Goya Buycott is Enormously Successful

The left is so fucking pathetic their are countless videos on social media of them THROWING AWAY already purchased food. Food that a homeless shelter or food pantry would love to have.

I say again.....FUCK THE LEFT
It's a very stark contrast.

Goya donated tons of Goya food products to the needy in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of hurricane Maria.

LWNJs threw Goya food products away that could have gone to the needy.

Yet the LWNJs will claim they have the moral high ground.
Uh yeah no shit you supported it. That’s my point. Sarcasm over your head I guess lol. It’s related because you’re complaining about cancel culture only when it fits your narrative.

Not at all. In most cases I’m against cancel culture. There are times when I do believe and partake in boycotting. When Paul McCarthy was singing Obama’s praises I called him an idiot, yes, but I wasn’t so unhinged that I called for a boycott. His opinion, his right to express it. I’m an adult that is of the understanding not everyone is going to see eye to eye with me on politics. All the Goya CEO said was Trump’s a great president and we’re lucky to have him. Mind you I disagree with him and I’m not voting for Trump. Now Nike on many different levels is a disgrace, so I choose not to buy their products. If Phil Knight called Obama is the best president ever that would in no shape or form guide my decision of whether or not to support Nike.
I am still laughing my ass off.

You know what else is so funny and disgusting? We are in the middle of crisis that this country has never seen before. Americans are getting sick, deaths, are climbing up infections are out of control, Millions of Americans are in trouble. We are facing a second lock down.

Then Trump has the audacity and time to post a picture with a big smile and Goya products. So tell me what kind of fucked up idiot that would do something like that? His advisers cannot be this stupid. How much do you think the Latinos hate that? What benefits does he gained by doing that? Trump is an idiot. Don’t forget the Latinos in November 3. Then we’ll see if you can still LYAO.

Honestly we like that.... he should keep using KUNG FLU all the time. And keep tweeting WHITE POWER.

When you put it that way, that could be your excuse for anything Trump does.

So, what's the excuse for Pelosi showing her ice cream cache in the middle of crisis, all while Americans are getting infected and sick? Can you come up with some answer, or we'll have to wait that you receive talking points from your handlers?

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Americano you’ve been here this long and I’m extremely very disappointed how dumb and ignorant you are. Pelosi going to China Town in SF, Ca was one of Trump incompetent, dumb and stupid attack on Pelosi that you supported. Just because Trump said so ... Doesn't mean it’s right.

So let me entertain your ignorance and stupidity. Cause I’m sick of this. PAY ATTENTION. Pelosi visited her constituents in China Town on February 24, 2020. Ate dim sum and cookies. At that time there were no limitations on social distancing or mask usage. Since when any law maker visiting their constituents is against any law or any violations of Coronavirus? If today Ted Cruz visit’s his constituents and drink beer. Why is that a problem?

Ask your self. How many Americans died and infected in February 24?

February 19, 20 and 21 Trump went to his rallies with thousands of his supporters.

February 28 rally.... This is a New Democrat hoax. Most of March continue to downplayed the severity of this crisis. Didn’t do anything. Do you want me to add his golf trips while we have crisis? Per your idiot president...... Coronavirus will just go away. It’s under control. Mid July does it look Coronavirus went away?

Last 3 rallies. Do you even see how this hypocrite POTUS handling of this crisis with thousands of his supporters. NO FUCKING MASK. Six months after the crisis started does it looks like he care? Americans are getting sick and dying and millions are in trouble. NOW COMPARED THAT TO PELOSI.

Where the hell is he? Doesn’t even pretend to be like the president. We are going the wrong directions because of incompetent and inept president while other countries are getting better. Don’t worry November 3 is just 4 months away.
The greed of the one percent? The fact we don't have the social programs Europe has?

That's why we have poverty, bud.

Not quite. In country rich as we are, poverty is primarily matter of choice. Everyone who wants to succeed can do it with little effort. Millions of immigrants are proof, that by working hard, and relying on yourself, you will be better off than being on government tit. If they can do it, there is no reason any American can't.

We don't need European style of socialism. Unlike us, they had no choice but to submit to socialists after two world wars that left them dependent on their governments and foreign aid. Once they got used to it, it's hard to get rid of the system. That is the same reason every European country have government controlled health care. They had no choice.
I don’t give a shit if the company fails or succeeds. I don’t at all care either way. You care because Trump and his white trash daughter ILLEGALLY promoted their business.

Yet you're so vehemently hostel towards anyone that supports it...go figure. Way to show you don't care, dumbass.
What's there to explain, you support socialists, and communists, so you are the one.

As for "Putin lover", you must be referring to Russian collusion, which there is no proof of, so you are a liar.

Wrong again. I’m not talking about Russian collusion. Try again.
You're delusional...

