Goya Buycott is Enormously Successful

Supporting a company only because they kiss Trump's arse is just the other side of the same coin.
Wait 2 to 3 months will see how the sales of Goya products takes a dump.

English much?

You may be right. Time will tell. Before the Chick-fil-A boycott was called, the Chick-fil-A in my town of 60,000 was just another fast food joint. Since then, they've had to double the drive thru lane and the lunch and after work traffic is huge. I know because I drive past it daily. When the Chick-fil-A boycott was called, my town responded by swarming the place and I'm sure many people tried Chick-fil-A for the first time and are now repeat customers.

I've never tried a Goya product in my life but we're going shopping this afternoon and we plan to buy an assortment of their products. If we don't like them, we'll drop them off at the food bank. We will be regular Goya customers from now on. Americans are sick and tired of this PC/cancel culture BS. Buying Chick-fil-A and Goya are a fun way to give the finger to you leftists jerks.

LOL. Oh My Goodness. Apparently you don’t know much.

1. Chick-til-A boycott by the LGBTQ.... You may want to read this link to update your innocence. That was very limited boycott till Chicky Chicky corporate changed their charitable donations. From anti LGBTQ to youth education, homeless and fighting hunger. That was the END of it. It was a very successful boycott that they were able to changed where charitable $ are forwarded. I never boycotted Chicky Chicky I like their chicken sandwich.

2. Goya. I never buy or see Goya products either. Boycotting Goya just got started so time will tell. I donate foods too and help homeless veterans. You are going to buy Goya products and donate to food bank? Really? Most white folks do not even buy or eat Goya products. Why not look at what you eat daily and see what white Americans ate? Instead of giving me your BS..... buy Goya just for the heck of supporting Latin products. Since when a right wingers like you that hate Latinos support Latino products?
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

Oh god. I just can’t stand the bullshit anymore lol. Your kind are such petty children no one should take seriously as adults. Stop pretending you at all gave a shit about this brand before the company decided to suck Trump’s dick.
Close your account then, pussy. And you are 100% correct. I didn't care about this brand anymore than the asshats who are now boycotting it. What I do care about is fair honest work. So if you asshats want to cancel this business because they hurt your vagina then I am going to now support them to offset your ignorant bullshit
I don’t give a shit if the company fails or succeeds. I don’t at all care either way. You care because Trump and his white trash daughter ILLEGALLY promoted their business.
White trash?

Dude, seek psychological help. You need it
Hey were you outraged when Trump supporters tried to go after Nike because of Kaepernick? No of course not.

Nike, like Apple had no problems using child slave labor so I have boycotted both of them for decades.

See, my morals are not set by politicians, they are determined by whats right and whats wrong.
Hey were you outraged when Trump supporters tried to go after Nike because of Kaepernick? No of course not.
I was outraged because he wore pig socks mocking the police. kneeled for the flag.....and Nike........Well they are overrated anyways.;

Kap got what he wanted............money from fools like you playing the victim.........as a Quarterback he sucked and was about to lose his job.........but you didn't notice.

Now on the other side of the equation.........because of that POS I haven't watched a single pro game in years. I don't miss it much either.
Are they really just going to forget about the massive tantrum they threw at Nike over Kaepernick’s ad. That was a doozy man. One football player kneels and Trump supporters decide to burn their Nikes. You know, the pair they ALREADY owned lol.

Now they are throwing a self-righteous fit over Goya. I mean I personally do not at all care if this brand continues or not. Republicans do because the company likes Trump. Now they are full of outrage because of course they are.

I love good theater. I can't wait for democrats to lose their minds the first time a white player kneels during the playing of this alleged Black National Anthem.
When Paul McCarthy was telling us what a special president obozo was, sure
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

Oh god. I just can’t stand the bullshit anymore lol. Your kind are such petty children no one should take seriously as adults. Stop pretending you at all gave a shit about this brand before the company decided to suck Trump’s dick.
Supporting the company is a reaction to unhinged cancel culture. I don’t care what the CEO thinks of Trump, but he’s entitled to an opinion and entitled to express it. This Goya controversy is just the latest example of the left’s intolerance for views contrary to theirs.
Right I’m sure you were full of outrage when Trump supporters went after Nike because of some stupid Kaepernick ad.

Quite the contrary. I supported Trump’s criticism of Nike. Frankly I don’t see what one thing has to do with the other.
Never have bought anything from them and probably never will...
This is free advertising for trump among hispanics

Trump hate illegal and legal immigration. Trump cage hundreds of children and separating families. Be very careful what you wish for.

He should've caged you.

Why? They should arrest all the TRAITORS of this country that love Putin like you.

Why? Because you're commie liar.

Commie and liar? Why not prove it and give me an example? I’ll wait. I don’t lie and I only post straight facts and reality. Don’t you ever forgot that. TRAITOR.

Americano. Where is your rebuttal for my post #88? I’m still waiting for you to prove where I lied and a commie. I’m still waiting.
So who are the republicans trying to cancel/silence here?

