
Elementary school created the American Flag for their class graduation picture...


I thought all public schools were American hating commies? (granted I don't know if this school is public or not).
No it's a minor thing blown out of proportion
and certainly not worth sitting through a boring ceremony wearing a plastic cape and a stupid hat

You are speaking from ignorance. Let it go.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth......

You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge
Not for anyone.

Yes, for some it very much is.

No it's a minor thing blown out of proportion
and certainly not worth sitting through a boring ceremony wearing a plastic cape and a stupid hat

You are speaking from ignorance. Let it go.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth.

And it wasn't worth the agony of a drawn out overblown ceremony full of hackneyed platitudes about venturing into the world yada yada yada and it certainly wasn't worth wearing that stupid cap and gown get up

All of which is why I didn't attend and instead went to the beach and watched the sun come up THAT was more meaningful than a stupid ceremony

Since you never use punctuation or correct syntax, I took you for a drop out.

Sent from my iPad using

why bother it's the fucking internet?
it's not like anyone the opinion of anyone on this anonymous site matters
You are speaking from ignorance. Let it go.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth......

You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge

What's a challenge for you may not be for others, and it works the other way. For me it's not a challenge to play ice hockey (I didn't go pro or anything, but I did play D1). Unless you're highly trained or experienced in hockey it's going to be a challenge to beat me in a one on one, however a few guys I know who play/played in the NHL would barely break a sweat and destroy me. What's considered a challenge depends on what your current skills are.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth......

You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge

What's a challenge for you may not be for others, and it works the other way. For me it's not a challenge to play ice hockey (I didn't go pro or anything, but I did play D1). Unless you're highly trained or experienced in hockey it's going to be a challenge to beat me in a one on one, however a few guys I know who play/played in the NHL would barely break a sweat and destroy me. What's considered a challenge depends on what your current skills are.

Yeah getting graded on a curve is a real challenge
Kinda interesting that you are posting about this Unk. Why? Because a couple of weeks ago, my cousin Gabby was graduating from one of those special schools, and not only was it a huge accomplishment for her, but I'm also grateful that schools like that exist, because sometimes kids need a bit more attention than just teaching them the 3 "r's".

And, yeah, they do have some neat things that they do at those ceremonies. At Gabby's, each student was allowed to speak to the audience if they wanted to, and most of them did. Wasn't too long as there were only about 30 students graduating, and only about half of them wanted to say anything.

Best part of the whole thing for me? Earlier, Gabby and I had been talking about the value of the certificate she was going to get, as well as the fact that particular little certificate was a key that would get her into a whole bunch of doors that would remain closed if she didn't have it.

When her time came to speak? She got up and talked about how great it was that she got her key to open all the doors she needs to. Made me proud that she listened.
You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge

What's a challenge for you may not be for others, and it works the other way. For me it's not a challenge to play ice hockey (I didn't go pro or anything, but I did play D1). Unless you're highly trained or experienced in hockey it's going to be a challenge to beat me in a one on one, however a few guys I know who play/played in the NHL would barely break a sweat and destroy me. What's considered a challenge depends on what your current skills are.

Yeah getting graded on a curve is a real challenge

Is there a curve in my district? If so, how big is it?
Study Finds High School Diploma Is Largely Meaningless -- April 2004 Education Reporter

Too bad all these kids are lied to about the value of their HS diploma

If you are going to join the military, there is a great value to having a HS diploma.

If you have a HS diploma, you must score 35 or better on the ASVAB to be considered eligible for enlistment.

If you DON'T have a HS diploma, you must first be screened on a HP3 profile (High Performance Predictor Profile), be approved for enlistment by the CO of the NRD, and score 50 or better on the ASVAB, and have a GED.

Why was it so hard for dropouts to join? The military feels that if a person is willing to stick it out for 4 years of HS, they have a good chance of completing their enlistment. If they are dropouts, the chances go down significantly.

Yes, there IS value in a HS diploma.
Study Finds High School Diploma Is Largely Meaningless -- April 2004 Education Reporter

Too bad all these kids are lied to about the value of their HS diploma

If you are going to join the military, there is a great value to having a HS diploma.

If you have a HS diploma, you must score 35 or better on the ASVAB to be considered eligible for enlistment.

If you DON'T have a HS diploma, you must first be screened on a HP3 profile (High Performance Predictor Profile), be approved for enlistment by the CO of the NRD, and score 50 or better on the ASVAB, and have a GED.

Why was it so hard for dropouts to join? The military feels that if a person is willing to stick it out for 4 years of HS, they have a good chance of completing their enlistment. If they are dropouts, the chances go down significantly.

Yes, there IS value in a HS diploma.

And if you're not going into the military? which btw most graduates do not

and personally I'd take a kid with a GED over a HS grad because we know those tests aren't graded on a curve
Study Finds High School Diploma Is Largely Meaningless -- April 2004 Education Reporter

Too bad all these kids are lied to about the value of their HS diploma

If you are going to join the military, there is a great value to having a HS diploma.

If you have a HS diploma, you must score 35 or better on the ASVAB to be considered eligible for enlistment.

If you DON'T have a HS diploma, you must first be screened on a HP3 profile (High Performance Predictor Profile), be approved for enlistment by the CO of the NRD, and score 50 or better on the ASVAB, and have a GED.

Why was it so hard for dropouts to join? The military feels that if a person is willing to stick it out for 4 years of HS, they have a good chance of completing their enlistment. If they are dropouts, the chances go down significantly.

Yes, there IS value in a HS diploma.

