Goya Buycott is Enormously Successful

Just stocked up on Goya black beans, pinto beans,kidney beans and chickpeas. I was surprised how stocked up they were on Goya products at Dollar Tree.. they even had the tomato sauce there . Still looking for the spices and juice though. Maybe when I go out again later I will stop by the grocery store.
It was never limited to LGBTQ only. It was Democrat orchestrated and supported boycott that blew in their face. You can keep trying to spin it any way you want, but every way you put it is a lie anyways. You can claim that they changed where donations are going, but at the end, they're is still donating to the organisations that caused Democrat's boycott.

Also, being pro-something doesn't mean you're anti-something else. It's not that exclusive.

Oh Lordy. Maybe you don’t know what limited means.
1. How did it blew to democrats face when Chicky changed where the donations are going. Read the link I provided. Read do not stare at it. Do you have a proof that Chickfila still donating to anti LGBQT? Prove it.

Chick-fil-A Donated $1.8 Million To Anti-LGBTQ Groups Despite Promising They'd Stop

2. Again I do not spin and lies. I told you exactly what is happening. You proved yourself a liar and ignorant.

Just in this thread you said Trump tweeted "white power". A lie.
You said that Barry didn't cage children and separate families, but when he did, he did it "selectively". Soooo, he didn't really do it, but he did it...
You said it was boycott limited to LGBTQ only. A lie. Every Democrat supported it. I see you support it, so I guess you consider yourself a faggot?

3. Limited means it ends. You are referring to the numbers of participants.

Word "limited" doesn't mean what exclusively you want it to mean. When you realized you lied, you started moving the goal post. It doesn't work that way, liar.

View attachment 364705

4. Like I said many times I don’t need to lie and I don’t fucking lie. Don’t you ever forget that.

Your posts are proving otherwise. No need to remember, they're in front of everyone, written black on white.

5. I asked you to prove where a lied. Way before this Chickfila post came up. Then you came up with your Chick fila BULLSHIT trying to defend yourself. You are a loser.

And I did in in several posts, including this one. Liar.

Lordy help this deranged Trump sympathizer.

Again Obama cage children on limited basis applicable only to illegals with criminal records. Trump cage children in general and no end in sight by the hundreds even today. That’s the difference. What part of your ignorance don’t you understand? Idiot.

LBQT against Chick-fil-A. The boycott ended when they changed where the donations are going. Did Chick-fil-A continued their anti LBQT donations? Did they? Idiot.

Dude let me repeat it again. I don’t fucking lie. You have not prove anything in every post. You are a LIAR.
It was never limited to LGBTQ only. It was Democrat orchestrated and supported boycott that blew in their face. You can keep trying to spin it any way you want, but every way you put it is a lie anyways. You can claim that they changed where donations are going, but at the end, they're is still donating to the organisations that caused Democrat's boycott.

Also, being pro-something doesn't mean you're anti-something else. It's not that exclusive.

Oh Lordy. Maybe you don’t know what limited means.
1. How did it blew to democrats face when Chicky changed where the donations are going. Read the link I provided. Read do not stare at it. Do you have a proof that Chickfila still donating to anti LGBQT? Prove it.

Chick-fil-A Donated $1.8 Million To Anti-LGBTQ Groups Despite Promising They'd Stop

2. Again I do not spin and lies. I told you exactly what is happening. You proved yourself a liar and ignorant.

Just in this thread you said Trump tweeted "white power". A lie.
You said that Barry didn't cage children and separate families, but when he did, he did it "selectively". Soooo, he didn't really do it, but he did it...
*** You said it was boycott limited to LGBTQ only. A lie. Every Democrat supported it. I see you support it, so I guess you consider yourself a faggot?

3. Limited means it ends. You are referring to the numbers of participants.

Word "limited" doesn't mean what exclusively you want it to mean. When you realized you lied, you started moving the goal post. It doesn't work that way, liar.

View attachment 364705

4. Like I said many times I don’t need to lie and I don’t fucking lie. Don’t you ever forget that.

Your posts are proving otherwise. No need to remember, they're in front of everyone, written black on white.

