Great Moments in Public Education


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.

I loved it when Leno would ask simple questions of people on the street and they were wrong about 147% of the time. I'd snicker bigly.

But then you think... Holy shit, that's kinda scary.
AOC went to Boston University and she has ruined their reputation.
Most 8th graders are better informed than AOC.
Education is always good, but it doesn't mean that a person is bright or well informed.
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.


Know what would be even funnier?

Having YOU define it.
It means we all get a chicken in every pot, 40 acres and a mule and an Obamaphone!
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.


Weatherman got a horse and he's going to beat it until it up and dies.
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.


Weatherman got a horse and he's going to beat it until it up and dies.
Fruits of public education provides a lot of fodder.
Let's not forget...two prominent Leftist politicians (Sanders and AO-C) identify themselves, incorrectly, as "socialist." The countries that they cite as exemplary "socialist" countries are not socialist at all, which their political leaders continually point out.

Is it any wonder that the common people have mis-perceptions about what Socialism is, and more importantly, how that ideology translates to American political policy, which one might hope is constrained by the Constitution.
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.

Adult republicans would poll even worse
Asked by Gallup to define socialism,

… the largest number of respondents — about a quarter of both Democrats and Republicans — said it meant equality. Another 13 percent of Democrats, but only 7 percent of Republicans, saw it as government services, like free health care.

About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.

Adult republicans would poll even worse
The response should have been "What type of socialism do you want defined?" I doubt that even most economists could name all the types of socialism. Can anyone even name how many types of socialism there is currently? Types not definitions of the types.

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