And if you're not going into the military? which btw most graduates do not

and personally I'd take a kid with a GED over a HS grad because we know those tests aren't graded on a curve

State tests aren't curved (at least in my state). Students need a 7 out of 10 to in order to pass (10 is nearly impossible, I've only had one kid earn it throughout my career, and before anybody starts in my student's scores are well above my state, district, and school's average-which is why they have me teaching that grade for one of my preps).

If you don't know what you're talking about-that's fine...but don't pretend like you do.
You are speaking from ignorance. Let it go.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth......

You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge

Let's try this again: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO TALK ABOUT. Read that over and over to yourself until it starts to sink in.
Study Finds High School Diploma Is Largely Meaningless -- April 2004 Education Reporter

Too bad all these kids are lied to about the value of their HS diploma

If you are going to join the military, there is a great value to having a HS diploma.

If you have a HS diploma, you must score 35 or better on the ASVAB to be considered eligible for enlistment.

If you DON'T have a HS diploma, you must first be screened on a HP3 profile (High Performance Predictor Profile), be approved for enlistment by the CO of the NRD, and score 50 or better on the ASVAB, and have a GED.

Why was it so hard for dropouts to join? The military feels that if a person is willing to stick it out for 4 years of HS, they have a good chance of completing their enlistment. If they are dropouts, the chances go down significantly.

Yes, there IS value in a HS diploma.

And if you're not going into the military? which btw most graduates do not

and personally I'd take a kid with a GED over a HS grad because we know those tests aren't graded on a curve

To get into any kind of secondary school, they generally require a HS diploma.

And while you personally would take a kid with a GED over a diploma, hate to tell you, but most other places won't.
Kinda interesting that you are posting about this Unk. Why? ....
Kinda interesting that you are posting about this Unk. Why? ....

Why? Because I was there and it made an impression on me. I work in a (very) inner city alternative high school (one of several jobs) and I know how hard these kids had to work (on much more than just their academics). I know what it means to the kids, their friends, their families, and their community. I know what other opportunities are tied to achieving this goal. Regardless, anyone who can't feel good about young people overcoming sometimes difficult-to-imagine adversity to achieve a goal must be the scum of the earth.
Kinda interesting that you are posting about this Unk. Why? ....
Kinda interesting that you are posting about this Unk. Why? ....

Why? Because I was there and it made an impression on me. I work in a (very) inner city alternative high school (one of several jobs) and I know how hard these kids had to work (on much more than just their academics). I know what it means to the kids, their friends, their families, and their community. I know what other opportunities are tied to achieving this goal. Regardless, anyone who can't feel good about young people overcoming sometimes difficult-to-imagine adversity to achieve a goal must be the scum of the earth.

Hey, like I said, I agree with you. I just got back from a trip to CO to watch my cousin Gabby graduate from one of those schools. She had certain things that were standing in the way of her learning at a regular school, but when she got into the one she graduated, she blossomed greatly and was able to graduate with pretty decent grades.

And.................I'm grateful for places like that. If it wasn't for that school, she might not have graduated, and her chances for a good life would be severely stunted.

Now? Thanks to the school, not only has she graduated, but is now on a path for college as well.
Not at all I graduated HS so I know exactly what it's worth......

You don't know anything about what I'm referring to, so you are just being mouthy and ignorant.

And you think you know everything.

I know what this thread I started is about, and I know about the graduation I attended. You don't know about the challenges these kids (the ones the thread is about - hello) have faced and what they had to overcome to make it there. You picked the wrong thread to troll, because all this is just making you look weird.

Challenges that's funny

high school isn't a challenge

Let's try this again: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO TALK ABOUT. Read that over and over to yourself until it starts to sink in.
Why would I ever do anything you tell me to do?

Let me ask you this have I ever done anything you say to do?


Remind me of the definition of insanity again
Study Finds High School Diploma Is Largely Meaningless -- April 2004 Education Reporter

Too bad all these kids are lied to about the value of their HS diploma

If you are going to join the military, there is a great value to having a HS diploma.

If you have a HS diploma, you must score 35 or better on the ASVAB to be considered eligible for enlistment.

If you DON'T have a HS diploma, you must first be screened on a HP3 profile (High Performance Predictor Profile), be approved for enlistment by the CO of the NRD, and score 50 or better on the ASVAB, and have a GED.

Why was it so hard for dropouts to join? The military feels that if a person is willing to stick it out for 4 years of HS, they have a good chance of completing their enlistment. If they are dropouts, the chances go down significantly.

Yes, there IS value in a HS diploma.

And if you're not going into the military? which btw most graduates do not

and personally I'd take a kid with a GED over a HS grad because we know those tests aren't graded on a curve

To get into any kind of secondary school, they generally require a HS diploma.

And while you personally would take a kid with a GED over a diploma, hate to tell you, but most other places won't.

Universities that Accept the GED

Thousands of traditional campus-based colleges and universities accept the GED as equivalent to a high school diploma. Below is a list of the most prestigious ones.

  • University of Florida
  • University of Texas
  • University of Illinois
  • DePaul University
  • University of Southern California
  • New York University
  • Arizona State University
  • Penn State University
  • Indiana University
  • University of Colorado
Most prestigious ones? Really? Most of them are state colleges at best.

Guess that the military has higher standards than those colleges you listed.
I never understood the need for these ridiculous ceremonies.

graduating high school isn't a big deal

For some kids it is.

Not for anyone.

Yes, for some it very much is.

No it's a minor thing blown out of proportion
and certainly not worth sitting through a boring ceremony wearing a plastic cape and a stupid hat

You must not be aware that there are still places that when a student graduates from high school, they may very well be the first one in the family to accomplish that feat!

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