Gov't about to shut down; Obama leaves to party at Al Sharpton party?

What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

No offense, but it seems I have to keep reminding everyone that Obama never submitted a 2011 budget.

He wanted this.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

No kidding.

We don't have to agree with what they propose.
Hey, dumbasses:

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Meeting At White House

President Barack Obama checked in separately by phone with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., then invited the two men to the White House for an evening meeting.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama decided to call the session after concluding not enough progress had been made during the day, and the president blamed business as usual in the nation's capital politics for the deadlock that threatened disruptions beginning Friday at midnight.

What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

The Republicans original number was 100 billion dollars.. I don't think the dems ever agreed to that.. so you fail... try again.
You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

No kidding.

We don't have to agree with what they propose.

It is okay, then, to shut down the government? Especially if the polls say that 37% of people will blame Congressional Republicans?

What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

No, the Dems do their job in the HOUSE by helping propose a budget. They did. Unfortunately, the GOP holds more seats. So, the House R's and D"s did their job, and a budget is proposed. And the Senate R's will do their jobs by passing it so our nation can be funded.

Don't like the budget being proposed? Then win the house. Otherwise, too bad. We won.
Hey, dumbasses:

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Meeting At White House

President Barack Obama checked in separately by phone with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., then invited the two men to the White House for an evening meeting.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama decided to call the session after concluding not enough progress had been made during the day, and the president blamed business as usual in the nation's capital politics for the deadlock that threatened disruptions beginning Friday at midnight.


Yeah saw that with Chris Hayes on the Ed Show. I like Chris Hayes but I like the Young Turks guy getting the old Ed Show slot.

You want to argue politics of doing something, fine. But to bitch and say someone is ruining the country because he went to a dinner? Please.

It would be nice if he didn't have to be badgered into doing his job.

Maybe postponing a few of the parties would be a good start.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

We currently are 14 trillion in debt. The GOP offered to trim half of that. How's that for going halfway.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Awe, did I touch a nerve? He has no life, it was his choice to give it up same as those of us who wore the uniform. 2 days away from a shut down, Yes i would be working. I'd have the leaders of both parties and both houses in the oval office until they came up with something. Again, it's called leadership. Maybe I should go give him a crash course in it.
You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

The Republicans original number was 100 billion dollars.. I don't think the dems ever agreed to that.. so you fail... try again.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're absolutely clueless. The Repubs promised their constituents 100 billion. Boehner agreed to accept 33 billion now, plus the 40 billion already agreed to. Add them up. That equals 70 billion. 30 billion shy of the Teabags ransom. Dems have met them more than halway. Repubs only control ONE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. They're lucky they got that much. Now they're just being goalpost-moving, lying assholes. You fail right along with bucs. Try again.
It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Awe, did I touch a nerve? He has no life, it was his choice to give it up same as those of us who wore the uniform. 2 days away from a shut down, Yes i would be working. I'd have the leaders of both parties and both houses in the oval office until they came up with something. Again, it's called leadership. Maybe I should go give him a crash course in it.

obie wan has left the Sharton party, returned to DC and has Senator Milquetoast and Speaker Boehner in the Wh.. now..
You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

No, the Dems do their job in the HOUSE by helping propose a budget. They did. Unfortunately, the GOP holds more seats. So, the House R's and D"s did their job, and a budget is proposed. And the Senate R's will do their jobs by passing it so our nation can be funded.

Don't like the budget being proposed? Then win the house. Otherwise, too bad. We won.

But you didn't win the Senate or the White House. And without them, the bill will not pass. Don't understand how that works? Then I suggest you take a civics class.
So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

The Republicans original number was 100 billion dollars.. I don't think the dems ever agreed to that.. so you fail... try again.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're absolutely clueless. The Repubs promised their constituents 100 billion. Boehner agreed to accept 33 billion now, plus the 40 billion already agreed to. Add them up. That equals 70 billion. 30 billion shy of the Teabags ransom. Dems have met them more than halway. Repubs only control ONE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. They're lucky they got that much. Now they're just being goalpost-moving, lying assholes. You fail right along with bucs. Try again.

I'm afraid it's you who are clueless, all you know is talking points and kool aid..

House Republicans back away from pledge to cut $100 billion from budget - The Hill's On The Money
So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

No, the Dems do their job in the HOUSE by helping propose a budget. They did. Unfortunately, the GOP holds more seats. So, the House R's and D"s did their job, and a budget is proposed. And the Senate R's will do their jobs by passing it so our nation can be funded.

Don't like the budget being proposed? Then win the house. Otherwise, too bad. We won.

But you didn't win the Senate or the White House. And without them, the bill will not pass. Don't understand how that works? Then I suggest you take a civics class.

hey meowenstein,, we know how it works,, JFK needs a primer though..
Hey, dumbasses:

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Meeting At White House

President Barack Obama checked in separately by phone with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., then invited the two men to the White House for an evening meeting.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama decided to call the session after concluding not enough progress had been made during the day, and the president blamed business as usual in the nation's capital politics for the deadlock that threatened disruptions beginning Friday at midnight.


Yeah saw that with Chris Hayes on the Ed Show. I like Chris Hayes but I like the Young Turks guy getting the old Ed Show slot.

Yeah, Cenk rocks! :clap2:
The Republicans original number was 100 billion dollars.. I don't think the dems ever agreed to that.. so you fail... try again.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're absolutely clueless. The Repubs promised their constituents 100 billion. Boehner agreed to accept 33 billion now, plus the 40 billion already agreed to. Add them up. That equals 70 billion. 30 billion shy of the Teabags ransom. Dems have met them more than halway. Repubs only control ONE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. They're lucky they got that much. Now they're just being goalpost-moving, lying assholes. You fail right along with bucs. Try again.

I'm afraid it's you who are clueless, all you know is talking points and kool aid..

House Republicans back away from pledge to cut $100 billion from budget - The Hill's On The Money

So then why are they insisting on it? 40 billion plus 33 billion equals 73 billion. If Repubs will settle for less, as you claim, then why won't they agree to 73 billion? It's 3/4 of what they wanted.
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Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Awe, did I touch a nerve? He has no life, it was his choice to give it up same as those of us who wore the uniform. 2 days away from a shut down, Yes i would be working. I'd have the leaders of both parties and both houses in the oval office until they came up with something. Again, it's called leadership. Maybe I should go give him a crash course in it.

obie wan has left the Sharton party, returned to DC and has Senator Milquetoast and Speaker Boehner in the Wh.. now..

If I was in Boehner's shoes I'd call the Prez a lazy SOB.

What's he gonna do, have him shot?

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