Great News: Blue-Collar Americans Embrace Palin's Defence Of American Exceptionalism


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is a truly good sign that blue collar Americans are embracing Governor Sarah Palins ideology of American exceptionalism. You see my fellow posters, American exceptionalism is what Obama opposes. American exceptionalism stands in his way to fundamentally transform America into his vision of a socialist society where the individual is neutralized of his will to provide for himself but instead provide for the government so his wealth can be redistributed. Sarah Palin understands what is at stake.

Blue-Collar Americans Embrace Palin's Defense of American Exceptionalism

At a recent book tour stop for her best-selling book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin drew a blue-collar crowd consisting of all races in Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

As can be seen in the video below, many who came to see Palin said they identified with her because she has a son in the military. Others said they loved her "values" and how she "stands by them." An active duty soldier said that Palin "speaks the truth" and is "straight-forward."
"And I like that so much," the active duty soldier said.

Another gentleman said Palin has "soldiers in her heart and we have her in ours." A woman said Palin is "better in real life" and noted how "genuine and sincere" she was.

Palin's tour has even sold out copies of the book in all of the book stores in a Wisconsin city, but the crowds she is drawing may be more reflective of Palin's appeal to blue-collar Americans of all races who value the country's traditions and culture.

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So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
How do you define American exceptionalism rdean? Obamacare is causing Veterans to be laid off and the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider. But this thread is not about Obamacare. It's about American exceptionalism that has been the cornerstone attribute that has defined America and who we are as individuals. Simply put.............we are exceptional compared to the rest of the world!
Except Obama doesn't oppose the notion of American Exceptionalism.

You has a Strawman.
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
How do you define American exceptionalism rdean? Obamacare is causing Veterans to be laid off and the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider. But this thread is not about Obamacare. It's about American exceptionalism that has been the cornerstone attribute that has defined America and who we are as individuals. Simply put.............we are exceptional compared to the rest of the world!

Millions of Americans without health care and 45,000 Americans dying each year due to that lack of health care is not "working just fine".

Shame on you.
This is a truly good sign that blue collar Americans are embracing Governor Sarah Palins ideology of American exceptionalism. You see my fellow posters, American exceptionalism is what Obama opposes. American exceptionalism stands in his way to fundamentally transform America into his vision of a socialist society where the individual is neutralized of his will to provide for himself but instead provide for the government so his wealth can be redistributed. Sarah Palin understands what is at stake.

Blue-Collar Americans Embrace Palin's Defense of American Exceptionalism

At a recent book tour stop for her best-selling book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin drew a blue-collar crowd consisting of all races in Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

As can be seen in the video below, many who came to see Palin said they identified with her because she has a son in the military. Others said they loved her "values" and how she "stands by them." An active duty soldier said that Palin "speaks the truth" and is "straight-forward."
"And I like that so much," the active duty soldier said.

Another gentleman said Palin has "soldiers in her heart and we have her in ours." A woman said Palin is "better in real life" and noted how "genuine and sincere" she was.

Palin's tour has even sold out copies of the book in all of the book stores in a Wisconsin city, but the crowds she is drawing may be more reflective of Palin's appeal to blue-collar Americans of all races who value the country's traditions and culture.

Palin pablum.

She 'writes' 3 books.

The 1st was a co-written self-serving biography of sorts.

The 2nd extolled the virtues of patriotism notwithstanding comments about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel made by Samuel Johnson in the 18th Century.

And Lordy if she doesn't write her 3rd book extolling the virtues of her Christian faith. Who couldn't have figured that would be her next move?

Could she be any more shallow or transparent in her attempts to manipulate the masses while trying to shape her image as a pious Icon of patriotism?

But still no books on public policy, huh?
But still no books on public policy, huh?

"Golly gee...did any of you know that NAFTA is this trade thingamajig with Canada, Mexico and us here in America?"

"Well now dontcha know....Our next door neighbors are foreign countries!"
One soldier in the audience accused her of being a "know nothing" and added "you're a disgrace to intelligent women everywhere"
Except Obama doesn't oppose the notion of American Exceptionalism.

You has a Strawman.

