Grand Jury Indicts 3 Officers in McClain Killing

Trayvon assaulted a citizen trying to make a citizen's arrest. McClain resisted arrest by officers. Arrest starts when the perp is stopped. Booking for the arrest comes afterwards.
Trayvon committed no crimes and couldn’t be under citizens arrest. If that’s what you’re claiming, then he was acting in self defense.

McClain was never under arrest as the police never suspected him of committing any crime.
Wrong. Cops are learning they no longer get to violate people's rights and lie about it and simply go on.

It was ruled that they had zero reasons or justifications to stop him.

Cops are going to learn......or go to prison.
Wishful thinking at best. It's not going to be that easy.

The George Floyd murder was intended as a demonstration that the police are no where near ready to be pushed back from brutality.
Wishful thinking at best. It's not going to be that easy.

The George Floyd murder was intended as a demonstration that the police are no where near ready to be pushed back from brutality.

Push back if your freedom means nothing to you.
Wrong. Cops are learning they no longer get to violate people's rights and lie about it and simply go on.

It was ruled that they had zero reasons or justifications to stop him.

Cops are going to learn......or go to prison.
Not really. Cops are learning to not actively police. Society is changing and in order for that to happen in needs to be broken down until the people cry for ORDER.

They will get it.
the cops aaaaalways say that, til some vid pops up that shows otherwise.
I am split on this. half for the cops and half for the people.

Not to mention the cops kill and phak with many caucasians but no one gives shit about them: "those caucasians can rot in hell" type of assessment.
Also another really really interesting fact:
More blacks get murdered by their very own than any cops regardless of their ethnicity. FACT. Like somebody said:
"IF Black lives matter" why are blacks killing their own like there is no tomorrow?!" And I agree with them.
Black lives only matter for libturd political purposes. Fuck the knee grow that dies otherwise
Not really. Cops are learning to not actively police. Society is changing and in order for that to happen in needs to be broken down until the people cry for ORDER.

They will get it.
Yes, that is another method used by police to demonstrate that they won't buckle to pressure to reform.
Yes, that is another method used by police to demonstrate that they won't buckle to pressure to reform.
Yes, when we penalize cops for policing too 'actively' they stop actively engaging. It's human nature. We are in the process of a massive rework of our culture.

The end product will be dystopian, and rather horrid, but the monkeys can't see that beyond...

"Them cops is gon learn er go ta jail!"
Push back if your freedom means nothing to you.
I'm a Canadian and my freedoms and rights are still intact. But admittedly there is some copycat effect on some Canadian police forces.
We still stand as #1 on quality of life. That's the biggest part of freedom and liberty.

The left half of your country is equally guilty of creating the 'race' problem.
What should have been expected when an entire black population was held back.
Now the result is a huge racism problem that has some basis in substance.
Racism existed long before this nation was founded. My argument is that CRT (being promoted by the liberals) will make sure it grows exponentially...unless it is made illegal.
Racism existed long before this nation was founded. My argument is that CRT (being promoted by the liberals) will make sure it grows exponentially...unless it is made illegal.
Admitting to the racism problem in America gets you half way there. And blaming the socalled 'left' is at least partially correct.
I would suggest that racism crosses political party lines.
You're going to a great deal of trouble to hint at your racist feelings Gabe.
I think everybody gets it by now.


Let's make this easy then, shall we?

Go fuck yourself, you cuckold, lefty, faggot.

There, was that the response you sought?

See, I aim to please, buddy :D
Trayvon committed no crimes and couldn’t be under citizens arrest. If that’s what you’re claiming, then he was acting in self defense.

McClain was never under arrest as the police never suspected him of committing any crime.
And then, as now, the racist right attempts to demonize and vilify a black victim of police criminality further demonstrating conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law.
You're going to a great deal of trouble to hint at your racist feelings Gabe.
I think everybody gets it by now.
How can you discern the race of his subject of mockery? It could be an uneducated black or an uneducated redneck white.
He actually didn't do anything, you dumbass, other than walk down the street. And they pumped him full of a drug that killed him
Actually he did....when the cops told his wearing a ski mask in August ass to stop--he refused saying that he a right to do what he was doing. No cop would have let him go, but since he was black he thought that he was entitled to do whatever. Tired of the stupid...and very tired of cops being arrested for doing their jobs.

This idiot died in a police car from a heart attack--------but they are blaming the cops and the paramedics. There is no medical evidence to back up this stupity none..this done solely because of the race pimps bullying nonsense.
Yes, when we penalize cops for policing too 'actively' they stop actively engaging. It's human nature. We are in the process of a massive rework of our culture.
It's just one wrongheaded reaction that is inherent in many who choose the profession. But too, Chauvin almost certainly chose to demonstrate that he could set the bar lower on police behaviour.
He gambled wrong but he still managed to move the bar downwards.

This is evident in the lack of acceptance of his guilt by himself and also much of America's police officers.
How can you discern the race of his subject of mockery? It could be an uneducated black or an uneducated redneck white.
In fact I can't to be honest.
Do you understand the real meaning of systemic?
I would concur with your 'uneducated' accusation.
Trayvon committed no crimes and couldn’t be under citizens arrest. If that’s what you’re claiming, then he was acting in self defense.

McClain was never under arrest as the police never suspected him of committing any crime.
Trayvon committed several crimes----he attacked the community patrol like he had a bus driver. He also wasn't a resident of the area nor was his dead beat pos father----he was casing the neighborhood as he had done many times before since he was snagged with both stolen jewelry and burglary kit at school and recorded himself talking about taking illegals drugs and having guns that weren't his.
Actually he did....when the cops told his wearing a ski mask in August ass to stop--he refused saying that he a right to do what he was doing. No cop would have let him go, but since he was black he thought that he was entitled to do whatever. Tired of the stupid...and very tired of cops being arrested for doing their jobs.

This idiot died in a police car from a heart attack--------but they are blaming the cops and the paramedics. There is no medical evidence to back up this stupity none..this done solely because of the race pimps bullying nonsense.

McClain was correct in saying he had a right to walk down the sidewalk.

What kind of authoritarian thug would deny that?

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