Experts: Antibody Covid treatment is an important tool in saving the fully vaccinated

The only thing DeSantis has lead the way in is covid death and hospitalization. There's a reason why he's doing his best to hide Florida's numbers :laugh: :laugh:

I know that at first glance these numbers are dire, especially in Mass. but let's look at that example shall we? The report show 5k cases for vaccinated and 80 dead. Does anyone realize those 5k cases resulted in only 15 hospitalizations per 100k people? For the non vaxxed it was 615 hospitalizations per 100k, which is 39x greater. The death rate in Mass is 4 per 100k people for the vaxxed. For the unvaxxed its 87 per 100k people, which is 22x greater. Both numbers are ridiculous. We are talking about 3800% and 2100% higher in percentage. Breakthrough hospitalization accounted for 1.1% of all covid cases and deaths only 1.9% of all covid cases. Context matters, but the misinformation campaign continues.

As for monocolonal antibody treatment you need to be 65 and older, the vast majority of which have already had the vaccine. The only hold outs left are ppl are antivaxxers because they see the vaccine as experimental. But so is MAT, so what is the difference?

To read you need to sign up for a free acct.

The difference is that MAT knows specific sites it targets on the communist virus spike whereas vaccines that use human-chimp adenoviruses may not. Since the media strove to keep the prisoners dumbed down about mutations and fixated on “variants”, mutations which also link to specific sites and coincide with MAT are still a mystery to most.
I am 60 and got the antibodies when I came down with COVID after taking the J&J shot last May. My wife got it from me and they gave her the antibodies and she is 63. She was vaccinated two weeks prior to me with the same J&J vaccine. Both of us had relatively mild cases, with a variety of symptoms but neither of us even had a fever.
Hate to break the bad news to you BUTTTTTTTTTTT the claims of covid causing a fever is BULLSHIT. Neither my husband or I had a fever at any point with Covid...despite it giving me cold systems and nearly killing my husband landing him in the hospital twice. When I asked the covid doctors about the fevers---turns out that many if not most covid patients don't ever get a fever. They are saying that the runs are actually a better telling sign. All that temperature taking---was complete and utter BULL SHIT manipulating the masses.
But over the weekend. I've came down with something. But when i catches a flu bug, that it doesn't infect me the way it infect others. I just get dizzy and fatigue. But once I get a good night sleep. It is all gone out of my system.
But this time whatever I caught over the weekend had me feeling weak and I wasn't able to smell or taste and had a little irritation in the lungs like I had inhaled small amount of dust..
And so I knew that this was serious whatever I had caught.
And so I warmed up some water mostly on the hot side like tea. and put a table spoon of my Vitamin C powder and a table spoon of baking soda, and quickly drank before the fizzling stop. The fumes that it produces when fizzling help spread both the Vitamin C and soda around the nasal passages and throat to the stomach.
But in a couple of minutes. I was able to taste and smell and feeling energized like that rabbit on T.V.

But I see that people uses lemon juice instead of a Non GMO vitamin C powder. But most lemons doesn't have that much Vit C in it because of poor soil that it was grown in.
After years and years the trees has depleted the soils of its nutrients. But in the Bible that we are suppose to let the tree rest from harvesting every seventh year. And let the fruits and leaves drop on the ground for that season without raking up the leaves in order to nourished the ground.

And so it is best to use a supplement because it is all about mass production but not faith in God's word.

And alkaline helps kills viruses in the body.

But don't believe everything that you here in these days.

You are looking at God's image. Devils say, Aaaaaaaaaaah, I see Adam. All of him.
An unballanced spine that remains that way, will make the entier body to be weaker, in many ways. Use Precision Upper Cervical Spesific Only chiropractic, like Grostic and NUCCA can help protect the body from Covid 19, and other viruses. That can improve the immune system up to 200 percent. Upcspine, NUCCA, The Spesific, Upper Cervical Heath Centers. Take it easy after an adjustment. Wait 4 - 5 days after a fall, hit to the head, or whiplash insident. Don't go to one right away after an accident. Don't do a roller coaster ride, or do bumper cars after an adjustment. Don't do bumper cars. Don't go to Gonstead or Core or ABC Chiropractors. Ask if they pop the condyles of the atlas and axis vertebra. Avoid them had they say yes.
SEE: Experts turn to antibody treatment following swarm of breakthrough COVID-19 infections - ABC News (

“For the fully vaccinated who do test positive, if you are at high risk for severe infection, health experts are now turning to Food and Drug Administration authorized, virus-fighting monoclonal antibodies in some cases. They are saying it’s safe and beneficial for those who have been vaccinated, but get infected with COVID-19 nonetheless.”

And, in regard to the fully vaccinated who still get Covid see:

159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases

July 21, 2021

“More than 150 people have died and nearly 600 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in “breakthrough” cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials.”

Also see: 5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts… 80 Dead

More than 5,100 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, and at least 80 of them have died, state health officials said Tuesday night.

TDH: More than 1,000 breakthrough COVID cases reported in Tennessee

“To date, we are aware of just over 1,000 breakthrough cases, and that means people who are fully vaccinated. They have subsequently tested positive and of those thousand or so cases, we’ve had 195 hospitalizations and 27 deaths,” Piercey said.”

