Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

Watch Ted Cruz Destroy Democrats Against William Barr!

Tramp didn't call him "LYING Ted" for nothing!!!!

You they love them again when they are protecting their God. Trump has said horrible things about all these spineless Republicans ie. Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc. and no matter what he says they still kiss his ass.

Maybe they finally figured out that the Democrats are worse than Trump, so they decided to swim to the ship still floating as the other was sinking. Politics is full of opportunistic people seeking power or keeping power (who will shift with the political winds which ever way they are a blowing), and that means all politicians of any strip. Everyone knows this, and that's why the grandstanding of the Democrats is so obvious when you see it in these hearings They probably all met later for dinner who knows. LOL.

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Elections have consequences.

Yep ones that are devastating to this country.

Subjective. Define devastating and explain why.

If you are a right wing racist then times are great, we have seen in the past what happens when there are a bunch of judges sitting on the bench with the mindset of the sheetwearers.

How about a Leftist Jew hating asshole?
How did you feel about Charlottesville and all of those young right wing Republican men Marching on Friday night with torches, shouting and chanting over and over again,
"Jews, will not replace us!"?
Was that the only protest or March that day ???
If she said anything that wasn't true you wouldn't be attacking her! DUH!
She is disrespectful, a liar....sounds like she is related to you!
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
How about a Leftist Jew hating asshole?
How did you feel about Charlottesville and all of those young right wing Republican men Marching on Friday night with torches, shouting and chanting over and over again,
"Jews, will not replace us!"?

I didn’t like it at all. But they are the minority. The majority of the Democrat party hates Jews and elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. My parents, life long Dems, left the party. How about dem apples. Of course the NYT printing antisemitic cartoons and then apologizing just proved my point.
We have, the Democrats have elected 22 Jewish Congressmen in the House of Representatives while the Republican Party, has only elected 2 Jewish congressmen in the sitting congress right now... that right there should show you what party truly supports the Jewish people...

2 Muslims... big deal vs the 22 Democratic Jewish congress critters?

Republicans have only voted in 2 Jewish congressmen.... let that sink in....

That’s because my people were mostly Democrats. And Jerry Nadler is a fake Jew. Please. How many of those Jewish Dems are firmly pro Israel? I can name one. Steny Hoyer.

If you don’t believe the Dems are antisemitic you’re not looking hard enough.
Every single thing that I have seen with the anti Semitic crowd on the street and on this board, are white, alt right people.... you are not paying attention imho.
I'm white, and I'm not anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-American, anti-religion, anti-christian, anti-government etc.
If she said anything that wasn't true you wouldn't be attacking her! DUH!
She is disrespectful, a liar....sounds like she is related to you!
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?

IDK but my point was that she was disrespectful.
Likely on purpose. That is undeniable. Sometimes I am disrespectful on purpose too but I at least own it. That hearing was less about the report and more about the 2020 election IMO.
Does Billy Barr deserve respect?
She is disrespectful, a liar....sounds like she is related to you!
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
Why stop there unless you are a political biased hack ? Keep naming names, and going back through every administration for as far back as you can go. Now while you are gone for a number of years finding out the truth, and doing research, of course we will keep working towards the nation's future.
She is disrespectful, a liar....sounds like she is related to you!
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
You are delusional AND A LIAR...YOU get no respect!
She is disrespectful, a liar....sounds like she is related to you!
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?

IDK but my point was that she was disrespectful.
Likely on purpose. That is undeniable. Sometimes I am disrespectful on purpose too but I at least own it. That hearing was less about the report and more about the 2020 election IMO.

When officials choose top lie they deserve no respect.

And please, Barr made it all about the 2020 election when he favored Trump & gave Trump a 3 week window to spread misinformation about the report.

Are you blind or trying to dupe someone?
Probably a bit of both.
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.

“You have slandered this man from top to to bottom,” Mr. Graham said. “You want more of this line of questioning, you are not going to get it.

The moment came while Ms. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat, was grilling Mr. Barr with questions about allegations that President Trump sought to thwart special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

But she also called Mr. Barr a liar and accused him of trying to conceal Mr. Trump’s alleged misdeeds.

“Being attorney general of the Untied States is a sacred trust,” she said. “You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better. You should resign.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

As a side note - this shows me how wise Obama’s handlers were in choosing his AGs. Obama wasn’t smart enough to do it himself.