5. I asked you to prove where a lied. Way before this Chickfila post came up. Then you came up with your Chick fila BULLSHIT trying to defend yourself. You are a loser.

And I did in in several posts, including this one. Liar.

*** Let me repeat it again. Limited means the boycott ended when Chick-fil-A changed their donations. As far as the Democrats supported the Chick-fil-A boycott. YES and YES the democrats supported the boycott. I never said the democrats did not support LBQT.... LBQT are human beings compared to you. Just because I supported LBQT doesn’t mean I’m a faggot. I have very large pools of friends from different categories and I have friends that are gay and lesbians.

These people supported Trump in 2016 including Caitlyn Jenner (Bruce Jenner). They are now anti Trump. This the the reason why Buttigieg lasted long when he ran for Democratic President. These LBQT, friends, families and friends will vote for Biden. The hatred against Trump started when he banned them in the military.
Gladly sure my dear..... Read it do not stare at it.

Chuck Woolery tweeted. Every one is lying about Covid-19, including the media, the democrats, the CDC and prevention, doctors. Then Mr. tweety tweety Trump retweeted it. See Trump response.

CBS News correspondent Catherine Herridge asked Trump about the retweet in an interview on Tuesday.

"You reposted a tweet yesterday saying that CDC and health officials are lying. You understand this is confusing for the public. So who do they believe? You, or the medical professionals like Dr. Fauci?" Herridge asked, referring to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci.

I didn't make a comment," Trump responded. "I reposted a tweet that a lot of people feel. But all I am doing is making a comment. I'm just putting somebody's voice out there. There are many voices. There are many people that think we shouldn't do this kind of testing, because all we do, it's a trap."

oh -----who takes the opinion of a person who has no understanding of Medicine?----Trump kinda admitted that he was not pontificating---just kinda
joining the conversation. So now you know---do not call trump DOCTOR. Even among doctors---there is some disagreement as to how to handle the current epidemic. Could you give me a date on this interchange? --------A personal anecdote---way back in 1981, I stumbled upon an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. something like
1981. I said to myself "SELF---THERE AIN'T NO SUCH THING" ------that was (?) the first reported case of AIDS

Rosita. Por dios por santo. You asked me where Trump said. All Covid 19, media, democrats, CDC, are ALL lies.

I gave you a link. Then you went all over the place.
Lockdown? We have a president that don’t believe or say..... This Covid-19 deaths and infections are all lies and fake, created by Democrats... He just said that last Monday tweets.

You remain the laughing stock of USMessageboard. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'




California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom praised President Donald Trump on Monday for supporting his state as it assisted with the repatriation of passengers from the coronavirus-infected Grand Princess cruise ship.

Trump and his administration have faced criticism for their response to the coronavirus. But Newsom, who declared a state of emergency in California last Wednesday, shared positive remarks about the way the president had responded and supported the West Coast state as it allowed the Grand Princess, which had 21 infected passengers aboard, to dock in Oakland.



1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Cuomo Praises Trump’s Coronavirus Response: ‘His Team Is On It’
March 17, 2020 11:48 AM

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump administration’s efforts to handle the coronavirus outbreak on Tuesday, after initially criticizing the federal government’s response as “absurd and nonsensical.”

“His team is on it. They’ve been responsive,” Cuomo said at a press conference. “I want to say thank you.”

Cuomo Praises Trump’s Coronavirus Response: ‘His Team Is On It’ | National Review


Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus
by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.

Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.

Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.

She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.

Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.

“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.

Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.
Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that he had to be persuaded to close schools and restaurants.
Published March 16, 2020 Updated June 17, 2020

For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge New Yorkers to mostly go about their daily lives — sending their children to school, frequenting the city’s businesses — some of his top aides were furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak.

There had been arguments and shouting matches between the mayor and some of his advisers; some top health officials had even threatened to resign if he refused to accept the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.

Teachers were threatening not to show up to school on Monday. A growing number of public health experts and politicians were calling for much of the city to be shut down to curb the spread of the virus.

On Sunday, the mayor was shown a graph depicting the sharp upward trajectory of the coronavirus epidemic curve, and another showing the capacity of the city’s health systems to handle the influx.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.


Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Jeffrey Lord

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

From The New York Times on March 13: “As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.”

From The New York Times on March 16: “Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.”

From The Washington Post, March 19: “In the worst-case scenario, America is on a trajectory toward 1.1 million deaths.”

From MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, March 24: If Americans go to Easter services: “If that happened on Easter Sunday, just 19 days from now, then in May, you’d have millions of dead people all over the country. Millions,” O’Donnell said on his MSNBC show. “If you have packed churches all over the country, including California, on Easter Sunday, by May there could be a million dead people in California.”

From Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama’s former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “Currently experts expect over one million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.”

From infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm to podcaster Joe Rogan the week of March 12: “We conservatively estimate that this could require 48 million hospitalizations, 96 million cases actually occurring, over 480,000 deaths that can occur over the next three to seven months…”

From CNN: “On State of the Union, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Brianna Keilar that in a worst-case scenario millions of people in the US could die from the coronavirus.”

From Yahoo: "At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.”

In other words? By this point, there were estimates aplenty in the media that there would be anywhere from almost a half million to 1.5 million to 2.2 million dead Americans. But mysteriously in all the stories about the 100,000 dead Americans there is no mention - zero - of earlier media predictions that there would be ten or twenty times that number of deaths.

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die


Gov. Cuomo can’t dodge accountability for nursing home deaths forever
By Steve Scalise
June 24, 2020 | 2:30pm | Updated
The novel-coronavirus death toll in New York’s nursing homes is tragic. More than 6,000 American seniors died of COVID-19 in nursing homes and long-term-care facilities across the Empire State, yet grieving families have no answers for how this happened or who is responsible.

That is so funny..... How can I be a laughing stock when look at your very very long pure garbage hogwash rebuttal? Do you expect me to waste my time reading your ignorance? I don’t even waste my time reading your other post cause I know you are just another bullshiter.
Not only because Boycott was a Homo sapiens, this is why we don't use 'buycott' in place of 'boycott':

'....Like a comet, the verb 'boycott' appeared.'

But the naked marxist chik(pea) in Portland (was [italics]) Verbing. That is to say, she was literally doing a verb imitation, as we've already pointed out on the 'Looks Like the Cops Stayed back' thread.

Another reason is the first's link to landholding:

'They instituted the mercantile system of creating scarcities so that the worker would have to give up more to them for the needs of life. To the privileges of the feudal landowners were added the privileges of the industrialists. Both classes, knowing how they came by their affluence, were intent on depriving the clamoring crowd of access to that power. But the crowd would not be denied forever, and when at long last it became participant in power, by way of the vote, it soon learned its economic possibilities.'
(Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, The "Crime" of the Capitalists)
Lockdown? We have a president that don’t believe or say..... This Covid-19 deaths and infections are all lies and fake, created by Democrats... He just said that last Monday tweets.

oh---you got the link----I do not do tweets---I boycott that fascist site

I don’t have a tweet account either.

Here’s a good example where Trump was blasted on talk radio Howard Stern of his support to Woolery denial of Coronavirus crisis. Trump is a MORON.

The Chicks' Natalie Maines says Trump's ignorance of coronavirus is like 'second-degree murder' | Fox News

The lead singer of the country trio, formerly known as The Dixie Chicks, appeared on Howard Stern's SiriusXM show on Tuesday to touch upon the group's new album "Gaslighter" and spent a few minutes declaring that Trump is essentially killing Americans.

It's unbelievable," she added, referencing the president's recent support of television icon and vocal Trump supporter Chuck Woolery on Twitter.
It was never limited to LGBTQ only. It was Democrat orchestrated and supported boycott that blew in their face. You can keep trying to spin it any way you want, but every way you put it is a lie anyways. You can claim that they changed where donations are going, but at the end, they're is still donating to the organisations that caused Democrat's boycott.

Also, being pro-something doesn't mean you're anti-something else. It's not that exclusive.

Oh Lordy. Maybe you don’t know what limited means.
1. How did it blew to democrats face when Chicky changed where the donations are going. Read the link I provided. Read do not stare at it. Do you have a proof that Chickfila still donating to anti LGBQT? Prove it.

