Gov't about to shut down; Obama leaves to party at Al Sharpton party?

So the government is about to shut down, as the right tries to do what the American people actually WANT us to do (cut spending)? To try to save this nation from financial collapse?

And what does our Moron in Chief do? Flees to hang out with Al Sharpton at a black awards party.

History is gonna look back, and ask "What the f**k were left wing voters thinking in 2008? They nearly destroyed the American way of life."

Maybe you now understand that your party can't hold us hostage with the threat of a government shutdown? It's gonna hurt you all more than it will us.

Everyone knows that.

Everyone seems to, which lends one to believe the Dems want a shutdown.

I don't think this one will quite work out the way you and "EVERYONE" thinks it will.

It just might blow up in you'all's faces.
So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

First of all, the GOP did their damned job 49 days ago when they passed a budget in the House. We've been waiting for Harry Reid to get off his butt and pass one but he never did. That's the way it works. Once both houses pass a budget you begin negotiations.

A side note, Obama never submitted a budget ether.
Wrong. The President's Budget was submitted to Congress on February 1, 2010. Submitting the President's Budget Request is the first step in the congressional budget process. You might want to read about the process before you start commenting on it.

Policy Basics: Introduction to the Federal Budget Process — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I know how it works. Show me where Obama submitted a budget for fiscal year 2011.

Oh, I see it now.
President Barack Obama proposed his 2011 budget during February 2010. He has indicated that jobs, health care, clean energy, education, and infrastructure will be priorities. Total requested spending is $3.83 trillion and the federal deficit is forecast to be $1.56 trillion in 2010 and $1.27 trillion in 2011. Total debt is budgeted to increase from $11.9 trillion in FY2009, to $13.8 trillion in FY2010, and $15.1 trillion in FY2011.[5][6]

Guess he's not done spending.

Oh, and his 2012 budget showed a deficit higher then what he predicted in his 2011 budget.

On February 14, 2011, President Obama released his 2012 Federal Budget. The report updated the projected 2011 deficit to $1.645 trillion. This is based on estimated revenues of $2.173 trillion and outlays of $3.818 trillion. [8]

Looks like he can't remember what he submitted the year before. Last year he said 2011's deficit would be $1.27 trillon but it has ballooned to $1.645 trillion. Looks like instead of cutting spending he's increasing it.

He would have been better off not submitting that joke of a spending bill. I can see why he did it so quietly.

Compare that to Bush's 08 budget predicted the deficit to be $240 billion. His last budget was predicted to have a deficit to be $400 billion. Obama expects to have deficit spending of around $1.645 trillion. But that is only if things work our well for us. If not....who knows how high it will be.
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Reid and other Democrats said the problem is Republican insistence on including anti-abortion and anti-environmental regulation measures into a final budget bill. "The only thing holding up an agreement is ideology," Reid said Thursday morning in a Senate speech.

Boehner, the leader of the House Republicans, said there is no deal because Democrats don't want to cut enough spending to address the nation's debt problem. "We were closer to a number last night than we were this morning," Boehner said before the White House meeting.
Obama prepares for another meeting with top lawmakers -
First of all, the GOP did their damned job 49 days ago when they passed a budget in the House. We've been waiting for Harry Reid to get off his butt and pass one but he never did. That's the way it works. Once both houses pass a budget you begin negotiations.

A side note, Obama never submitted a budget ether.
Wrong. The President's Budget was submitted to Congress on February 1, 2010. Submitting the President's Budget Request is the first step in the congressional budget process. You might want to read about the process before you start commenting on it.

Policy Basics: Introduction to the Federal Budget Process — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I know how it works. Show me where Obama submitted a budget for fiscal year 2011.

Oh, I see it now.
President Barack Obama proposed his 2011 budget during February 2010. He has indicated that jobs, health care, clean energy, education, and infrastructure will be priorities. Total requested spending is $3.83 trillion and the federal deficit is forecast to be $1.56 trillion in 2010 and $1.27 trillion in 2011. Total debt is budgeted to increase from $11.9 trillion in FY2009, to $13.8 trillion in FY2010, and $15.1 trillion in FY2011.[5][6]

Guess he's not done spending.

Oh, and his 2012 budget showed a deficit higher then what he predicted in his 2011 budget.

On February 14, 2011, President Obama released his 2012 Federal Budget. The report updated the projected 2011 deficit to $1.645 trillion. This is based on estimated revenues of $2.173 trillion and outlays of $3.818 trillion. [8]

Looks like he can't remember what he submitted the year before. Last year he said 2011's deficit would be $1.27 trillon but it has ballooned to $1.645 trillion. Looks like instead of cutting spending he's increasing it.