Chick-Fil-A boycott was initiated by LGBTQ community and widely supported by Democrats in "solidarity" with LGBTQ.

You keep forgetting Democrats going after everyone who did not denounce Chick-Fil-A. They went after deans of universities that didn't remove Chick-Fil-A from their campuses. They were instructing people to order large cup of water at Chick-Fil-A drive trough to make their lines longer. Mayor of New York Warren Wilhelm Jr. urged Newyorkers to boycott restaurants, and some other leftist mayors tried to push the restaurants out of their cities, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, San Antonio, etc...

Since Democrat's boycott did not succeeded, you have no choice but to claim it was "limited to LGBTQ" regardless you know it's not true. That proves again that you're a liar. But we all know that already.

Dude read the link I provided. Chick changed the way how and where their donations went. Democrats supported the LBQT that is true. Where in my post that I said democrats didn’t supported m the boycott? My post on Chick Fila was way before I asked you to prove where I lied and commie. you waited my post to give me a dumb example. Try again.
Wrong again. I’m not talking about Russian collusion. Try again.

Dude read the link I provided. Chick changed the way how and where their donations went. Democrats supported the LBQT that is true. Where in my post that I said democrats didn’t supported m the boycott? My post on Chick Fila was way before I asked you to prove where I lied and commie. you waited my post to give me a dumb example. Try again.

You claimed that boycott was limited to LGBTQ. It was not. That's just one of examples of you being a liar.
You claimed that boycott was limited to LGBTQ. It was not. That's just one of examples of you being a liar.

Yes it was limited because they stopped when Chicky changed where the donations are going. That was the end of it. If it was not limited then it should have been continued. Don’t you think?
That was the main and primary reason of the boycott anti LBQT. Apparently you don’t know even know what the hell you are BS. Keep trying you might tickle me .
Robert Unanue: (00:00)
It’s such an honor and such a blessing to be here in the greatest country in the world, the most prosperous country in the world, and we continue to grow. That’s what we’re here to do today.

Robert Unanue: (00:15)
Our company was founded in 1936 by my grandfather who left Spain at only 18-years-old, did not know where he was heading, but he was heading and looking for opportunity and prosperity. He found it in this great country.

Robert Unanue: (00:33)
Today, our company is a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees and with facilities all around the globe. We have a tremendous group of what we call [foreign language 00:00:47], the Goya family, the great Goya family. These are people, I told the president earlier, we haven’t gone back to work, we never stopped working because when I asked our group, our family, this is going to be a tough thing. They said, “Look, Bob, if we don’t do it, nobody will.” They stood up and they worked, and we continue to work day and night to provide much needed food and nutrition to this country.

Robert Unanue: (01:21)
Today, it gives me great honor, and by the way, we’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder, and that’s what my grandfather did. He came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. We have an incredible builder, and we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country that we will continue to prosper and to grow.

The fact that those innocuous comments triggered a boycott is a testament to how fucking loony TDS afflicted moonbats really are.

Personally, I'll be joining the buy-cott. Although I've never tried a Goya product before, Goya does sell several staples that I buy regularly. For instance, I use beans when I make chili. And I use peas when I make beef stew or chicken soup. And green olives are one of my favorite snacks. I also use them often when I make pizza and fococcia. A bacon and green olive pizza is one of my favs. There's also a Goya brand olive oil. I use a lot of olive oil. I'll try the Goya brand next time.
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Are they really just going to forget about the massive tantrum they threw at Nike over Kaepernick’s ad. That was a doozy man. One football player kneels and Trump supporters decide to burn their Nikes. You know, the pair they ALREADY owned lol.

Now they are throwing a self-righteous fit over Goya. I mean I personally do not at all care if this brand continues or not. Republicans do because the company likes Trump. Now they are full of outrage because of course they are.
Except of course it was the tantrum throwing lefties that started the boycott to “ cancel” Goya.

why are you whining again?
Yes it was limited because they stopped when Chicky changed where the donations are going. That was the end of it. If it was not limited then it should have been continued. Don’t you think?
That was the main and primary reason of the boycott anti LBQT. Apparently you don’t know even know what the hell you are BS. Keep trying you might tickle me .

It was never limited to LGBTQ only. It was Democrat orchestrated and supported boycott that blew in their face. You can keep trying to spin it any way you want, but every way you put it is a lie anyways. You can claim that they changed where donations are going, but at the end, they're is still donating to the organisations that caused Democrat's boycott.

Also, being pro-something doesn't mean you're anti-something else. It's not that exclusive.
You are lying. Trump hate both legal and illegal immigrations, cage hundreds of children and separate families. Latinos will not forget that in November 3.
Now you are lying

trump does not hate legal immigrants

he has done nothing to stop legal immigration

but illegals are another story

you do believe in obeying our laws, dont you?

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