GPs and data indicate continued rise in double-vaccinated Covid cases

All that tells us is that the completely unvaccinated are helping the virus evolve until even vaccines no longer provide an effective "firewall".
All that tells us is that the completely unvaccinated are helping the virus evolve until even vaccines no longer provide an effective "firewall".
If you're vaccinated, or have had a virus you should not contract any strain even remotely related to that virus. Otherwise flu season would NEVER end.
This is why viruses do not build up in strength, they build down over a season. Immune systems in a populations recognize variations of that same virus.
This has been known for many years. Use some common sense dude, Jesus.
If you're vaccinated, or have had a virus you should not contract any strain even remotely related to that virus. Otherwise flu season would NEVER end.
This is why viruses do not build up in strength, they build down over a season. Immune systems in a populations recognize variations of that same virus.
This has been known for many years. Use some common sense dude, Jesus.
India already proved they cannot rely on herd immunity.
Oh India! Well shut my mouth. 150 of epidemiological studies showing the course of influenza, and other upper respiratory infections are trumped buy...
India already proved they cannot rely on herd immunity.

We're done. lol!
The current pathogen is "more adaptable".
Than every other one in history. Crazy! Yet still only a .3% mortality rate.
That is just You begging that question. You need links to support that line of reasoning. And, your use of statistics is disingenuous. There are over four million deaths worldwide and over six hundred thousand in the US.
Yeap...still a .3% mortality rate...the VAST majority of those were people over 75. Nearly everyone who died from the virus has had at least one other comorbidity.
You know...typical of those people who die during the normal flu season.
Yeap...still a .3% mortality rate...the VAST majority of those were people over 75. Nearly everyone who died from the virus has had at least one other comorbidity.
You know...typical of those people who die during the normal flu season.
In a NORMAL flu season, we lose about 60 thousand people a year in this country to the flu. Due to Covid 19 we have lost here in the US 628,056 people in a year and a half. Not the same thing at all. More American people died of Covid 19, so far, that in WWI, WWII and Vietnam put together.
Yeap...still a .3% mortality rate...the VAST majority of those were people over 75. Nearly everyone who died from the virus has had at least one other comorbidity.
You know...typical of those people who die during the normal flu season.
This is what we are trying to prevent:

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

In a NORMAL flu season, we lose about 60 thousand people a year in this country to the flu. Due to Covid 19 we have lost here in the US 628,056 people in a year and a half. Not the same thing at all. More American people died of Covid 19, so far, that in WWI, WWII and Vietnam put together.
In a NORMAL flu season governments don't monetarily incentivize hospitals. They don't pay hospitals to put people on ventilators, or for a positive diagnosis. During a normal flu season they don't ramp up PCR tests to 20 cycles above what they were intended for.
However...critical thinking is a diamond skill in a land of coal.
Washington, D.C. May 5, 2021 (PAHO) – Hospitalizations and deaths of younger people are surging as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates across the Americas, said Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

“Adults of all ages – including young people – are becoming seriously ill. Many of them are dying,” Dr. Etienne said during her weekly media briefing.
In a NORMAL flu season governments don't monetarily incentivize hospitals. They don't pay hospitals to put people on ventilators, or for a positive diagnosis. During a normal flu season they don't ramp up PCR tests to 20 cycles above what they were intended for.
However...critical thinking is a diamond skill in a land of coal.
You people are so delusional it's pathetic.
In a NORMAL flu season governments don't monetarily incentivize hospitals. They don't pay hospitals to put people on ventilators, or for a positive diagnosis. During a normal flu season they don't ramp up PCR tests to 20 cycles above what they were intended for.
However...critical thinking is a diamond skill in a land of coal.
Why are you talking about normal flu seasons?! Normal flu seasons don’t kill over half a million Americans. Something is wrong with you
Why are you talking about normal flu seasons?! Normal flu seasons don’t kill over half a million Americans. Something is wrong with you
I was responding to someone who referenced flu season. Come on, take some time to read.

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