He would have been better off not submitting that joke of a spending bill. I can see why he did it so quietly.

Compare that to Bush's 08 budget predicted the deficit to be $240 billion. His last budget was predicted to have a deficit to be $400 billion. Obama expects to have deficit spending of around $1.645 trillion. But that is only if things work our well for us. If not....who knows how high it will be.
"On February 1, 2010, President Obama submitted his budget request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2011." President's Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011
He'll probably play some Golf too. We have an AWOL President. Come on 2012. Get out and Vote people.
Wrong. The President's Budget was submitted to Congress on February 1, 2010. Submitting the President's Budget Request is the first step in the congressional budget process. You might want to read about the process before you start commenting on it.

Policy Basics: Introduction to the Federal Budget Process — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I know how it works. Show me where Obama submitted a budget for fiscal year 2011.

Oh, I see it now.

Guess he's not done spending.

Oh, and his 2012 budget showed a deficit higher then what he predicted in his 2011 budget.

On February 14, 2011, President Obama released his 2012 Federal Budget. The report updated the projected 2011 deficit to $1.645 trillion. This is based on estimated revenues of $2.173 trillion and outlays of $3.818 trillion. [8]

Looks like he can't remember what he submitted the year before. Last year he said 2011's deficit would be $1.27 trillon but it has ballooned to $1.645 trillion. Looks like instead of cutting spending he's increasing it.

He would have been better off not submitting that joke of a spending bill. I can see why he did it so quietly.

Compare that to Bush's 08 budget predicted the deficit to be $240 billion. His last budget was predicted to have a deficit to be $400 billion. Obama expects to have deficit spending of around $1.645 trillion. But that is only if things work our well for us. If not....who knows how high it will be.
"On February 1, 2010, President Obama submitted his budget request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2011." President's Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011

Say it isn't so
I know how it works. Show me where Obama submitted a budget for fiscal year 2011.

Oh, I see it now.

Guess he's not done spending.

Oh, and his 2012 budget showed a deficit higher then what he predicted in his 2011 budget.

Looks like he can't remember what he submitted the year before. Last year he said 2011's deficit would be $1.27 trillon but it has ballooned to $1.645 trillion. Looks like instead of cutting spending he's increasing it.

He would have been better off not submitting that joke of a spending bill. I can see why he did it so quietly.

Compare that to Bush's 08 budget predicted the deficit to be $240 billion. His last budget was predicted to have a deficit to be $400 billion. Obama expects to have deficit spending of around $1.645 trillion. But that is only if things work our well for us. If not....who knows how high it will be.
"On February 1, 2010, President Obama submitted his budget request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2011." President's Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011

Say it isn't so

Just curious, are you admitting that I was right about federal funds being used for abortion services or just ignoring my answer to your challenge?

The entire budget process makes no sense. At best Congress will cut the president's budget by 1%. In order to do this Congress has wasted most of the last 3 months on this issue and will probably shut the government down which will only increase government spending. Instead, why not just do a 1% across the board cut including all programs except social security which is currently being funded by FICA taxes and the trust fund. From what I know from working in both federal and state government, I can not conceive of a single program that would be seriously damaged by this cut.
I have not looked? What time does the CR run out and the government shut down?

Let's see it is Friday, is it not? My guess is that they will work into the wee hours of the morning, then they will announce that they have come up with some compromise that "saves the day" and keeps the government open some how but cuts nothing at all out of the budget and go home.

By Monday the furor of the tea party will have subsided and everyone will be happy and we will sink further and further into debt... but according to George Bush, who cares, it's only money.

Looks to me like the Democrats will succeed in shutting the Government down at midnight tonight. They will continue to make their lame attempts to spin it to be the fault of the Republicans and if possible they will blame the Tea Party. But the world knows they failed to pass this 6 months ago.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.


The Dems didnt do their job in October.


You want to argue politics of doing something, fine. But to bitch and say someone is ruining the country because he went to a dinner? Please.

Sounds like the shit you liberals bring ALL the time. (except we are being honest about it)


Republicans want to kill old people
Republicans want to make so granny has to eat dog food
Republicans want to take away your right to KILL a baby
Republicans want to starve blacks and hispanics
Republicans want to take away your right to free speech
Republicans want to promote racist ideas
Republicans want to blacks to be slaves again


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