Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.
So, I ask again, where is that proof? Are you going to plant that lie again?

I just gave you several links. They spied on Page for example without any evidence that he was a Russian asset. They did so to spy on Trump.
No where in the Mueller report was it even alluded to that Page was a Russian asset. Barr will investigate further to see what else the FBI did. Papadopolous is another example. People here are agreeing with me and none with you. If you think everyone is crazy but that you’re sane...likely you’re the crazy one. Just be a man and admit you lost this debate.

They picked up Page on a wiretap on a questionable Russian. Evidence enough.

Really? He was not even mentioned in the Mueller report? Was he?

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
So? That doesn't prove the FBI wasn't spying on Page because of Russia. Boss, how stupid does a person have to be not to understand that? Just because Page and Papadopolous were part of the campaign has nothing to do with anything. Don't you understand that? Are you not able to separate the dynamics between the campaign and Russia? Why are people so damn stupid?

You can lead a horse to water...there are literally dozens of articles on this. Open your eyes.
I've read them all, and the logic and truth about this is irrefutable. Your problem is that you can't deal with it. Page was surveilled because of Russia, not the campaign. That's an established fact.

But then why was there not any evidence on Page with Russia and Mueller found zero as well after two years? Speaking about Page specifically.
When at first you fail to succeed at answering my question of proof that Page was spied on because of the campaign, you ask an irrelevant question. You keep proving that you are a liar. Scram! You are now just a boring troll who cannot hold onto this debate. Stop wasting other people's time with your own attempts at planting lies.

LOL. I accept Your surrender. Another win for the Pale Orc.
I am Logical. I will gladly compare resumes in terms of education and work. I am a son of immigrants, a Jew, a father and a husband. I think The Progessive Left like yourself are a bunch of Fascist Assholes and would say that to your ugly face. I am less Trump and more Ben Shapiro. But I bet your dumbass doesn’t even know who that is.

Ben has mental issues

Trump is the real deal and the real hero

Real Deal:abgg2q.jpg:, you go to far with the comedy.
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.

The campaign was not spied on.

A potential Russian asset was sped on.

The idea Trump hired such a person should tell you something about Trump & wonder why Trump would hire people with known Russian contacts.
Good Ole Gutless Graham forgot all about his words from when he was in the House of Rep.

Graham, then a House of Representatives member, argued that a president can be removed “if this body [Congress] determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role . . . because impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Funny how his opinion has changed.
So? Funny how Obama went from being staunchly against gay marriage to an advocate for. If you want double standards and hypocricy to express your fake, selective outrage over, look no further than your side.

But but but that Obama!!!

Obama, like many others, thought the answer was in civil unions. They believed this gave the homosexuals their "marriage". But it did not go far enough & when this was realized, minds changed.

Not the sane as when Lindsey trash talked Trump because what he said then was true.

Gay marriage benefits capitalism. I am all for it.
Ben has mental issues

Trump is the real deal and the real hero

Real Deal:abgg2q.jpg:, you go to far with the comedy.
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.

The campaign was not spied on.

A potential Russian asset was sped on.

The idea Trump hired such a person should tell you something about Trump & wonder why Trump would hire people with known Russian contacts.

Well we will soon know more. Barr believes something nefarious happened but you hope you’re right and I am wrong.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.
Wait a minute. Did I read what I thought I just read? Barr said the campaign was spied on? Really? Then why would he need to look into it if he already knew? I seem to recall in his testimony that he wasn't sure and thought it was but didn't know. Do you have any idea how absolutely retarded those comments by Barr and you are? Barr is planting nonsense that is going no where, and the cultists eat it up. Get out of here with all that crazy talk.
Yep... I'm reading some retarded shit alright, and it's your pathetic gas.

