Forecast Discussion: Rapid Cooling Ahead.. Its already started...

It's not "my" point, you dummy. Pay attention!

I can only defer to the global scientific community.

I would never be stupid enough to think I used Google to outsmart them, despite having zero education or experience in any related field.

You guys live in a fantasy. Embarrassing.
Who is the "global scientific community"? I am an atmospheric physicist. A real scientist. Not a political whore pretending to be one.. You scream like they are someone, who should be trusted, but you have no facts with which to defend their lies with? You spew, because they say so, we should bow.. Nope.. That is not how science works.

The only dummy here is you.. Your a fool that does as he is told... Your nothing more than puppet..
It's not "my" point, you dummy. Pay attention!

I can only defer to the global scientific community.

I would never be stupid enough to think I used Google to outsmart them, despite having zero education or experience in any related field.

You guys live in a fantasy. Embarrassing.

Folks this climate gook can't answer a simple question,

Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?

Already addressed the "cherrypick: statement you made which exposes your hypocrisy from POST 85,

"Once again I repeat myself: It is gooks like you who screams about hottest day/year on record and say that is global warming/climate change causing it but when a current 6 year long cooling trend is shown you get angry and scream irrationally."

Your hypocrisy is stunning since you complain about a SIX year period calling it Cherry-picking but ignore the much abused hottest day or year on record saying that is caused by climate change that YOU Rockhead, Crick in the head and other warmist hypocrite gooks."

The question again before your small brain forgets,

Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Folks this climate gook can't answer a simple question,

Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?

Already addressed the "cherrypick: statement you made which exposes your hypocrisy from POST 85,

"Once again I repeat myself: It is gooks like you who screams about hottest day/year on record and say that is global warming/climate change causing it but when a current 6 year long cooling trend is shown you get angry and scream irrationally."

Your hypocrisy is stunning since you complain about a SIX year period calling it Cherry-picking but ignore the much abused hottest day or year on record saying that is caused by climate change that YOU Rockhead, Crick in the head and other warmist hypocrite gooks."

The question again before your small brain forgets,

Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?
Warming since 1850 = 1.2 deg C Current cooling trend -0.7 deg C. 1.2 - 0.7 = 0.5 degrees C warming is all that is left. This makes the climate sensitivity number 0.27 to 1. We are seeing just 0.27 deg C warming when the LOG of CO2 alone tells us we should be seeing 1.3 deg C of warming.

The CAGW hypothesis is falling apart and the modeling they used to create the hysteria have all failed and over calculated warming by a factor of 10.

You would think with this sever of a failure they would rethink their hypothesis. But the political agenda trumps science. Control over the populace is more important and they must keep the lie alive even when it has been clearly falsified as a hypothesis.
Lets see if we can remove some of your ignorance;



Eastbrooks 'B' scenario is the more likely path of the earth given what we have learned about CO2's inability to influence water vapor and its overall negative forcing. If you use ADJUSTED DATA Eastbrook's projection B has been right on the money.

I already debunked 'Easterboob' here in another thread!
Or rather showed he was Epically Wrong.

...Climate change​

In 2006, Easterbrook claimed that, based on past trends, "the current warm cycle should end soon and global temperatures should cool slightly until about 2035", (aa, LOFL) and "the total increase in global warming for the century should be ~0.3 °C, rather than the catastrophic warming of 3-6°C (4-11°F) predicted by the IPCC."[1]
In 2013, he testified that "global warming ended in 1998."[2]
Easterbrook's claims have been contradicted by temperature data.[3][4]


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