Goya Buycott is Enormously Successful

Police reform and accountability. - Most cities are looking at that seriously. Once Trump is gone, we'll get something serious on the national level.

Getting rid of symbols of racism- Confederate statues and flags, racist team names and logos... That's happening as well.

you are clueless. "POLICE REFORM" --as in---NO MORE ARRESTS? jail on a voluntary basis only?. There are many FLAGS in the world---some of them OFFEND ME. I AM A PERSON.
I am offended by destruction of art-----do I MATTER? ----i have to admit, I have no idea what a good team name is------I AM OFFENDED BY FOOTBALL and WRESTLING----both should be banned. ----logos? like crucifix?
You left out aunt jemima
Police reform as in..

No more pretexual police stops.
De-escalation training for officers.
No longer letting cops investigate their own and cover up crimes.

I have been far too close to scores and scores of ARRESTEES and ARRESTERS to buy into the
crap. The job, itself, borders on IMPOSSIBLE
and now----to the detriment of ALL OF US---the cops are IN RESTRAINTS -----(its the felons who
are supposed to be in restraints) I know the area in which I now live-----I have not been out of my little residence for weeks. I know who lives
nearby------chances are that I saw a few of THEIR
relatives dead on a hospital gurney sometime in
the past------due to INFIGHTING....no cops----no
cops right in the midst of the flowing blood
They tried peaceful protests. You didn't listen.

George Floyd has been lost in the riots and looting. He is no longer even mentioned but Portland has had riots for FIFTY DAYS. That's not an accident, that's the sole responsibility of the city leaders who are total losers!
It was never limited to LGBTQ only. It was Democrat orchestrated and supported boycott that blew in their face. You can keep trying to spin it any way you want, but every way you put it is a lie anyways. You can claim that they changed where donations are going, but at the end, they're is still donating to the organisations that caused Democrat's boycott.

Also, being pro-something doesn't mean you're anti-something else. It's not that exclusive.

Oh Lordy. Maybe you don’t know what limited means.
1. How did it blew to democrats face when Chicky changed where the donations are going. Read the link I provided. Read do not stare at it. Do you have a proof that Chickfila still donating to anti LGBQT? Prove it.

2. Again I do not spin and lies. I told you exactly what is happening. You proved yourself a liar and ignorant.

3. Limited means it ends. You are referring to the numbers of participants.

4. Like I said many times I don’t need to lie and I don’t fucking lie. Don’t you ever forget that.

5. I asked you to prove where a lied. Way before this Chickfila post came up. Then you came up with your Chick fila BULLSHIT trying to defend yourself. You are a loser.
Was in a local Safeway store this morning.

The shelves normally stocked with Goya products were close to bare - sold out! More being rushed in.

Exception: Goya makes a super-size of several sorts of beans. There were good supplies of those but only because not many people here have family-armies large enough to eat 'em all in a week!

Tomorrow I need to try a different store - if they have any moderate size cans available I'll grab a few.

Today I was able to get one package of Uncle Ben's rice but all the Aunt Jemima stuff was gone. Collectors at work! What they don't know is that the real long-term value will be in unopened CASES of those soon-to-be-extinct products. Like the single case I have left of Spotted Owl Helper. Cost me under $10 now worth $230 to a collector. But I'm not selling until it hits $500.
I am still laughing my ass off.

Here is a very good example of Goya products boycott from Mexican American food cook book author and food blogger Yvette Marquez.

Goya CEO's support for Trump leaves many Latinos feeling sting of betrayal | News | cbs46.com

But she now counts herself among the many Latinos who say they won't buy Goya products after Goya CEO Robert Unanue appeared Thursday in the White House Rose Garden and praised President Donald Trump.

"I'm certainly looking for alternatives that I will recommend versus Goya," said Marquez-Sharpnack, a native Texan who now lives in Colorado.
Here is another proof where Latinos feeling betrayed by Goya CEO..... boycotting Goya products. Read what chef and restaurant owners are talking about. This is just the start.

Homemade or chef-made adobo and sazón seasoning mixes are replacing the bad taste left by Goya CEO Robert Unanue

There are also chefs like Eric Rivera, who owns addo in Seattle, who have started selling Goya substitutions from their professional kitchens — a welcome source of additional income as many restaurants are still struggling to make ends meet amid the pandemic.
And way more people are fed up with BLM misconduct.


Fraid not.

Here’s another one from Los Angeles distancing themselves from Goya. These are just the start.

Effective since yesterday at 3:13 PM, L.A. Taco has terminated our agreement for a sponsored post package by Goya Foods.

Our Publisher Alex Blazedale made this decision immediately after hearing about their CEO, Robert Unanue, praising Donald Trump in a recent meeting at the White House. His decision reflects the beliefs and ethics of our tiny but powerful newsroom unanimously.
Here’s another one from Los Angeles distancing themselves from Goya. These are just the start.

Effective since yesterday at 3:13 PM, L.A. Taco has terminated our agreement for a sponsored post package by Goya Foods.

Our Publisher Alex Blazedale made this decision immediately after hearing about their CEO, Robert Unanue, praising Donald Trump in a recent meeting at the White House. His decision reflects the beliefs and ethics of our tiny but powerful newsroom unanimously.

which is the "race" which Trump opposes?
folks ---if you live in a culturally DIVERSE area----and if you like culturally diverse food-----you will be hard pressed to get away from Goya
George Floyd has been lost in the riots and looting. He is no longer even mentioned but Portland has had riots for FIFTY DAYS. That's not an accident, that's the sole responsibility of the city leaders who are total losers!

STOP STOP STOP. This is off topic. This thread is about boycott of GOYA products. Take this discussion somewhere else.
STOP STOP STOP. This is off topic. This thread is about boycott of GOYA products. Take this discussion somewhere else.

always remember to COOK your beans---eating
raw beans ----is dangerous. -----I forgot exactly
why----but it ain't good for you
folks ---if you live in a culturally DIVERSE area----and if you like culturally diverse food-----you will be hard pressed to get away from Goya

Baloney. OMG OMG OMG we are going to die because of Goya products. There are lots of substitutions. If you are talking about middle easterners or asians food and ingredients maybe. But hispanics ingredients are well spread all over the country that all or most groceries carries hispanic foods and ingredients.

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