We can all see clearly now that the DOJ/FBI are the highly political brain and nerve center of the executive branch. They have broad and immense powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution, which they have used very unevenly. Their cliches of being “quiet professionals” and dispassionate bureaucrats are revealed as complete bullshit.

The AG must be an absolute ally of the President.

Its clear whoever selected Holder and Lynch for Obama knew very well how the deep state operated. They even made sure both were black, for extra loyalty. Not only did they protect Obama,, he could use them as an political weapon.

Who did Trump have at this most sensitive position upon entering office? Jeff Sessions. It nearly killed his Presidency.

We also learned from Kamela Harris’ questioning that the same DOJ “career” ethics officers who advised Jeff Sessions he must recuse himself because he once shook hands with the Russian ambassador advised Rod Rosenstein that it was no problem for him to supervise the special counsel even though Rosey participated in the decision to fire Comey and was a witness to it.

I guess now that Rosey has detected the change in direction of the wind with Barr’s appointment as AG and has adjusted his sails accordingly, the Dems are now flip flopping back to the position that Rosey is a bad guy.
I don't think it's slander if it's true.
Good thing you have nothing to say about it! But since you are a liar what would one expect.
Speaking of the "truth" what exactly was wrong with the leaked emails?! All that they exposed was the corruption and depravity of Hillary and the Democratic Party. Whoever did it actually provided a great service to the American people.. We should all be thankful!
That's funny!!

You know those were altered and edited and presented out of context, right?
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.

“You have slandered this man from top to to bottom,” Mr. Graham said. “You want more of this line of questioning, you are not going to get it.

The moment came while Ms. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat, was grilling Mr. Barr with questions about allegations that President Trump sought to thwart special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

But she also called Mr. Barr a liar and accused him of trying to conceal Mr. Trump’s alleged misdeeds.

“Being attorney general of the Untied States is a sacred trust,” she said. “You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better. You should resign.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

As a side note - this shows me how wise Obama’s handlers were in choosing his AGs. Obama wasn’t smart enough to do it himself.

We can all see clearly now that the DOJ/FBI are the highly political brain and nerve center of the executive branch. They have broad and immense powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution, which they have used very unevenly. Their cliches of being “quiet professionals” and dispassionate bureaucrats are revealed as complete bullshit.

The AG must be an absolute ally of the President.

Its clear whoever selected Holder and Lynch for Obama knew very well how the deep state operated. They even made sure both were black, for extra loyalty. Not only did they protect Obama,, he could use them as an political weapon.

Who did Trump have at this most sensitive position upon entering office? Jeff Sessions. It nearly killed his Presidency.

We also learned from Kamela Harris’ questioning that the same DOJ “career” ethics officers who advised Jeff Sessions he must recuse himself because he once shook hands with the Russian ambassador advised Rod Rosenstein that it was no problem for him to supervise the special counsel even though Rosey participated in the decision to fire Comey and was a witness to it.

I guess now that Rosey has detected the change in direction of the wind with Barr’s appointment as AG and has adjusted his sails accordingly, the Dems are now flip flopping back to the position that Rosey is a bad guy.
I don't think it's slander if it's true.
Good thing you have nothing to say about it! But since you are a liar what would one expect.
Speaking of the "truth" what exactly was wrong with the leaked emails?! All that they exposed was the corruption and depravity of Hillary and the Democratic Party. Whoever did it actually provided a great service to the American people.. We should all be thankful!
That's funny!!

You know those were altered and edited and presented out of context, right?
What's stranger is that they weren't contested by those being accused. You would have thought that that would have been where the fight was.
Again, it's not slander if it's true.

True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
Why stop there unless you are a political biased hack ? Keep naming names, and going back through every administration for as far back as you can go. Now while you are gone for a number of years finding out the truth, and doing research, of course we will keep working towards the nation's future.
Because while many politicians have lied occasionally, none of them since Nixon have run up totals like this.

Whataboutisms are not gonna help you excuse them.
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.

“You have slandered this man from top to to bottom,” Mr. Graham said. “You want more of this line of questioning, you are not going to get it.

The moment came while Ms. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat, was grilling Mr. Barr with questions about allegations that President Trump sought to thwart special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

But she also called Mr. Barr a liar and accused him of trying to conceal Mr. Trump’s alleged misdeeds.