But I hope you stick around, because someone as fucking stupid as you are is in for a real shock, and you'll have a lot of people here not letting you forget the ignorant bull shit you were puking up.
The fact that you were unable to rebut my point proves what a loser you are. Barr and you are fos. Barr brought that up to distract attention away from his failures to present the report accurately. He staged that whole lie to draw attention away from him. He's a loser and a liar. Just like you.
Your only purpose here is to assist the Democrat Party destroy President Trump and the Republican Party. You want it to be a one-party Communist state ultimately. You're part of a Deep State secret society that pledges omerta so the American people will not know they are pushing for a One-Party state by destroying the opposition instead of opposing it and destroying the Constitution instead of accepting it also. If you don't know this, you are an outsider helping do the insider's dirty work.
My purpose is to expose the truth. And that is exactly what has happened here. The fact that the truth eats every meal of tours is your problem. No communism or deep state. Just the truth that Republicans can't deal with. Get a life.
You're not accepting the first and primary truth here, dear. Mueller's $35,000,000 2-year research into every aspect of President Trump's campaign found NO COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA, which was the alleged mission of contracting the most expensive witch hunt in the history of the United States at the demand of power chest-thumper Nancy Pelosi, who said she was the most powerful person in America just a few months back. She can't even get through a sentence without showing her case of selective amnesia about the offenses of the Obama administration in this matter, and she is followed and supported by a coven of other selective amnesia followers who read only DNC talking points and ignore the reports that come out. The funniest talking point to date was the one about the 17-pages of dialog that had to be checked for necessary redactions before its release along with the rest of the reports dumped on them and analyzed by the Attorney General most effectively. The reports were actually sitting on their desks in the reports they were banging on the desks about not having access to the information.

What a bunch of idiots your shameful, disgraceful, hatemongering Congressional leaders you are representing here. If you read the report, you would be shocked to find out that there was no collusion with Russia by either President Trump or any of his staff, including two who went to jail before it was made known that The DNC sent in 4 FBI spies to confuse Trump's people with a passel of lies to get a certain result in order to make it appear Trump was surrounded by rats and liars. That is where the law breaks down and the hatemongering goal-achievers patted themselves on the back and went for bolder and bolder lies as they went. If you really were interested in the truth, you'd hear both arguments and who said what to whom. The trouble is, it makes people who love the Constitution so angry, the Democrats detect their defection to the truth immediately and start demanding their resignations. We now have enough of their doings in order to jail several of the people on their team making the loudest screams. It's hard to know the outcome because mass hysteria and groupthink gone down to the toilet is hard to guess.

You just go right on believing the filthy wool that has been pulled over your eyes on purpose by Hillary and her small oligarch-like cabal of TDS syndrome sufferers. They are out to objectively kill, not discredit, people they've lied to who figured out how.
Wait a minute. Did I read what I thought I just read? Barr said the campaign was spied on? Really? Then why would he need to look into it if he already knew? I seem to recall in his testimony that he wasn't sure and thought it was but didn't know. Do you have any idea how absolutely retarded those comments by Barr and you are? Barr is planting nonsense that is going no where, and the cultists eat it up. Get out of here with all that crazy talk.
Yep... I'm reading some retarded shit alright, and it's your pathetic gas.

But I hope you stick around, because someone as fucking stupid as you are is in for a real shock, and you'll have a lot of people here not letting you forget the ignorant bull shit you were puking up.
The fact that you were unable to rebut my point proves what a loser you are. Barr and you are fos. Barr brought that up to distract attention away from his failures to present the report accurately. He staged that whole lie to draw attention away from him. He's a loser and a liar. Just like you.

Sir, you’re being unreasonable. Honestly with all due respect you need your meds.
And I proved you to be a liar. Meds can help find liars like you.

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
Trumpettes stick together. One lies & they all agree. Doesn't make it true.
Yep... I'm reading some retarded shit alright, and it's your pathetic gas.

But I hope you stick around, because someone as fucking stupid as you are is in for a real shock, and you'll have a lot of people here not letting you forget the ignorant bull shit you were puking up.
The fact that you were unable to rebut my point proves what a loser you are. Barr and you are fos. Barr brought that up to distract attention away from his failures to present the report accurately. He staged that whole lie to draw attention away from him. He's a loser and a liar. Just like you.

Sir, you’re being unreasonable. Honestly with all due respect you need your meds.
And I proved you to be a liar. Meds can help find liars like you.

