Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....

Something that really struck me the other Day when posting Greenland Ice Cores was the rapid fall into cooling that happens cyclically every 1.2 thousand years. And each event is preceded by a warming trend spike just before a rapid decrease in global temperatures.

greenland ice cores -.jpg

Temperatures spiked and rise ended in 1998, according to balloon data sets used to certify satellite measurements. Our current spike will look like many others in the Holocene very soon as Grand Solar minimum happens every 1,200 years.

greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

Each of the cooling events following there warming spikes has resulted in a 0.5 deg C drop in temperature before then forming a new cooler base line.

Now lets look closer.. The sun has cycles(red lined grand minimums) initially faster (800-900 years) then elongating (out to 1200 years) then a pause before a Grand minimum where massive cooling occurs. The pause warming is liner and sloped. We have reached that slope maximum and now were headed to cooling. Given the cycle progression we should expect 1-1.5 deg C drop in global temperatures over the next 60-90 years..

People refuse to look at the historical "writing on the wall" but the pattern is clear..
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Lol, I smell desperation!

Alas, the desperation belongs to you guys...maybe because you are starting to realize that you have been scammed...or maybe you know it is a scam and are worried about the fallout of the world learning about it. Did you know that the hypothetical warming due to man's burning of hydrocarbon fuels has never actually been empirically measured, quantified and then attributed to GHG in any published, peer-reviewed scientific study to date. What does that say for all the "science" you people believe you have on your side?
Lol, 3 of the first 4 posts are you high-fiving yourself. That's desperation. Yes, I know the usual climate deniers will flock in here to defend you but they are as desperate as you are.
Lol, I smell desperation!

Alas, the desperation belongs to you guys...maybe because you are starting to realize that you have been scammed...or maybe you know it is a scam and are worried about the fallout of the world learning about it. Did you know that the hypothetical warming due to man's burning of hydrocarbon fuels has never actually been empirically measured, quantified and then attributed to GHG in any published, peer-reviewed scientific study to date. What does that say for all the "science" you people believe you have on your side?
Sorry, but that is so incorrect as to be delusional.
Lol, 3 of the first 4 posts are you high-fiving yourself. That's desperation. Yes, I know the usual climate deniers will flock in here to defend you but they are as desperate as you are.
Please provide proof of your claim... Empirically observed and quantified evidence that can be verified..
Lol, I smell desperation!

Alas, the desperation belongs to you guys...maybe because you are starting to realize that you have been scammed...or maybe you know it is a scam and are worried about the fallout of the world learning about it. Did you know that the hypothetical warming due to man's burning of hydrocarbon fuels has never actually been empirically measured, quantified and then attributed to GHG in any published, peer-reviewed scientific study to date. What does that say for all the "science" you people believe you have on your side?
Sorry, but that is so incorrect as to be delusional.
Another "because I said so" claim without evidence of any kind to back it up.. Your the one who is delusional..
Billy looked at it and said "I've got nothing... but I guess I can always go back to semantics"
Lol, I smell desperation!

Alas, the desperation belongs to you guys...maybe because you are starting to realize that you have been scammed...or maybe you know it is a scam and are worried about the fallout of the world learning about it. Did you know that the hypothetical warming due to man's burning of hydrocarbon fuels has never actually been empirically measured, quantified and then attributed to GHG in any published, peer-reviewed scientific study to date. What does that say for all the "science" you people believe you have on your side?
Sorry, but that is so incorrect as to be delusional.

Prove me wrong... Lets see a paper that empirically measures and quantifies the warming attributed to man made CO2.

Of course you won't be able to...just as you can't show a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, or a single piece of observed, measured data which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...

But is it sweet that you believe such that papers have been published and data showing those things exists even though you can't manage to find any of them. By the way...that's called being a dupe.
Lol.....snow flurries here in NY today. October 21st!


We have three passes up here that usually don't close until mid November and they have been closed now for about two weeks and have 3-5 feet of snow on them.. We've had a warm week and will have about one more and then were into snow season.. The animals at elevation are all low where the food is that they can still get too... Its going to be cold and snowy one, indefrence to what NOAA stated in its forecast..
maybe you know it is a scam and are worried about the fallout of the world learning about it.
It will be real evident in the next ten years and there will be no amount of "adjustments" that will be able to hide what is happening...

Current, unadjusted, data sets are already showing the cooling trend.

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