Gov't about to shut down; Obama leaves to party at Al Sharpton party?

Awe, did I touch a nerve? He has no life, it was his choice to give it up same as those of us who wore the uniform. 2 days away from a shut down, Yes i would be working. I'd have the leaders of both parties and both houses in the oval office until they came up with something. Again, it's called leadership. Maybe I should go give him a crash course in it.

obie wan has left the Sharton party, returned to DC and has Senator Milquetoast and Speaker Boehner in the Wh.. now..

If I was in Boehner's shoes I'd call the Prez a lazy SOB.

What's he gonna do, have him shot?

What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

What happened to compromise and bipartisanship? They GOP has incorporated many Dem ideas into their budget. WHy are the Dems being so unreasonable here? Why don't they just go ahead and vote, stopping the gov't from shutting down? Don't they care about people on welfare who wont get their checks? Do they want granny out on the street?
Vote yes, for pete's sake!
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

How about bring the parties together and lead... You know like he ran off of to get people to vote him president.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

How about bring the parties together and lead... You know like he ran off of to get people to vote him president.

He did, multiple times. Republicans wanted nothing to do with it.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

How about bring the parties together and lead... You know like he ran off of to get people to vote him president.

He did, multiple times. Republicans wanted nothing to do with it.

In which delusion of yours did that happen? Obama had a supermajority in Congress. He had no need to compromise and didn't. He didnt meet with the GOP for 9 months after he was in office.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

Actually the Budget should have been passed LAST year when the democrats had a super majority. But they were to afraid of consequences in November so refused to do their job. Now the Republicans are trying to clean up the mess left By Pelosi and Reid and the Democrats in the Senate are blocking them.
So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

The Republicans original number was 100 billion dollars.. I don't think the dems ever agreed to that.. so you fail... try again.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're absolutely clueless. The Repubs promised their constituents 100 billion. Boehner agreed to accept 33 billion now, plus the 40 billion already agreed to. Add them up. That equals 70 billion. 30 billion shy of the Teabags ransom. Dems have met them more than halway. Repubs only control ONE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. They're lucky they got that much. Now they're just being goalpost-moving, lying assholes. You fail right along with bucs. Try again.

So the Dems won their majority by accusing the GOP of overspending, then ran up the deficit twice as fast, spent us into this mess and you think that's okay. The Dems need to participate in paying off the debt, not throw a temper-tantrum over every single penny that the GOP tries to cut.

This is everyone's problem, and it's becoming clear that the Dems did this all on purpose thinking they were gonna score political points and reverse their loses in the last election. We'll see how many voters are stupid enough to fall for this trick. Just the latest trick of many.
I thought that wherever the President was, there was his office?

I mean, that's what we were told when George W. Bush went to Crawford every other week.

In the middle of wars and such.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

First of all, the GOP did their damned job 49 days ago when they passed a budget in the House. We've been waiting for Harry Reid to get off his butt and pass one but he never did. That's the way it works. Once both houses pass a budget you begin negotiations.

A side note, Obama never submitted a budget ether.
I thought that wherever the President was, there was his office?

I mean, that's what we were told when George W. Bush went to Crawford every other week.

In the middle of wars and such.

It is. I'm conservative and think this is a wasted argument.

But, on the positive side, I'm sure there will be plenty of Coke at Al's party.

Welcome to USMB. Edit: Holy cow, your not a new-comer, you've been here for Seven months and only have 11 posts?! Oh, well, welcome to USMB anyway.

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I thought that wherever the President was, there was his office?

I mean, that's what we were told when George W. Bush went to Crawford every other week.

In the middle of wars and such.

It's one thing to go to Crawford, and yet another to go to Brazil, the Bahamas, and Hawaii, or coaching his daughter's basketball team while his daughter was skiing in Colorado. Obama is a constant screw-off. He's too busy having fun and living the good life sometimes to do the job he was elected to do.

At Crawford Bush rarely took time off. He had everything set up to do his job from there that he did in Washington. Ronald Reagan did the same thing. He loved to ride his horse early in the morning to clear his head. There are no videos of Bush getting snow-cones and body-surfing. Bush also stopped golfing shortly after the war started because he knew it would look bad and he also knew the press would use it against him. Bush was extremely active and he grew impatient being cooped up in the White House so Camp David or Crawford were simply a change of venue but the work continued. Bush was always on the move. He cleared brush to clear his head often times.

When it comes to the war once Bush set the wheels in motion most of the decisions were delegated to the Generals. He is not a tactical expert so he shouldn't be involved in day to day mission planning. But when requests were made to do a surge or provide funding he was never AOL or dragging his feet like Obama constantly does. Also, he showed leadership and took responsibility. To top it off, he never turned our troops over to foreign leadership like Obama.

Bush didn't wait for days or weeks to comment on terrorism or natural disasters like Obama does. If something happens while he's in Hawaii you don't hear shit from him. Only his spokespersons. If Obama thinks it will help him he rushes to the mic. If he doesn't give a shit he disappears.
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So the government is about to shut down, as the right tries to do what the American people actually WANT us to do (cut spending)? To try to save this nation from financial collapse?

