Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

The fact that you were unable to rebut my point proves what a loser you are. Barr and you are fos. Barr brought that up to distract attention away from his failures to present the report accurately. He staged that whole lie to draw attention away from him. He's a loser and a liar. Just like you.

Sir, you’re being unreasonable. Honestly with all due respect you need your meds.
And I proved you to be a liar. Meds can help find liars like you.

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
Trumpettes stick together. One lies & they all agree. Doesn't make it true.

Typical Leftist answer. You’re a one trick pony, Fake Dave. You also believed there were WMDs in Iraq, right?

Leading up to the Iraq war I believed a President of the United States would not lie to the American people to get 460-0 soldiers killed. I did not believe war was the answer. I did not think they had nukes but the President must have known something I did not.

Since then I know to better scrutinize what Presidents say & am smarter than a pretend Duke graduate to know Trump is a lying POS.
Sir, you’re being unreasonable. Honestly with all due respect you need your meds.
And I proved you to be a liar. Meds can help find liars like you.

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
Trumpettes stick together. One lies & they all agree. Doesn't make it true.

Typical Leftist answer. You’re a one trick pony, Fake Dave. You also believed there were WMDs in Iraq, right?

Leading up to the Iraq war I believed a President of the United States would not lie to the American people to get 460-0 soldiers killed. I did not believe war was the answer. I did not think they had nukes but the President must have known something I did not.

Since then I know to better scrutinize what Presidents say & am smarter than a pretend Duke graduate to know Trump is a lying POS.

Bush lied people died....That war was stupid. Bush was the worst president in my lifetime. Trump is the best POTUS we have had in my lifetime as it pertains to the economy. Why do you have such Duke envy? Is it our hoops team or the cool colors?
New York Times' Anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Shocking, but Not Surprising | National Review

They’ve been anti-Israel and anti-Jewish for years

This week, the New York Times got itself into hot water for printing a blatantly Jew-hating cartoon in its international edition. The cartoon depicted Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an elongated dachshund, a Star of David hanging around his neck, leading a fat, blind, yarmulke-wearing Donald Trump through the streets. The implication: The nefarious, animalistic Jew is in control of the Jew-perverted president of the United States.

The image is nothing new. In 1940, the Lustige Blatter, a weekly German humor magazine, printed an image of a tall, ugly, bearded Hasidic Jew taking a tiny Winston Churchill by the hand and leading him across the surface of the globe.

So, what would tempt the New York Times to print an illustration directly from the mind of Julius Streicher? The fact that the Times, like many of today’s mainstream media outlets, has been completely and utterly willing to cover for and, indeed, engage in anti-Semitism, so long as it is disguised as anti-Zionism. Undoubtedly, the editors at the Times believed that the cartoon was merely a criticism of Israel, not a criticism of Jews. That excuse found its logical apotheosis in a 2014 German regional-court ruling that characterized a firebombing of a synagogue as merely a protest against Israel, rather than act of anti-Semitism.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!

The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.

Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.

Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!

The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.

Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.

Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.
Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib
"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
It is exactly true. The number of obstruction charges against Nixon was less.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!

The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.

Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.

Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Lol! Ha, keep that thought through the impeachment proceedings.
And I proved you to be a liar. Meds can help find liars like you.

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
Trumpettes stick together. One lies & they all agree. Doesn't make it true.

Typical Leftist answer. You’re a one trick pony, Fake Dave. You also believed there were WMDs in Iraq, right?

Leading up to the Iraq war I believed a President of the United States would not lie to the American people to get 460-0 soldiers killed. I did not believe war was the answer. I did not think they had nukes but the President must have known something I did not.

Since then I know to better scrutinize what Presidents say & am smarter than a pretend Duke graduate to know Trump is a lying POS.

Bush lied people died....That war was stupid. Bush was the worst president in my lifetime. Trump is the best POTUS we have had in my lifetime as it pertains to the economy. Why do you have such Duke envy? Is it our hoops team or the cool colors?
The economy was 100% Obama. He put in a stimulus like FDR that created jobs, and the American public saw its best years. Trump hurt us by giving tax breaks to the wealthy. I benefited zero from that economic move, and raised the deficit two trillion dollars.
"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
They have to repeat stuff to create a false narrative scenario with the goal of getting Trump out of office. They use weaponized lies to get the desired result that is influenced in the "preferred" leftist lockstep press websites. They're manipulating information based on communication goals to fool certain voters, namely those they promise something for nothing. Free medical benefits are a lure that disappear when the voter reaches old age and have to go on a competitive list based on lifespan expectancy. a 30 year old nurse, for example, gets a plus 40.(30 to 70) A 75 year old shut-in gets a -5 rating, (70
-75) = -5, and which means when so few people want to be poorly paid doctors, the client may have to wait 6 months for a treatment of chronic bronchitis while other patients get shooed right in for months on end while the shut-in gets sicker and sicker, unless they seek a homeopathic remedy, which occasionally works well enough to save a life.