“Being attorney general of the Untied States is a sacred trust,” she said. “You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better. You should resign.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

As a side note - this shows me how wise Obama’s handlers were in choosing his AGs. Obama wasn’t smart enough to do it himself.

We can all see clearly now that the DOJ/FBI are the highly political brain and nerve center of the executive branch. They have broad and immense powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution, which they have used very unevenly. Their cliches of being “quiet professionals” and dispassionate bureaucrats are revealed as complete bullshit.

The AG must be an absolute ally of the President.

Its clear whoever selected Holder and Lynch for Obama knew very well how the deep state operated. They even made sure both were black, for extra loyalty. Not only did they protect Obama,, he could use them as an political weapon.

Who did Trump have at this most sensitive position upon entering office? Jeff Sessions. It nearly killed his Presidency.

We also learned from Kamela Harris’ questioning that the same DOJ “career” ethics officers who advised Jeff Sessions he must recuse himself because he once shook hands with the Russian ambassador advised Rod Rosenstein that it was no problem for him to supervise the special counsel even though Rosey participated in the decision to fire Comey and was a witness to it.

I guess now that Rosey has detected the change in direction of the wind with Barr’s appointment as AG and has adjusted his sails accordingly, the Dems are now flip flopping back to the position that Rosey is a bad guy.
I don't think it's slander if it's true.
Good thing you have nothing to say about it! But since you are a liar what would one expect.
Speaking of the "truth" what exactly was wrong with the leaked emails?! All that they exposed was the corruption and depravity of Hillary and the Democratic Party. Whoever did it actually provided a great service to the American people.. We should all be thankful!
That's funny!!

You know those were altered and edited and presented out of context, right?
What's stranger is that they weren't contested by those being accused. You would have thought that that would have been where the fight was.
Making a fuss over fake accusations would have just loaned the legitimacy.
True or not her verbiage and actions were still disrespectful.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
Why stop there unless you are a political biased hack ? Keep naming names, and going back through every administration for as far back as you can go. Now while you are gone for a number of years finding out the truth, and doing research, of course we will keep working towards the nation's future.
Because while many politicians have lied occasionally, none of them since Nixon have run up totals like this.

Whataboutisms are not gonna help you excuse them.
You aren't doing your fair and balanced research yet ?? Of course you aren't.
I don't think it's slander if it's true.
Good thing you have nothing to say about it! But since you are a liar what would one expect.
Speaking of the "truth" what exactly was wrong with the leaked emails?! All that they exposed was the corruption and depravity of Hillary and the Democratic Party. Whoever did it actually provided a great service to the American people.. We should all be thankful!
That's funny!!

You know those were altered and edited and presented out of context, right?
What's stranger is that they weren't contested by those being accused. You would have thought that that would have been where the fight was.
Making a fuss over fake accusations would have just loaned the legitimacy.
Yeah Ok, you roll with that.
Does a liar deserve respect?
No DeathRATS certainly do not deserve it!
I asked if a liar deserves respect. Bill Barr lied. dOnald tRump lied. So did Jeff sessions, Mike Flynn, and damn near everyone else in this sham of an *administration*.

Do they deserve respect?
Why stop there unless you are a political biased hack ? Keep naming names, and going back through every administration for as far back as you can go. Now while you are gone for a number of years finding out the truth, and doing research, of course we will keep working towards the nation's future.
Because while many politicians have lied occasionally, none of them since Nixon have run up totals like this.

Whataboutisms are not gonna help you excuse them.
You aren't doing your fair and balanced research yet ?? Of course you aren't.
Sorry, too big a word?

I'll break it down for you

What about ism
the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.
That’s because my people were mostly Democrats. And Jerry Nadler is a fake Jew. Please. How many of those Jewish Dems are firmly pro Israel? I can name one. Steny Hoyer.

If you don’t believe the Dems are antisemitic you’re not looking hard enough.

Right wing propaganda.

You wish. Since we are throwing out empty insults, you’re an antisemite and a Holocaust denier.

Always good for a laugh to see republicans getting indignant and angry about democrats playing dirty . The pot calling the teakettle black and all that stuff. A better one is Kamala Harris questioning Barr. She's pretty brutal on him. He's such a stumble bum when taken to task by an expert.


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