Goya Buycott is Enormously Successful

It's a label on a can of beans. It all comes from the same farm anyways. What's the matter?
The left, that's what's the matter.

Thought I made that clear
"The left" is a big problem. There are opiates in the beans. I don't know that it's a label or brand-name issue, either. Opium poppies are grown as a cash crop on those farms. The other brands are even worse. The children are getting a lower lip, "I want some beans!" Legumes being part of a healthful and nutritious diet and all that, kids are usually somewhat picky eaters, and it's not quite natural for them to be clamoring after vegetables like that.
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

I already purchase a few of their products. Plan on expanding on that though it the future. Their fruit juice for sure.
Who the fuck is Obama and is he in office? Remember this is the Political forum. Mods gonna be getting yer ass.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the TDSers. If you don't know who Obama is, or the fact that the Goya CEO did the same thing with Obama and why that is relevant to this thread perhaps you better read up on American history and watch something besides CNN.
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

I was going to today but damn 1.78$ for a damn can of black beans or kidney beans when I can buy the store brand for less than a 1$! Yikes. I will check Kroger and Walmart tomorrow, this was at Ingles.

You must live in California or New York if you are paying that much for beans.....

Now listen carefully...........we will be doing this country a service by buying the beans and eating more beans...........

We will fart more guaranteeing Social Distancing.........now if you get to close to me in the store I'M GONNA CRANK OUT A BEAN FART and make you give me the whole Isle of beans to myself.

Now go save America and EAT BEANS LIB.
I don't like your politics, but that was hilarious.
I'm guessing you don't remember Hannities crazies smashing Kureg coffee makers to support a child molester, do you?


Come again?
I had to pause it about one third through just to stop the music. So I'm wondering, BD, what does Hannity have to do with smashing Kureg coffee maker and child molesters?

And I'm editing here. I have to remind myself what forum I am in.

Hannity did a soft ball interview with a child molesting Republican politician. Several of hannity's advertisers, including Keureg canceled their advertising on his show. In response to that, lots of crazis busted up their coffee makers and posted the videos on facebook.
Wait 2 to 3 months will see how the sales of Goya products takes a dump.

English much?

You may be right. Time will tell. Before the Chick-fil-A boycott was called, the Chick-fil-A in my town of 60,000 was just another fast food joint. Since then, they've had to double the drive thru lane and the lunch and after work traffic is huge. I know because I drive past it daily. When the Chick-fil-A boycott was called, my town responded by swarming the place and I'm sure many people tried Chick-fil-A for the first time and are now repeat customers.

I've never tried a Goya product in my life but we're going shopping this afternoon and we plan to buy an assortment of their products. If we don't like them, we'll drop them off at the food bank. We will be regular Goya customers from now on. Americans are sick and tired of this PC/cancel culture BS. Buying Chick-fil-A and Goya are a fun way to give the finger to you leftists jerks.

LOL. Oh My Goodness. Apparently you don’t know much.

1. Chick-til-A boycott by the LGBTQ.... You may want to read this link to update your innocence. That was very limited boycott till Chicky Chicky corporate changed their charitable donations. From anti LGBTQ to youth education, homeless and fighting hunger. That was the END of it. It was a very successful boycott that they were able to changed where charitable $ are forwarded. I never boycotted Chicky Chicky I like their chicken sandwich.

2. Goya. I never buy or see Goya products either. Boycotting Goya just got started so time will tell. I donate foods too and help homeless veterans. You are going to buy Goya products and donate to food bank? Really? Most white folks do not even buy or eat Goya products. Why not look at what you eat daily and see what white Americans ate? Instead of giving me your BS..... buy Goya just for the heck of supporting Latin products. Since when a right wingers like you that hate Latinos support Latino products?

You're delusional...

Chick-Fil-A boycott was initiated by LGBTQ community and widely supported by Democrats in "solidarity" with LGBTQ.

You keep forgetting Democrats going after everyone who did not denounce Chick-Fil-A. They went after deans of universities that didn't remove Chick-Fil-A from their campuses. They were instructing people to order large cup of water at Chick-Fil-A drive trough to make their lines longer. Mayor of New York Warren Wilhelm Jr. urged Newyorkers to boycott restaurants, and some other leftist mayors tried to push the restaurants out of their cities, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, San Antonio, etc...

Since Democrat's boycott did not succeeded, you have no choice but to claim it was "limited to LGBTQ" regardless you know it's not true. That proves again that you're a liar. But we all know that already.
Companies like Nike,Gillette,The NFL,Marvel etc do their political bs as a FU to large groups of consumers... so they In turn get to reap the rewards of being stupid.
If Goya gushed about Biden instead of Trump you wouldn’t give a shit about protecting this company.
There are beans on my shopping list.

When I go to the store, wearing my mandated submission scarf (prominently displaying "MAGA") I will definitely look for the Goya brand!

If they dare sell it openly......but if they don't I'll have the manager paged and ask him/her/it "why not". I know I won't get a good answer but it'll make her/it/him haul ass up front. The exercise will all shim/mher/it good!
Americano. Where is your rebuttal for my post #88? I’m still waiting for you to prove where I lied and a commie. I’m still waiting.

Pretty much every post you write here is based on lies. The same posts are evidence you are a commie. You're just to ignorant to notice that.
Hannity did a soft ball interview with a child molesting Republican politician. Several of hannity's advertisers, including Keureg canceled their advertising on his show. In response to that, lots of crazis busted up their coffee makers and posted the videos on facebook.
So in protest, the Hannity Craizis busted up their expensive coffee makers to protest a child molester on Hannity, that advertisers cancelled their ad spots on?
Are they really just going to forget about the massive tantrum they threw at Nike over Kaepernick’s ad. That was a doozy man. One football player kneels and Trump supporters decide to burn their Nikes. You know, the pair they ALREADY owned lol.

Now they are throwing a self-righteous fit over Goya. I mean I personally do not at all care if this brand continues or not. Republicans do because the company likes Trump. Now they are full of outrage because of course they are.
Lol! There's a huge difference between boycotting a business that's using their massive financial weight to say things that you don't like, and pressuring public platforms to silence regular people who say things that you don't like. The right wing was pissed at Nike for virtue signaling while using slave labor and for allowing Kaepernick to tank the Betsy Ross shoes, but I don't recall any movement from the right to have Kaepernick banned by social media or TV networks. If you don't care to acknowledge that difference, fair enough, but then don't expect your hypocrite argument to gain much traction with people who aren't your fellow zealots.

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