Grand Jury Indicts 3 Officers in McClain Killing

McClain was correct in saying he had a right to walk down the sidewalk.

What kind of authoritarian thug would deny that?
The cops have the RIGHT to stop you and ask you what you are doing when they have this case, they had cause. OUr little racist freak was wearing a ski mask in AUGUST obscuring his face............and claiming that he was anemic is a nonsense claim by his family. I'm Anemic---and yes I get cold at times---I don't put wear ski masks to walk around especially in the middle of summer in Colorado where it is hot and muggy in August.

Either the freak was having a medical episode and going to die anyways which was affecting his brain, or he was playing games. Either way the cops had to do what they did and they did nothing wrong. The freak had a heart attack in the cop car---notice that they don't claim that he was overdosed so I assume he had medical issues that the cops read as bizarre and needing an intervention but our little freak died anyways. And that even though, his trash family knows this that they are hoping to become rich off his death not given a shit about the taxpayers or the cops/paramedics that they harm.
The cops have the RIGHT to stop you and ask you what you are doing when they have this case, they had cause. OUr little racist freak was wearing a ski mask in AUGUST obscuring his face............and claiming that he was anemic is a nonsense claim by his family. I'm Anemic---and yes I get cold at times---I don't put wear ski masks to walk around especially in the middle of summer in Colorado where it is hot and muggy in August.

Either the freak was having a medical episode and going to die anyways which was affecting his brain, or he was playing games. Either way the cops had to do what they did and they did nothing wrong. The freak had a heart attack in the cop car---notice that they don't claim that he was overdosed so I assume he had medical issues that the cops read as bizarre and needing an intervention but our little freak died anyways. And that even though, his trash family knows this that they are hoping to become rich off his death not given a shit about the taxpayers or the cops/paramedics that they harm.
Wearing a ski mask is not cause to be deprived of your rights.

People used to love and respect freedom. Now we don’t even have the right to wear what we want because if authoritarian thugs like you.
Admitting to the racism problem in America gets you half way there.

And blaming the socalled 'left' is at least partially correct.

I would suggest that racism crosses political party lines.
Your first and third sentences are correct. Your second sentence displays your lack of knowledge of our history regarding racism.

The left has vehemently opposed civil rights for blacks since before the War Between the States. The left opposed all efforts to codify their civil rights until it recognized the ability to obtain votes by creating the Democrat Plantation. The Democrat Party founded the KKK. When you have time for some US History lessons, check out the 1924 Democrat Party Convention.

The Republican Party was founded with the specific purpose of abolishing slavery. The Republican Party and championed civil rights for blacks since the days of reconstruction.

It's okay to be a proud Canuck, but don't pretend to be an expert in the history of the United States. You're no better.

Your first and third sentences are correct. Your second sentence displays your lack of knowledge of our history regarding racism.

The left has vehemently opposed civil rights for blacks since before the War Between the States. The left opposed all efforts to codify their civil rights until it recognized the ability to obtain votes by creating the Democrat Plantation. The Democrat Party founded the KKK. When you have time for some US History lessons, check out the 1924 Democrat Party Convention.

The Republican Party was founded with the specific purpose of abolishing slavery. The Republican Party and championed civil rights for blacks since the days of reconstruction.

It's okay to be a proud Canuck, but don't pretend to be an expert in the history of the United States. You're no better.

We're together on verifying the racism of the left, but you choose to stop there.
You obviously have no interest in talking about any possible solutions.
Actually he did....when the cops told his wearing a ski mask in August ass to stop--he refused saying that he a right to do what he was doing. No cop would have let him go, but since he was black he thought that he was entitled to do whatever. Tired of the stupid...and very tired of cops being arrested for doing their jobs.

This idiot died in a police car from a heart attack--------but they are blaming the cops and the paramedics. There is no medical evidence to back up this stupity none..this done solely because of the race pimps bullying nonsense.

From here on out, nearly all will let the person go home.
We're together on verifying the racism of the left, but you choose to stop there.
No I don't.
You obviously have no interest in talking about any possible solutions.
I've already posited that the teaching of CRT should be made illegal.

I add that the liberals should stop their use of labeling anyone who disagrees with them as "racist".

...and that the Democrat Plantation should stop tearing down the tradition of family values in their promotion of increased welfare to single mothers only. They deliberately punish homes that include a father image.

There is much more that can be done to abate racism, not only between whites and blacks, but that involving Asians as well.

This is the entire incident including the 911 call where a worried citizen called in to report this person.

What do we have? A person resisting from the beginning. A person refusing to follow police directives. A person who became physically combative.

The police on numerous occasions told this thug to relax, and to stop resisting. He would not listen to commands so they had to increase force until he was compelled physically to cooperate.

Why can't these people simply cooperate with simple instructions?

Some of us refuse to give data to Google.

So, if you post a Google/YouTube video, please copy and paste the title of the video, so, for those of us who are interested, we can search for it on alternative platforms.

I suspect you are right, otherwise they would not be censoring this, or trying to data-mine those who are interested in viewing this content.

. . . as an aside. . . folks should be concerned with the fact that Google (and the government,) wants to know who is interested in viewing this content. :ack-1:
Black lives only matter for libturd political purposes. Fuck the knee grow that dies otherwise
All lives matter. But apparently to these scumbags, if you say that you are "racist". I am not a racist but I say "All lives matter, Especially the Blue ones!!"
All lives matter. But apparently to these scumbags, if you say that you are "racist". I am not a racist but I say "All lives matter, Especially the Blue ones!!"
Did that hold on 1/6/2021?
Not really. Cops are learning to not actively police. Society is changing and in order for that to happen in needs to be broken down until the people cry for ORDER.

They will get it.

Like 10K bounties and open carry for everyone everywhere....conservatives want Stasi vigilantes, not cops.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're wickdly funny:rofl::laughing0301:. I don't mean to be rude to the others, I swear.
When he first came here I saw comedic genius raw and ready. I have complimented a few times as you have. I see Greatness and I know humor

He is in my time about the funniest I've seen right away. Just wait til he gets 5000 posts

He is a shoo in for Rookie of the Year 2021
View attachment 535535

Democraps BEES da praublum.

Treatin black folks like dey yo pets n'sheeeit.

The raysism of lowed expectayshuns!

Bettah axe sumbody!
Okay, so black people used to beat your arse when you were a teenager. They didn't do it because you are white, they did it because you're an arsehole. I'm guessing a lot of white folks kicked your arse too.

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