And what does our Moron in Chief do? Flees to hang out with Al Sharpton at a black awards party.

History is gonna look back, and ask "What the f**k were left wing voters thinking in 2008? They nearly destroyed the American way of life."

Maybe you now understand that your party can't hold us hostage with the threat of a government shutdown? It's gonna hurt you all more than it will us.

Everyone knows that.
So the government is about to shut down, as the right tries to do what the American people actually WANT us to do (cut spending)? To try to save this nation from financial collapse?

And what does our Moron in Chief do? Flees to hang out with Al Sharpton at a black awards party.

History is gonna look back, and ask "What the f**k were left wing voters thinking in 2008? They nearly destroyed the American way of life."

Maybe you now understand that your party can't hold us hostage with the threat of a government shutdown? It's gonna hurt you all more than it will us.

Everyone knows that.

Name one person in the Republican party that has threatened to shut down the government. and a link to him saying so would be nice. I'll eat my cereal while I wait.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

Congress did I think. Senate wont, and the president said he wont sign what congress sends.
So the government is about to shut down, as the right tries to do what the American people actually WANT us to do (cut spending)? To try to save this nation from financial collapse?

And what does our Moron in Chief do? Flees to hang out with Al Sharpton at a black awards party.

History is gonna look back, and ask "What the f**k were left wing voters thinking in 2008? They nearly destroyed the American way of life."

Maybe you now understand that your party can't hold us hostage with the threat of a government shutdown? It's gonna hurt you all more than it will us.

Everyone knows that.

That is what the Dems are hoping for. They want a replay of 1996. But it wont happen that way.
The GOP has passed a budget in the House. Why won't the Senate adopt it? If they did there would be no shutdown. Who controls the Senate? Dems.
Case closed.
Hey, dumbasses:

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Meeting At White House

President Barack Obama checked in separately by phone with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., then invited the two men to the White House for an evening meeting.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama decided to call the session after concluding not enough progress had been made during the day, and the president blamed business as usual in the nation's capital politics for the deadlock that threatened disruptions beginning Friday at midnight.



I love when a thread goes like this! Condemn Obama for not doing something, then when they find out he did that thing. That doesnt stop them...suddenly that thing they wanted Obama to do that would show leadership doesnt count anymore. Now they have a NEW definition of leadership:lol::lol::lol:
Obama's pretty much always somewhere else... what'd ya expect? The man never worked a day in his life.
I thought that wherever the President was, there was his office?

I mean, that's what we were told when George W. Bush went to Crawford every other week.

In the middle of wars and such.

It's one thing to go to Crawford, and yet another to go to Brazil, the Bahamas, and Hawaii, or coaching his daughter's basketball team while his daughter was skiing in Colorado. Obama is a constant screw-off. He's too busy having fun and living the good life sometimes to do the job he was elected to do.

At Crawford Bush rarely took time off. He had everything set up to do his job from there that he did in Washington. Ronald Reagan did the same thing. He loved to ride his horse early in the morning to clear his head. There are no videos of Bush getting snow-cones and body-surfing. Bush also stopped golfing shortly after the war started because he knew it would look bad and he also knew the press would use it against him. Bush was extremely active and he grew impatient being cooped up in the White House so Camp David or Crawford were simply a change of venue but the work continued. Bush was always on the move. He cleared brush to clear his head often times.

When it comes to the war once Bush set the wheels in motion most of the decisions were delegated to the Generals. He is not a tactical expert so he shouldn't be involved in day to day mission planning. But when requests were made to do a surge or provide funding he was never AOL or dragging his feet like Obama constantly does. Also, he showed leadership and took responsibility. To top it off, he never turned our troops over to foreign leadership like Obama.

Bush didn't wait for days or weeks to comment on terrorism or natural disasters like Obama does. If something happens while he's in Hawaii you don't hear shit from him. Only his spokespersons. If Obama thinks it will help him he rushes to the mic. If he doesn't give a shit he disappears.

Did you spit or swallow after you wrote this?
Hey, dumbasses:

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Meeting At White House

President Barack Obama checked in separately by phone with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., then invited the two men to the White House for an evening meeting.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama decided to call the session after concluding not enough progress had been made during the day, and the president blamed business as usual in the nation's capital politics for the deadlock that threatened disruptions beginning Friday at midnight.



I love when a thread goes like this! Condemn Obama for not doing something, then when they find out he did that thing. That doesnt stop them...suddenly that thing they wanted Obama to do that would show leadership doesnt count anymore. Now they have a NEW definition of leadership:lol::lol::lol:

Once again the mighty Obamaman comes riding in at the last possible moment to save the day.... ????? I don't buy it. Why is this bill 6 months late? And still waiting for results....
Hey, dumbasses:



I love when a thread goes like this! Condemn Obama for not doing something, then when they find out he did that thing. That doesnt stop them...suddenly that thing they wanted Obama to do that would show leadership doesnt count anymore. Now they have a NEW definition of leadership:lol::lol::lol:

Once again the mighty Obamaman comes riding in at the last possible moment to save the day.... ????? I don't buy it. Why is this bill 6 months late? And still waiting for results....

See! And No folks, I did not pay him to make my point for me :rofl:

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