Chick-fil-A Donated $1.8 Million To Anti-LGBTQ Groups Despite Promising They'd Stop

2. Again I do not spin and lies. I told you exactly what is happening. You proved yourself a liar and ignorant.

Just in this thread you said Trump tweeted "white power". A lie.
*** You said that Barry didn't cage children and separate families, but when he did, he did it "selectively". Soooo, he didn't really do it, but he did it...
You said it was boycott limited to LGBTQ only. A lie. Every Democrat supported it. I see you support it, so I guess you consider yourself a faggot?

3. Limited means it ends. You are referring to the numbers of participants.

Word "limited" doesn't mean what exclusively you want it to mean. When you realized you lied, you started moving the goal post. It doesn't work that way, liar.

View attachment 364705

4. Like I said many times I don’t need to lie and I don’t fucking lie. Don’t you ever forget that.

Your posts are proving otherwise. No need to remember, they're in front of everyone, written black on white.

5. I asked you to prove where a lied. Way before this Chickfila post came up. Then you came up with your Chick fila BULLSHIT trying to defend yourself. You are a loser.

And I did in in several posts, including this one. Liar.

**** And where in my post that I said Obama did NOT cage children? Where?
Mucho bueno caron. Where else can one get (tapioca starch [italics]) in sardines?
Just stocked up on Goya black beans, pinto beans,kidney beans and chickpeas. I was surprised how stocked up they were on Goya products at Dollar Tree.. they even had the tomato sauce there . Still looking for the spices and juice though. Maybe when I go out again later I will stop by the grocery store.

Good for you. Suddenly you support Latino products made by Latinos. I thought you guys hate Mexicans.

You and the rest are missing something about Goya boycott. It’s not a matter how much or many you Goya products. It’s a matter of how much they hate Trump. It doesn’t change a bit how much these Latinos hate Trump. I provided 3 links how and why these people are boycotting Goya. These people will vote this 2020 election.
Here’s another link. Look at the type of people what they represents talking about Trump.

Goya boycott, say Latinos, is about Trump's 'hate,' not politics

For Alvarado, boycotting Goya Foods is personal. “I know the company employs a lot of Latinos and is very charitable,” he said, “but with everything that is going on with this administration and the border, the family separations and DACA, for Goya to step up and support him [Trump] for his work just blew my mind.”
The “Boycott Goya” movement, some Latinos say, is more about taking a stand against the president’s bigotry than about punishing a once-beloved brand.
Just stocked up on Goya black beans, pinto beans,kidney beans and chickpeas. I was surprised how stocked up they were on Goya products at Dollar Tree.. they even had the tomato sauce there . Still looking for the spices and juice though. Maybe when I go out again later I will stop by the grocery store.

Good for you. Suddenly you support Latino products made by Latinos. I thought you guys hate Mexicans.

You and the rest are missing something about Goya boycott. It’s not a matter how much or many you Goya products. It’s a matter of how much they hate Trump. It doesn’t change a bit how much these Latinos hate Trump. I provided 3 links how and why these people are boycotting Goya. These people will vote this 2020 election.
Here’s another link. Look at the type of people what they represents talking about Trump.

Goya boycott, say Latinos, is about Trump's 'hate,' not politics

For Alvarado, boycotting Goya Foods is personal. “I know the company employs a lot of Latinos and is very charitable,” he said, “but with everything that is going on with this administration and the border, the family separations and DACA, for Goya to step up and support him [Trump] for his work just blew my mind.”
The “Boycott Goya” movement, some Latinos say, is more about taking a stand against the president’s bigotry than about punishing a once-beloved brand.

THEN this amateur and inept president has the courage or audacity to have a photo op with Goya products. Just imagine how much these Latinos hate that? At the same time we like it just to prove Trump is an idiot.
Never have bought anything from them and probably never will...

It's good shit.

they make quality latino products.
So do other companies yet Goya is not a product carried by local stores where I live.

That's too bad. The reality of it though is suggesting latinos boycott goya would be like telling the Irish to boycott potatoes.
Goya is a Spanish company and Hispanics do have bigoted views on which Hispanics they buy from.

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