Great interview with Tulsi


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

I like Tulsi but because I am an extreme liberal and I think she would not cause any illegal wars deliberately, like the WMD lies about Iraq.
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

It always cracks me up when a pseudocon expresses admiration for Tulsi Gabbard.

She is as socialist as Bernie Sanders.
Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

So say you don't like her positions as opposed to saying "Socialism" when you support socialism.

Farmers Got Billions From Taxpayers In 2019, And Hardly Anyone Objected

Or say you feel she is a bigger socialist than the socialist you support.
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

She is a woman of integrity with a career past to back that up. She has some beliefs that are conservative and a number of others decidedly liberal. Too bad that party she is with does not know how to behave beyond how a scheming 8 year old brat thinks. So Tulsi is like Nathan Hale, a man without a country. She would have both impressed America --- if the media and her party allowed it ---- and blown hillary, pelosi, AOC and all those other creeps and phonies to Smithereens. But the democrats are way too proud and stupid to allow someone else to rise in the ranks and lessen their roles.
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

Tulsi is the perfect example of how Dems cannot tolerate the differing of opinion on just a few issues. She is with Dems 98% of the time on their batshit crazy Agenda. But she isn’t with them in the pro-war and meddling in the Middle East. For that reason, she was blacklisted by the media, not allowed at most debates, and even called a “Russian agent” by Hillary.
Tulsi dropped out of running for re-election to the House because she knew she would lose to the current new elected Representative of her district, Kai Kahele. I don't think she will seek elective office again. She is too far out of the mainstream when it comes to here defense policy and foreign policy views. They are the opposite of what has generally been U.S. policy, whether Democrat or Republican, in those areas for the past 75 years.
Tulsi dropped out of running for re-election to the House because she knew she would lose to the current new elected Representative of her district, Kai Kahele. I don't think she will seek elective office again. She is too far out of the mainstream when it comes to here defense policy and foreign policy views.

That's why she was so great.

They are the opposite of what has generally been U.S. policy, whether Democrat or Republican, in those areas for the past 75 years.

And that's working out well.................not.
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

She's put her boots on the ground in-theater so she knows what's up. It is a "funny" thing really. Sometimes my wife bugs me about "what it was like" to go to war. I mean, she doesn't mean any harm—her intentions are always good—but I think she needs to know sometimes, perhaps so she can better appreciate the lives we have, our success and the everyday freedoms we enjoy, take for granted. I share with her on rare occasions some of my experiences at war, which span 1992-2017. But more often than not I relate to her combat stories of a Marine friend of mine who lost his little brother "over there" in the early 2000's. Gives me nauseous paranoia just thinking about it.

But back to Ms. Gabbard (missus, I suppose—she is married). Billy Joel sung it best, "I tell ya only the good die young." And so it goes, it would seem, with elected politicians, legislators in particular. The good ones serve one whole term or a partial one and the human monsters stay there down in D.C. for decades. I really don't care what party she affiliates with, I would vote Gabbard for POTUS any day of the week.
She is the real deal. Its a shame Congress needs liars and people who only toe the party line. She tells it like it is and is not a shill for the military industrial complex.

If the Dems had any integrity, she would have been the VP on the ticket...not that soulless ghoul Harris.

I highly suggest watching/listening to this interview.

She is a veteran who gave medical care to soldiers on the battelfield and Hillary called her a Russian spy. Fuck Hillary. Evil bitch.

Rep. Gabbard is an attractive enough broad, but she always wears the same outfit.
She is a Dems worst nightmare. A liberal with morals and principles. There are none in Congress. They are all political weather vanes. Dems support whatever will get them power and get them elected. Zero principles.

Just again, because it bears repeating, That fucking bitch Hillary Clinton said that Tulsi is a Russian spy. Now if you are a liberal who shit themselves for what Trump said about McCain and what he said about our trooops, how about you get equally pissed off that Hillary called Tulsi a Russian spy? Your tongues are not THAT far up Hillary’s caboose, are they?

Call her out, it’s easy, least FAKE intergrity.

If you are going to lose your minds when Trump insults McCain..why are you silent when Hillary called Tulsi a Russian spy?

Call out Hillary.
Think about this. Liberals refuse to call out Hillary for calling Tulsi, a veteran with multiple tours, a Russian spy.

You are such sheep.

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