The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

Oh god. I just can’t stand the bullshit anymore lol. Your kind are such petty children no one should take seriously as adults. Stop pretending you at all gave a shit about this brand before the company decided to suck Trump’s dick.
Close your account then, pussy. And you are 100% correct. I didn't care about this brand anymore than the asshats who are now boycotting it. What I do care about is fair honest work. So if you asshats want to cancel this business because they hurt your vagina then I am going to now support them to offset your ignorant bullshit
That makes Zero sense. You're gonna now buy a can of black beans that will go for 10 bucks a can instead if .99 just to make a political point? I know better, gramps. You are weak. You are lazy. You will go to any Big Box store and get your staples on the cheap. Go paint a fucking wall. Trump has your ACA options waiting for you.
When Paul McCarthy was telling us what a special president obozo was, sure
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

Oh god. I just can’t stand the bullshit anymore lol. Your kind are such petty children no one should take seriously as adults. Stop pretending you at all gave a shit about this brand before the company decided to suck Trump’s dick.
Supporting the company is a reaction to unhinged cancel culture. I don’t care what the CEO thinks of Trump, but he’s entitled to an opinion and entitled to express it. This Goya controversy is just the latest example of the left’s intolerance for views contrary to theirs.
Right I’m sure you were full of outrage when Trump supporters went after Nike because of some stupid Kaepernick ad.

Quite the contrary. I supported Trump’s criticism of Nike. Frankly I don’t see what one thing has to do with the other.
Uh yeah no shit you supported it. That’s my point. Sarcasm over your head I guess lol. It’s related because you’re complaining about cancel culture only when it fits your narrative.
The left is so fucking pathetic their are countless videos on social media of them THROWING AWAY already purchased food. Food that a homeless shelter or food pantry would love to have.

I say again.....FUCK THE LEFT

I'm guessing you don't remember Hannities crazies smashing Kureg coffee makers to support a child molester, do you?
The left is trying to cancel this MINORITY OWNED business because he had the audacity to be respectful of the office of the presidency.


Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying at least 20 or 30 cans of their products to stock my pantry after work.

Oh god. I just can’t stand the bullshit anymore lol. Your kind are such petty children no one should take seriously as adults. Stop pretending you at all gave a shit about this brand before the company decided to suck Trump’s dick.
Close your account then, pussy. And you are 100% correct. I didn't care about this brand anymore than the asshats who are now boycotting it. What I do care about is fair honest work. So if you asshats want to cancel this business because they hurt your vagina then I am going to now support them to offset your ignorant bullshit
That makes Zero sense. You're gonna now buy a can of black beans that will go for 10 bucks a can instead if .99 just to make a political point? I know better, gramps. You are weak. You are lazy. You will go to any Big Box store and get your staples on the cheap. Go paint a fucking wall. Trump has your ACA options waiting for you.

You must live in California or New York if you are paying that much for beans.....

Now listen carefully...........we will be doing this country a service by buying the beans and eating more beans...........

We will fart more guaranteeing Social Distancing.........now if you get to close to me in the store I'M GONNA CRANK OUT A BEAN FART and make you give me the whole Isle of beans to myself.

Now go save America and EAT BEANS LIB.
Colin Kaepernik was adopted by a white couple because his own parents didn't want him, became a quarterback worth millions in a predominantly black sport supported by a predominantly white fanbase, who then turned around and proverbially pissed in everyone's faces & declared them racists.

Goya's CEO paid a compliment to a sitting President.

You're right, no difference there at all. Dumbass.
Never have bought anything from them and probably never will...
This is free advertising for trump among hispanics

Trump hate illegal and legal immigration. Trump cage hundreds of children and separating families. Be very careful what you wish for.

He should've caged you.

Why? They should arrest all the TRAITORS of this country that love Putin like you.

Why? Because you're commie liar.

Commie and liar? Why not prove it and give me an example? I’ll wait. I don’t lie and I only post straight facts and reality. Don’t you ever forgot that. TRAITOR.

What's there to explain, you support socialists, and communists, so you are the one.

As for "Putin lover", you must be referring to Russian collusion, which there is no proof of, so you are a liar.
Are they really just going to forget about the massive tantrum they threw at Nike over Kaepernick’s ad. That was a doozy man. One football player kneels and Trump supporters decide to burn their Nikes. You know, the pair they ALREADY owned lol.

Now they are throwing a self-righteous fit over Goya. I mean I personally do not at all care if this brand continues or not. Republicans do because the company likes Trump. Now they are full of outrage because of course they are.
You dare to compare peaceful protest with arson, looting, assault, murder,riot and rape? Sounds kinda mountain vs mollhill of you. Hypocritical yourself.
I'm guessing you don't remember Hannities crazies smashing Kureg coffee makers to support a child molester, do you?

I had to pause it about one third through just to stop the music. So I'm wondering, BD, what does Hannity have to do with smashing Kureg coffee maker and child molesters?

And I'm editing here. I have to remind myself what forum I am in.

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