Asked whether he believed in the school of "American exceptionalism" that sees America as "uniquely qualified to lead the world," he gave a lawyerly answer: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." We were not always going to be right, he added, "all have to compromise and that includes us."...
Americans' confident belief in the uniqueness, yes the exceptionalism, of their country, rested on an essential faith in liberty, and individualism and anti-statism at home, and in the power of our example, and muscle now and then, in foreign lands. Mr. Obama is ill-at-ease with that worldview. Our country has had pessimism on offer and has invariably rejected it. At crucial points in its history, it has remained unshaken in the belief that tomorrow can be better.
Fouad Ajami: Barack Obama the Pessimist -

doesn't sound like he really believes in it.
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
How do you define American exceptionalism rdean? Obamacare is causing Veterans to be laid off and the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider. But this thread is not about Obamacare. It's about American exceptionalism that has been the cornerstone attribute that has defined America and who we are as individuals. Simply put.............we are exceptional compared to the rest of the world!

We are not exceptional compared to the much of the world. It's because of conservative policies.

We are exceptional bad at providing healthcare to our citizens and soldiers, and bad at educating our kids. We need to ramp the government budgets up, and lessen the role that private insurance plays.

But we are exceptional at invading countries that had nothing to do with terrorists attacks on us. The occupation part is something the GOP needs to work on though. That part was exceptionally clusterf__cked by them.
You want to know what's exceptional?

How any social conservative could possibly take seriously the half-term Governor Barbie, who had a one-night stand with NBA star Glen Rice and raised a promiscuous daughter who gave birth to a boy bastard. Please stop venerating Princess Half-Term. Liberals laugh at social conservatives enough as it is. You need to stop giving us reasons to goof on you.
How can the far right preach about American exceptionalism, while at the same time accusing 47% of Americans of being freeloaders looking for a government handout? The mental gymnastics required are nothing short of... exceptional.
You want to know what's exceptional?

How any social conservative could possibly take seriously the half-term Governor Barbie, who had a one-night stand with NBA star Glen Rice and raised a promiscuous daughter who gave birth to a boy bastard. Please stop venerating Princess Half-Term. Liberals laugh at social conservatives enough as it is. You need to stop giving us reasons to goof on you.

I can't stand Sarah Palin, but criticizing her for a one night stand from over 20 years ago, and for the decisions her daughter made, make you look just as bad as the social conservatives. I can find plenty of reasons to criticize Palin without digging up bullshit non-issues.
You want to know what's exceptional?

How any social conservative could possibly take seriously the half-term Governor Barbie, who had a one-night stand with NBA star Glen Rice and raised a promiscuous daughter who gave birth to a boy bastard. Please stop venerating Princess Half-Term. Liberals laugh at social conservatives enough as it is. You need to stop giving us reasons to goof on you.

I can't stand Sarah Palin, but criticizing her for a one night stand from over 20 years ago, and for the decisions her daughter made, make you look just as bad as the social conservatives. I can find plenty of reasons to criticize Palin without digging up bullshit non-issues.

I don't care how many black dudes a woman bangs, or how many bastard boy grandbabies a woman's promiscuous daughters spew out, as long as she is a liberal on social issues.

But if such promiscuous behavior is done by a member of the Party of Family Values, then their choices to be "easy" are fair game until they shut the f___ up about their social conservatism.
The great majority of Americas believe in American exceptionalism, just not in the far righty reactionary view of American exceptionalism.
For many conservatives, "American Exceptionalism" means that liberal critics of America's performance on health care, living standards , and education standards are somehow unpatriotic.

They think it means some "American Superiority" instead. It does not, and we are not.
The great majority of Americas believe in American exceptionalism, just not in the far righty reactionary view of American exceptionalism.

For the RW, the heresey is in accepting that other cultures are not interested American Exceptionalism's embrace of individual rights v. the state. Not many Americans want Russia or China's govt though.

but the particular poison Palen's pushing is telling people who are, more or less, the losers in American Exceptionalism that "by golly you're better than the gooks." Same old same old of pitting the losers against one another so they won't notice the fking they're taking.
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