Growing Concerns Over Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases in Connecticut

July 22, 2021

As the Delta variant becomes more prominent - being the cause of now 80% of new COVID-19 cases in the nation - there’s a growing concern among those who’ve been vaccinated and their chances of getting the virus.

According to the Department of Public Health, there are 854 breakthrough cases currently in the state of Connecticut. Of that number, only 150 have been hospitalized but doctors say that the majority of those with COVID-19 are those that are unvaccinated.

COVID-19 infections, deaths growing in vaccinated people

JULY 29, 2021

"New Jersey sees spike in breakthrough cases in last two weeks, data analysis shows"

Ron DeSantis was spot on in leading the way in turning to the antibody treatment and opening antibody treatment centers around the State of Florida. To date over 30,000 residents have been treated.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

monoclonal antibodies are experimental.

It has emergency use clearance.

It has not been fully approved nor do you know the long term effects of it.
monoclonal antibodies are experimental.

It has emergency use clearance.

It has not been fully approved nor do you know the long term effects of it.
Your contradiction is that ivermectin, like antibodies, physically attaches to the SARS-CoV-2 spike, and that has been used in an approved scenario.
monoclonal antibodies are experimental.

It has emergency use clearance.

It has not been fully approved nor do you know the long term effects of it.
Just like these modified messenger RNA vaccines.... yet your praising them...
65-70 percent are fully vaccinated in the western US.. You fucking idiot..
The word, purchase. Fallen people like that word. That word comes from a carnal mind. We are bought with a price. Money was not used. I hear the phrase multi racial. That too is a lie. It means that some of us are not human. You know what happens to people who are not seen as being human.
Side note. I am reading this: Japan has not substituted Ivermectin for Covid vaccinations. Anti vax people are for Ivermectin. The amount is smaller, taken once for parasites. More than that is not recommended. I was hoping India was right. India removed Ivermectin for Covid 19 treatments.
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You are looking at a vapor trail. It is mostly water. That is what you are looking at
People who don't have a Satan made thing called money are treated as if they are another race, not being human. People can still say that money is not the root of all evil? People love it, and only it. Notice how freely people say, open and free. I don't see free. I see pay me. I see Jail. I see people afraid to be themselves. We are walking in an illution.
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People will not use biological weapons against people when they see people, as being people. We are made in God's image. The church wants to keep that a secret, wanting people to do evil to people, acting like a rescuer, with what they call charity, misusing the word. I Corinthians 13:4 - 7, KJV, verses, are not not describing what the church says, regarding charity.
God will kill they that kill. That should keep people from using biological weapons against People. To do so, is totally, illogical.
Neither do we with the vaccine.
I see no intent to harm. This virus is the worsts one I have ever seen. It will be good to augment that with a precision upper cervical spesific only chiropractor. Upcspine, Upper Cervical Health Centers, TheSpesific, NUCCA. Trump was given the Covid antibodies. People remember that?
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The only thing DeSantis has lead the way in is covid death and hospitalization. There's a reason why he's doing his best to hide Florida's numbers :laugh: :laugh:

I know that at first glance these numbers are dire, especially in Mass. but let's look at that example shall we? The report show 5k cases for vaccinated and 80 dead. Does anyone realize those 5k cases resulted in only 15 hospitalizations per 100k people? For the non vaxxed it was 615 hospitalizations per 100k, which is 39x greater. The death rate in Mass is 4 per 100k people for the vaxxed. For the unvaxxed its 87 per 100k people, which is 22x greater. Both numbers are ridiculous. We are talking about 3800% and 2100% higher in percentage. Breakthrough hospitalization accounted for 1.1% of all covid cases and deaths only 1.9% of all covid cases. Context matters, but the misinformation campaign continues.

As for monocolonal antibody treatment you need to be 65 and older, the vast majority of which have already had the vaccine. The only hold outs left are ppl are antivaxxers because they see the vaccine as experimental. But so is MAT, so what is the difference?

To read you need to sign up for a free acct.

I received the monoclonal antibodies and I was 60 years old. Days later, my 63 year-old wife got her infusion. your information is incorrect about being 65 as a requirement.
I am 60 and got the antibodies when I came down with COVID after taking the J&J shot last May. My wife got it from me and they gave her the antibodies and she is 63. She was vaccinated two weeks prior to me with the same J&J vaccine. Both of us had relatively mild cases, with a variety of symptoms but neither of us even had a fever.
My husband and I had Covid---(he wound up in the hospital and was given the antibodies THERE).........neither of us had a fever. Neither of us were vaccinated at the time. The doctors are saying that a high fever is often missing in many covid patients....vaccinated or unvaccinated, hospitalized or unhospitalized.
My husband and I had Covid---(he wound up in the hospital and was given the antibodies THERE).........neither of us had a fever. Neither of us were vaccinated at the time. The doctors are saying that a high fever is often missing in many covid patients....vaccinated or unvaccinated, hospitalized or unhospitalized.
Covid attacks in many different ways.

Your post is stupid except to point out that you are careless and nearly lost your husband to this horror

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