The leaders are pushing something that could be their voters' death when older years approach. Beware the unsung part of socialism. They cater to socialist party-friendly people also and place opposing party people on their "no help" lists, just like they already do in responding to local constituents requests. This is a foreign concept to people who do not know how the deep state shit works.
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
They have to repeat stuff to create a false narrative scenario with the goal of getting Trump out of office. They use weaponized lies to get the desired result that is influenced in the "preferred" leftist lockstep press websites. They're manipulating information based on communication goals to fool certain voters, namely those they promise something for nothing. Free medical benefits are a lure that disappear when the voter reaches old age and have to go on a competitive list based on lifespan expectancy. a 30 year old nurse, for example, gets a plus 40.(30 to 70) A 75 year old shut-in gets a -5 rating, (70
-75) = -5, and which means when so few people want to be poorly paid doctors, the client may have to wait 6 months for a treatment of chronic bronchitis while other patients get shooed right in for months on end while the shut-in gets sicker and sicker, unless they seek a homeopathic remedy, which occasionally works well enough to save a life.

The leaders are pushing something that could be their voters' death when older years approach. Beware the unsung part of socialism. They cater to socialist party-friendly people also and place opposing party people on their "no help" lists, just like they already do in responding to local constituents requests. This is a foreign concept to people who do not know how the deep state shit works.

What a stack of horseshit, you Trump Humpers don't care if your God broke the law as long as your spineless party stays in power.
Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib
"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.
Lol! Ha, keep that thought through the impeachment proceedings.

"It's all about the Benjamin's baby!"

Ignorant moron also forgot that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Glass houses, glass houses!
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.
Lol! Ha, keep that thought through the impeachment proceedings.

Lol! When they come, or his arrest. Either one works for me.
Ah, the butthurt...
Ah, the truth. Trump broke the law and his mindless, shameless cult party could give two shits.
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
They have to repeat stuff to create a false narrative scenario with the goal of getting Trump out of office. They use weaponized lies to get the desired result that is influenced in the "preferred" leftist lockstep press websites. They're manipulating information based on communication goals to fool certain voters, namely those they promise something for nothing. Free medical benefits are a lure that disappear when the voter reaches old age and have to go on a competitive list based on lifespan expectancy. a 30 year old nurse, for example, gets a plus 40.(30 to 70) A 75 year old shut-in gets a -5 rating, (70
-75) = -5, and which means when so few people want to be poorly paid doctors, the client may have to wait 6 months for a treatment of chronic bronchitis while other patients get shooed right in for months on end while the shut-in gets sicker and sicker, unless they seek a homeopathic remedy, which occasionally works well enough to save a life.

The leaders are pushing something that could be their voters' death when older years approach. Beware the unsung part of socialism. They cater to socialist party-friendly people also and place opposing party people on their "no help" lists, just like they already do in responding to local constituents requests. This is a foreign concept to people who do not know how the deep state shit works.
Nice speech into the abyss about your fantasies. What's any of this got to do with the rule of law, the Constitution, or a RICO Trump organization trying to destroy this country?
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.
Lol! Ha, keep that thought through the impeachment proceedings.

Lol! When they come, or his arrest. Either one works for me.

Provide a time frame, so we know just when you are officially full of shit.
Real Deal:abgg2q.jpg:, you go to far with the comedy.
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.

The campaign was not spied on.

A potential Russian asset was sped on.

The idea Trump hired such a person should tell you something about Trump & wonder why Trump would hire people with known Russian contacts.

Well we will soon know more. Barr believes something nefarious happened but you hope you’re right and I am wrong.

The men have already judged the deep state guilty of high treason

And it's the men with the real power
Ah, the butthurt...
Ah, the truth. Trump broke the law and his mindless, shameless cult party could give two shits.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
They have to repeat stuff to create a false narrative scenario with the goal of getting Trump out of office. They use weaponized lies to get the desired result that is influenced in the "preferred" leftist lockstep press websites. They're manipulating information based on communication goals to fool certain voters, namely those they promise something for nothing. Free medical benefits are a lure that disappear when the voter reaches old age and have to go on a competitive list based on lifespan expectancy. a 30 year old nurse, for example, gets a plus 40.(30 to 70) A 75 year old shut-in gets a -5 rating, (70
-75) = -5, and which means when so few people want to be poorly paid doctors, the client may have to wait 6 months for a treatment of chronic bronchitis while other patients get shooed right in for months on end while the shut-in gets sicker and sicker, unless they seek a homeopathic remedy, which occasionally works well enough to save a life.

The leaders are pushing something that could be their voters' death when older years approach. Beware the unsung part of socialism. They cater to socialist party-friendly people also and place opposing party people on their "no help" lists, just like they already do in responding to local constituents requests. This is a foreign concept to people who do not know how the deep state shit works.
Nice speech into the abyss about your fantasies. What's any of this got to do with the rule of law, the Constitution, or a RICO Trump organization trying to destroy this country?

And the men have judged trump as right
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.
ReALLy? Please continue by providing proof that the campaign was spied on when the FBI said they were spying on Page and Russia.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.

That isn't nothing but right wing propaganda. Barr and Trump are playing you Trump Humpers for the fools you are.

The men says otherwise that it is the deep state that is wrong and liars
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.
ReALLy? Please continue by providing proof that the campaign was spied on when the FBI said they were spying on Page and Russia.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.

That isn't nothing but right wing propaganda. Barr and Trump are playing you Trump Humpers for the fools you are.

The men says otherwise that it is the deep state that is wrong and liars

The man is just as the man he is trying to defend, so we know who is wrong and liars.

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