They definitely spied on Page and Papadopolous and they were part of the campaign. No ties proven to Russia by Mueller. LOL

Can you read? People are agreeing with me in our exchange. Zero agree with you.
Trumpettes stick together. One lies & they all agree. Doesn't make it true.

Typical Leftist answer. You’re a one trick pony, Fake Dave. You also believed there were WMDs in Iraq, right?
Real Deal:abgg2q.jpg:, you go to far with the comedy.
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.
ReALLy? Please continue by providing proof that the campaign was spied on when the FBI said they were spying on Page and Russia.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.

That isn't nothing but right wing propaganda. Barr and Trump are playing you Trump Humpers for the fools you are.
So all you got is bullcrap talking points with no substance, just like all the other demorats who are struggling to stay sane after the collusion debacle failed. Now prove your racism to the board.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.
ReALLy? Please continue by providing proof that the campaign was spied on when the FBI said they were spying on Page and Russia.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.

That isn't nothing but right wing propaganda. Barr and Trump are playing you Trump Humpers for the fools you are.

Sir, you should never and the Pale Orc MEANS never call anyone a fool.
Gee, I wonder why the Clinton Foundation got 180 billion wired to them right before Russia was awarded a big chunk of our Uranium. Collusion, anyone?
Why? Why is because you bare a fucking moron. Russia did not wire 180 billion (funny how that number keeps growing.

The bulk of it was donated not by a Russia but a man who had sold out his uranium investments years prior.

This is how fucking stupid you are.

1) It was then Canadian owned uranium.
2) The State Depyt was one of 9 commenting so who bribed the other 8?
3)_ The Uranium is still here (in the ground) & can't be exported without approval.

CFIUS - have you heard of it? Even if the uranium was owned by a Canadian company, they could not sell it to Russia without the U.S. federal government's approval. hiLIARY was one of the people who had CFIUS approval power.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Did you see that? From the guy who said they would do everything they could to block Obama from doing anything - even if it hurt the country. Clearly McConnell is a racist. He even blocked anything Obama could do in the last year of his presidency. I’ve never seen a racist so bold and he’s the head of the senate.
McConnell has an approval rating of 34%. It’s the lowest of all 100 senators.

McConnell ignores Kentucky

And that’s from a Kentucky newspaper.

McConnell is one of the 22 senators up for reelection in 2020.
Why? Why is because you bare a fucking moron. Russia did not wire 180 billion (funny how that number keeps growing.

The bulk of it was donated not by a Russia but a man who had sold out his uranium investments years prior.

This is how fucking stupid you are.

1) It was then Canadian owned uranium.
2) The State Depyt was one of 9 commenting so who bribed the other 8?
3)_ The Uranium is still here (in the ground) & can't be exported without approval.

CFIUS - have you heard of it? Even if the uranium was owned by a Canadian company, they could not sell it to Russia without the U.S. federal government's approval. hiLIARY was one of the people who had CFIUS approval power.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Learn the difference between facts and conspiracies.
Evidently the Attorney General knows more than you do, as is painfully obvious, and he said the campaign was spied on. He's looking into that right now, as is IG Horowitz, and I imagine a few other people as well. So why don't you hang onto your little witch hunt hat and enjoy the ride. It's going to get real bumpy for those who tried to FRAME a sitting president.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of America, and exposing it and bringing the perpetrators to justice is just starting to heat up. The tables are turned.
Wait a minute. Did I read what I thought I just read? Barr said the campaign was spied on? Really? Then why would he need to look into it if he already knew? I seem to recall in his testimony that he wasn't sure and thought it was but didn't know. Do you have any idea how absolutely retarded those comments by Barr and you are? Barr is planting nonsense that is going no where, and the cultists eat it up. Get out of here with all that crazy talk.
Yep... I'm reading some retarded shit alright, and it's your pathetic gas.

