Gov't stocking up on KI

The way this government is going I wouldn't be surprised if they were stocking up on KY.
I have a large bottle I made up myself as I have access to the required chemicals. I did this 3 years ago because I suspected one day my family and I might need it. Looks like the gov't has finally caught up to me. I've taken much ridicule through the years because of the steps I've taken (fairly drastic) in case of a catastrophe ranging from an F5 tornado, radioactive fallout, food shortage, to a mindless herd of zombies (formally known as democrats).

My question is, what is it that the gov't knows that YOU don't know? Eh?

» US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide

January 1, 2014
The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.

The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”
Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.

After Fukushima, preparing for a domestic meltdown isn't the worst idea ever. But the American government plans contingencies operations for just about everything. Have that massive dehydrated milk reserve too for instance. Just because they stock up on something doesn't mean disaster's imminent.

Planning for the worst is sensible, especially if you have a family to protect. But there's a line between being prepared, and looking fowards to.
I have a large bottle I made up myself as I have access to the required chemicals. I did this 3 years ago because I suspected one day my family and I might need it. Looks like the gov't has finally caught up to me. I've taken much ridicule through the years because of the steps I've taken (fairly drastic) in case of a catastrophe ranging from an F5 tornado, radioactive fallout, food shortage, to a mindless herd of zombies (formally known as democrats).

My question is, what is it that the gov't knows that YOU don't know? Eh?

» US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide

January 1, 2014
The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.

The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”
Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.

After Fukushima, preparing for a domestic meltdown isn't the worst idea ever. But the American government plans contingencies operations for just about everything. Have that massive dehydrated milk reserve too for instance. Just because they stock up on something doesn't mean disaster's imminent.

Planning for the worst is sensible, especially if you have a family to protect. But there's a line between being prepared, and looking fowards to.

And just because a late night freak show points at it (who by amazing coincidence just happens to have some for sale) doesn't mean it's not a regular recurring annual event. But some of the gullibles are soooo easily swayed by rhetorical snake oil. :rolleyes:
Is the government stocking up for an emergency, or depleting the available supply so no one else has access to the supply?

Iodized salt. Ring a bell, snookums?:lol:

How many times a day do you check under your bed for the Men in Black?:cuckoo:
One of our governments duties it to prepare for events that could affect the whole population. Such an event would be a nuclear event, meltdown of some of those pools that have five times the amount of spent rods in them that they were designed for, or a terrorist firing off a nuclear device on our soil. Sounds like an eminently reasonable purchase on the governments part.
One of our governments duties it to prepare for events that could affect the whole population. Such an event would be a nuclear event, meltdown of some of those pools that have five times the amount of spent rods in them that they were designed for, or a terrorist firing off a nuclear device on our soil. Sounds like an eminently reasonable purchase on the governments part.

What's more I understand they have a secret stash of oil tucked away called the "strategic petroleum reserve" :eusa_shhh: Top secret. Why doesn't Alex Jones blow the cover off that one?

Oh wait, that's right... Alex Jones doesn't sell oil. :eusa_doh:
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LOL....well, maybe so, but if I'm wrong, I'll still be ok.

If you're wrong...............nice knowin' ya :lol:

The asshats who sat in bunkers when the Mayan 2012 passed could have said them same thing... it didn't make their measurable asshat level any less.
LOL....well, maybe so, but if I'm wrong, I'll still be ok.

If you're wrong...............nice knowin' ya :lol:

The asshats who sat in bunkers when the Mayan 2012 passed could have said them same thing... it didn't make their measurable asshat level any less.

You actually think I'm huddled in my shelter? :lol:

It's there stocked and ready to go when/if I need it. Trust me, life continues on normally for me and even if there is a catastrophe life will go on basically normal for me.

You won't be able to say that. :lol:

It's survival of the fittest and most prepared.

I think if some catastrophic event occurs, it's God's way of ridding the earth of the sinning, unrepentant liberal. God has used extinction events in the past to rid the earth of scum. :eusa_angel:
LOL....well, maybe so, but if I'm wrong, I'll still be ok.

If you're wrong...............nice knowin' ya :lol:

The asshats who sat in bunkers when the Mayan 2012 passed could have said them same thing... it didn't make their measurable asshat level any less.


It is pretty amazing that we can tell the Chicken Little story to little kids ----- and they'll still fall for it as adults.
Thanks for coming out, Wacko.

Any point you make in future, I'll just refer back here.


The angry little troll comes out of his hole. :lol:

You know that neg you sent me a couple of weeks ago?

You forgot to hit the switch; it came in green. I didn't mention it until now but

Fuggin' dope.

It was green because I care. :bye1: But you're still an angry little troll. I guess mommie didn't love you? Douchebag. :lol:
Hey, at least I don't come waltzing in here in pajamas... :gay:

Got anything for the actual topic, or are you just here to fulfill your troll weevil service?
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Whats scary is if some of these survivalist are right they will be the only ones left to carry on the fight against big government. Can you imagine how quickly they will turn on each other while the government takes out the rest of them? After that a new world order will emerge and all that pre-planning will go by the wayside.
Whats scary is if some of these survivalist are right they will be the only ones left to carry on the fight against big government. Can you imagine how quickly they will turn on each other while the government takes out the rest of them? After that a new world order will emerge and all that pre-planning will go by the wayside.

Exactly. That's why it strikes me as hilarious; obviously in that scenario what you'd need is extreme cooperation, but they're gearing up for the exact opposite. Not what we could call thinking it through.
Whats scary is if some of these survivalist are right they will be the only ones left to carry on the fight against big government.
They could only hope.

Most survivalist types try to fool themselves they are doing it just to be prepared, but I get the sense it is more often nothing more than a bunch of losers who resent being on the bottom rungs of society so have this grand fantasy of some post-apocalyptic splintered societry existence where they are the top dogs with their guns and ammo.

In reality of course bottom feeders have a way of eventually finding the bottom no matter what the water is like.

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