when Obama legalized hemp in 2014 with the Farm Bill written that year? trump can't legalize something that was already legalized 6 years ago by Obama.

It was also Obama's DOJ that set the policy with states legalizing marijuana. The policy is that as long as the state laws aren't violated, the federal government stays out of it. Obama's DOJ announced that in 2012 when my state legalized recreational marijuana. Colorado legalized recreational at the same time.

I don't know if trump has done anything with easing the marijuana laws. He can do something today that would removed it from being a federal felony. All he has to do is get his AG barr to remove it from being a schedule 1 substance. nixon had it reclassified as a schedule 1 substance automatically making it a federal felony in 1972.

President Obama Signs Farm Bill Legalizing Industrial Hemp
Marijuana causes permanent brain damage but I guess that's no longer a factor.

I smoked marijuana once. It made me want to rape and kill!

Stay in school and stay off drugs.

The Insane World of Vintage Anti-Marijuana PSAs

My generation got the lies in the 60s and 70s. I was told how marijuana would do all kinds of horrible things by the anti drug programs in school at the time.

Then I found out I was lied to. So I didn't believe anything I was told about recreational drugs. Which isn't a good thing because there's a huge difference between marijuana and cocaine and other very destructive drugs.

Telling kids lies about drugs is worse than not talking to them about drugs at all.

I didn't allow my child sit through the drug propaganda the schools pushed. I told my child about drugs myself and I told the truth.

I did tell my child that marijuana is not the same as those other drugs but I did tell her the truth, that marijuana can make you fat. Munchies. Smoke it too often and have the munchies and you will put on weight. I can tell you, a teenage child will listen to that. It worked with my nieces in the 90s and it worked on my child when she was a teenager.

I was like my parents. I took the time to teach my child to be responsible with drugs. Including alcohol. Which is a drug. I didn't allow my child to learn that on their own. I knew they were going to party so I didn't say no, kept it in my home so I could monitor it, the kids wouldn't get in any trouble with the police and no one drove away my home drunk or high. The girls slept upstairs, the boys slept in the basement.

It's what my wise parents did. It worked with my siblings and I. It worked with my children.
I was a child of the 50s and60s and I believed all I was told about pot. I never touched it. Even my year in viet nam where it was readily available I never tried it. But at the age of 70 I had insomnia so bad it was affecting my life. My Dr. gave me pills that kept me feeling drugged for days after taking it. My son introduced to pot cookies and I couldn't believe the results. I would eat one and two hours I would go to sleep. I'd wake up 8 or 9 hours later with no lingering drowsiness. Now I get trim for free make my own butter for cookies and sleep like a baby. I don't recommend kids under 25 using it but it sure helped me.
Marijuana causes permanent brain damage but I guess that's no longer a factor.

I smoked marijuana once. It made me want to rape and kill!

Stay in school and stay off drugs.

The Insane World of Vintage Anti-Marijuana PSAs

My generation got the lies in the 60s and 70s. I was told how marijuana would do all kinds of horrible things by the anti drug programs in school at the time.

Then I found out I was lied to. So I didn't believe anything I was told about recreational drugs. Which isn't a good thing because there's a huge difference between marijuana and cocaine and other very destructive drugs.

Telling kids lies about drugs is worse than not talking to them about drugs at all.

I didn't allow my child sit through the drug propaganda the schools pushed. I told my child about drugs myself and I told the truth.

I did tell my child that marijuana is not the same as those other drugs but I did tell her the truth, that marijuana can make you fat. Munchies. Smoke it too often and have the munchies and you will put on weight. I can tell you, a teenage child will listen to that. It worked with my nieces in the 90s and it worked on my child when she was a teenager.

I was like my parents. I took the time to teach my child to be responsible with drugs. Including alcohol. Which is a drug. I didn't allow my child to learn that on their own. I knew they were going to party so I didn't say no, kept it in my home so I could monitor it, the kids wouldn't get in any trouble with the police and no one drove away my home drunk or high. The girls slept upstairs, the boys slept in the basement.

It's what my wise parents did. It worked with my siblings and I. It worked with my children.
I was a child of the 50s and60s and I believed all I was told about pot. I never touched it. Even my year in viet nam where it was readily available I never tried it. But at the age of 70 I had insomnia so bad it was affecting my life. My Dr. gave me pills that kept me feeling drugged for days after taking it. My son introduced to pot cookies and I couldn't believe the results. I would eat one and two hours I would go to sleep. I'd wake up 8 or 9 hours later with no lingering drowsiness. Now I get trim for free make my own butter for cookies and sleep like a baby. I don't recommend kids under 25 using it but it sure helped me.

Better late than never.
Fuck your nanny state, liberal do-gooder shitstain.

Actually what he's laying down is completely ILliberal. Liberals say government should just get the fuck out of the way unless it's needed.

Hehe, well, conservatives "say" that too. It's an easy thing to say. It's another to translate it into real cuts in government. It never seems to happen, under either party.
Now this is what I call making America great.

State legislatures across the U.S. have convened for new sessions over the past month, and a growing number of governors are taking steps to push lawmakers to include legalizing marijuana as part of their 2020 agendas.

At least 10 governors have gone so far as to put language ending marijuana prohibition in their annual budget requests, or used their State of the State speeches to pressure legislators to act on cannabis reform.

Some are proactively addressing the issue, while others appear to be mostly reacting to support that has already built up among lawmakers. But altogether, it’s clear that top state executives are now taking marijuana more seriously than ever before.

Here’s a look at how governors are taking action on marijuana as 2020 legislative sessions get underway.

Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States

It should be a States Right issue anyway. If you don't like the way your state's legislates these issues move.

"It should be a States Right issue anyway."

shouldn't even be a States Right issue.

neither the federal nor the state government should be punishing people for smoking tobacco, eating fatty foods, drinking beer or smoking pot.

YOU shouldn't be dictating to ME what I can ingest.

Just exactly the same way I would NEVER tell YOU that you can NOT smoke tobacco, drink beer or eat fatty foods.
Hopefully the cartels will recognize legal pot shops as competitors and deal with them accordingly.

you sure like the idea of killing people!

have you killed anyone?


or ever?

do you have a list of people you want to kill?

I smoke pot....and I on your list?

do you want t take me out back and shoot me in the head?

what conservative christian trump republican violence would you love to perpetrate upon me?

ps: you really should see a shrink.....your desire to kill people is rather disturbing....
How could trump have done that when Obama legalized hemp in 2014 with the Farm Bill written that year? trump can't legalize something that was already legalized 6 years ago by Obama.

Presumably with an ink pen...

President Obama Signs Farm Bill Legalizing Industrial Hemp

Trump signs farm bill making hemp federally legal, boosting promising NC cash crop

"Ink pen".

You're from the South, aintchya.

I wondered for years about that phrase, "ink pen". Seemed redundant, after all what else would a pen run on? It dawned on me while talking with a friend from Tennessee that "pin" and "pen" are homonyms in much of the South. My own mother would say "hand me that pin". I'd go "huh"? She's say "PIN. P-E-N, Pin!"

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