Grampa Murked U gives Obama a 50/50 chance of winning a second term.

60% Romney wins popular vote

60% Obama wins electoral vote

I think we are in for some surprises Tuesday night.
60% Romney wins popular vote

60% Obama wins electoral vote

I think we are in for some surprises Tuesday night.
i think romney has the edge still due to turn out probally being higher on tuesday on his side then obama

president need to have big early voting lead to make up for it. otherwise he could be in big trouble
98.5% chance Romney is inaugerated in January.

Put your money on the table Gramps. If Obama is inaugerated, I will donate $100 in your name to the charity of your choice. If Romney is inaugerated, you get to donate $100 to a cheritable cause of my choice.

You game?
98.5% chance Romney is inaugerated in January.

Put your money on the table Gramps. If Obama is inaugerated, I will donate $100 in your name to the charity of your choice. If Romney is inaugerated, you get to donate $100 to a cheritable cause of my choice.

You game?
you might be right. ed henry seems confident on fox now that romney will lose. said obama small crowds now are a bad sign.
Decker, you need to tone down the concern troll act. You can't be that obvious about it.
Decker, you need to tone down the concern troll act. You can't be that obvious about it.
i am not a concern troll. Fuck off with that. I want obama to win and over last week become more confident he has a chance. But like micheal moore said on twitte their are many millions who need to get out to vote for obama.

in my view if everyone in america voted, obama would win. But i fear gop turnout will be bigger then obama on tuesday which could ruin the early vote lead he bulit up in states like ohio. so he need to fight every moment and so does robert gibbs, david, and the team

everything on line in next three days.
The powerball numbers tonight are.

6-32-54-75-92 and 13

See, I can pull numbers out of my ass too!
Nate is a joke. If the STATE polls predict a win by O, then Nate predicts a win by O.

So telling us what Nate predicts is like re-stating the findings and predictions of the various state polls.

And the polls are dubious for a number of reasons already explored many times.

So, it's GiGo. Nate is strictly for laffs.

See: Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller
Mitt is going to win handily. The race will not be all that close. Not in popular vote and not in the Electoral Vote.

It may not qualify as a landslide for Mitt, but it will stun the poor deluded libbies here almost as badly.
Nate is a joke. If the STATE polls predict a win by O, then Nate predicts a win by O.

So telling us what Nate predicts is like re-stating the findings and predictions of the various state polls.

And the polls are dubious for a number of reasons already explored many times.

So, it's GiGo. Nate is strictly for laffs.

See: Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller
polls are pretty all over the place. on journalist had romney winning 315 to 222 today in examiner i think

all i know is we soon know come tuesday either way. my gut feeing is we in for thriller on tuesday night and it could come down to just one or two states like in 00 and 04.
Mitt is going to win handily. The race will not be all that close. Not in popular vote and not in the Electoral Vote.

It may not qualify as a landslide for Mitt, but it will stun the poor deluded libbies here almost as badly.
well that could happen and if it does then well done you on your victory.
Mitt is going to win handily. The race will not be all that close. Not in popular vote and not in the Electoral Vote.

It may not qualify as a landslide for Mitt, but it will stun the poor deluded libbies here almost as badly.

If either side believes this will be a landslide then they are living in a drug induced pipe dream

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