But I hope you stick around, because someone as fucking stupid as you are is in for a real shock, and you'll have a lot of people here not letting you forget the ignorant bull shit you were puking up.
The fact that you were unable to rebut my point proves what a loser you are. Barr and you are fos. Barr brought that up to distract attention away from his failures to present the report accurately. He staged that whole lie to draw attention away from him. He's a loser and a liar. Just like you.
Your only purpose here is to assist the Democrat Party destroy President Trump and the Republican Party. You want it to be a one-party Communist state ultimately. You're part of a Deep State secret society that pledges omerta so the American people will not know they are pushing for a One-Party state by destroying the opposition instead of opposing it and destroying the Constitution instead of accepting it also. If you don't know this, you are an outsider helping do the insider's dirty work.
My purpose is to expose the truth. And that is exactly what has happened here. The fact that the truth eats every meal of tours is your problem. No communism or deep state. Just the truth that Republicans can't deal with. Get a life.
Your purpose is to fluff Democrat criminals. It's not going to work. Some of them may already have made reservations to get asylum in a foreign country. You apparently did not watch late tv last night on what we know. This information may be very upsetting to you if you have never seen the information not accepted by the leftist lockstep press to know how deep the leadership of the DNC in years past:

CFIUS - have you heard of it? Even if the uranium was owned by a Canadian company, they could not sell it to Russia without the U.S. federal government's approval. hiLIARY was one of the people who had CFIUS approval power.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Learn the difference between facts and conspiracies.

Thank you for your concern, but I already understand the difference.
Why? Why is because you bare a fucking moron. Russia did not wire 180 billion (funny how that number keeps growing.

The bulk of it was donated not by a Russia but a man who had sold out his uranium investments years prior.

This is how fucking stupid you are.

1) It was then Canadian owned uranium.
2) The State Depyt was one of 9 commenting so who bribed the other 8?
3)_ The Uranium is still here (in the ground) & can't be exported without approval.

CFIUS - have you heard of it? Even if the uranium was owned by a Canadian company, they could not sell it to Russia without the U.S. federal government's approval. hiLIARY was one of the people who had CFIUS approval power.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Lies. Lies & more lies.

How many people on that committee? Nine. Nine members. How come you aren't screaming & having a fit about the other 8?

There is no proof the Clintons got any money for it. Why would just bribing one out of 9 people work?

I Knew an bout that committee from day one because you assfucks have been lying about this for years.
CFIUS - have you heard of it? Even if the uranium was owned by a Canadian company, they could not sell it to Russia without the U.S. federal government's approval. hiLIARY was one of the people who had CFIUS approval power.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Lies. Lies & more lies.

How many people on that committee? Nine. Nine members. How come you aren't screaming & having a fit about the other 8?

There is no proof the Clintons got any money for it. Why would just bribing one out of 9 people work?

I Knew an bout that committee from day one because you assfucks have been lying about this for years.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Flaming Butt Hurt ^^^
Have you heard that Uranium One was a CANADIAN Company ? So it was OK for the Canadians to own it? Trump called Canada a national threat!

Have you heard that the CHIUS has NINE members. What kind of moron would bribe just one when the other 8 were yes votes?

This is why you Assucks claiming Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians is 100% total bullshit. BULLSHIT>

Now pound that trough your fat ignorant brian. Jesus!

That sane CFIUS would need to approve the shipment of any of our uranium to Russia or anywhere outside the US>

It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Learn the difference between facts and conspiracies.

Thank you for your concern, but I already understand the difference.
That's some funny chit. You voted fior Trump, you can't tell the difference between an American & a fat assed orange scum sucking greedy POS selling out America for personal gain.
It was not okay for the Canadian company to sell to Russia without U.S. approval under CFIUS.
Of course they needed the OK to sell the US based uranium. So why are you having a fit? " OMG OMG OMNG Clinton sold our Uranium" when you just admitted it can't be shipped without further approval?

If you think we should be in control & own our US uranium, then your gripe needs to be with the people that approved the sale to Uranium One in the first place.

Instead of claiming ONE person of 9 is at fault.

Clinton used her authority under CFIUS to approve the deal. She and Bubba hoovered up $millions as the pay-off. And it's pretty clear you had no knowledge of CFIUS until I posted about the requirement.
Learn the difference between facts and conspiracies.

Thank you for your concern, but I already understand the difference.
That's some funny chit. You voted fior Trump, you can't tell the difference between an American & a fat assed orange scum sucking greedy POS selling out America for personal gain. are such a meanie!

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