Great News: Blue-Collar Americans Embrace Palin's Defence Of American Exceptionalism

The great majority of Americas believe in American exceptionalism, just not in the far righty reactionary view of American exceptionalism.

For the RW, the heresey is in accepting that other cultures are not interested American Exceptionalism's embrace of individual rights v. the state. Not many Americans want Russia or China's govt though.

but the particular poison Palen's pushing is telling people who are, more or less, the losers in American Exceptionalism that "by golly you're better than the gooks." Same old same old of pitting the losers against one another so they won't notice the fking they're taking.

What utter bullshit... the gooks?
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The great majority of Americas believe in American exceptionalism, just not in the far righty reactionary view of American exceptionalism.

For the RW, the heresey is in accepting that other cultures are not interested American Exceptionalism's embrace of individual rights v. the state. Not many Americans want Russia or China's govt though.

but the particular poison Palen's pushing is telling people who are, more or less, the losers in American Exceptionalism that "by golly you're better than the gooks." Same old same old of pitting the losers against one another so they won't notice the fking they're taking.

*Slow Clap*
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
"... the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider.
It worked "fine!!!!!" You call 30 million (30,000,000) people unable to afford or to get insurance working fine? Is two million (2,000,000) people forced to file bankrupcy each year due to medical bills they cannot pay, fine? Are you fine with medical bills being the number one reason people are forced to file bankrupcy? That's fine, is it? It is fine that a person can work all their life and then have a single health problem that takes away everything they worked for? You call that "fine/" When insurance rates are raising at record rates fine? Is it fine when someone who can afford insurance refuses to do so and then forces you to pay higher insurance to cover THEIR bills? Are you "fine" with paying other people's medical bills while your insurance rates continue to climb? You are fine with that? You are f#cking NUTS!!!!
Oh, and as to being exceptional the US leads the world in ignorant, dumb ass conservatives whose primary goal is to take the US back into the 1900's even as the rest of the world moves forward. Are you fine with turning the US into a third world country? You are f#cking NUTS!!!!
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
How do you define American exceptionalism rdean? Obamacare is causing Veterans to be laid off and the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider. But this thread is not about Obamacare. It's about American exceptionalism that has been the cornerstone attribute that has defined America and who we are as individuals. Simply put.............we are exceptional compared to the rest of the world!

We are not exceptional compared to the much of the world. It's because of conservative policies.

We are exceptional bad at providing healthcare to our citizens and soldiers, and bad at educating our kids. We need to ramp the government budgets up, and lessen the role that private insurance plays.

But we are exceptional at invading countries that had nothing to do with terrorists attacks on us. The occupation part is something the GOP needs to work on though. That part was exceptionally clusterf__cked by them.

Yeah.....because sucking on the government tit is so exceptional.
Here is a wonderful example of how exceptional the US is:
"It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return."

What a wonderful example of how special we are!
Here is a wonderful example of how exceptional the US is:
"It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return."

What a wonderful example of how special we are!

I love my health care. Affordable and reliable.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep it.....but I doubt it.
Sounds like you might be happier in Serbia though.
Why should anyone vote for a quitter? If she got elected, would she just quit the presidency as well if it got tough?
Here is a wonderful example of how exceptional the US is:
"It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return."

What a wonderful example of how special we are!

I love my health care. Affordable and reliable.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep it.....but I doubt it.
Sounds like you might be happier in Serbia though.
I would be happier IF the republicans would stop their attack on Obama and started working for the people of this country. I would be happier if we had a decent health care system which doesn't force people into bankrupcy. I would be happier if the republicans would at least offer an alternative rather than just trying to make ACA fail.
So how does that get Veterans jobs or help get people health care?

I missed that part.
"... the best thing to do is go back to the original system that worked just fine where you had the right to chose your own provider.
It worked "fine!!!!!" You call 30 million (30,000,000) people unable to afford or to get insurance working fine? ]
Well do you think 80 Million (80,000) people who are going to have their insurance cancelled when the Obamacare mandates kick in next year is fine?
Why should anyone vote for a quitter? If she got elected, would she just quit the presidency as well if it got tough?
No she wouldn't quit. And do you even know the actual factual reason she gracefully stepped down?
Here is a wonderful example of how exceptional the US is:
"It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return."

What a wonderful example of how special we are!

I love my health care. Affordable and reliable.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep it.....but I doubt it.
Sounds like you might be happier in Serbia though.
I would be happier IF the republicans would stop their attack on Obama and started working for the people of this country. I would be happier if we had a decent health care system which doesn't force people into bankrupcy. I would be happier if the republicans would at least offer an alternative rather than just trying to make ACA fail.

Obama is a cancer. He needs to be fought.
The better solution would have been to help the few without insurance. Not force the vast majority into crappy insurance. That smacks of government control.
Why should anyone vote for a quitter? If she got elected, would she just quit the presidency as well if it got tough?
No she wouldn't quit. And do you even know the actual factual reason she gracefully stepped down?

Why did she quit?
Alaska, the only state in the nation at the time had a loophole in their law that Obama operatives found that provided a way to bombard the governors office with relentless ethics lawsuits even if they had no proof. Alaska, at that time, had a statute on the books that provided if a complaint was filed, the Secretary of State would have to launch a investigation. Obama operatives seized the opportunity and they came out of the woodworks filing complaints right and left. For example, one complaint filed by a democrat Obama supporter stated that Governor Palin showed up at a iditarod race wearing a jacket with a logo patch on it. A complaint was filed saying the governor was supporting the company that was on the patch and a violation of the governors office. It was furthest from the truth. Never the less a full blown investigation took place causing her and her staff to be tied up in hours of depositions and research.

In all over 27 of these similar type lawsuits were filed on average of one a week and her legal bills were piling up to over 700k and climbing. Since Alaska couldn't defend the governor, she had to hire her own defense lawyers and pay for them out of her own pocket. She and her family were going broke and facing total bankruptcy and she was being prevented from doing her duties as governor due to countless hours of depositions. Palin returning from the VP campaign had just taken a $25,000 cut out of her salary of just 125k a year as Governor. She was left with two options, stay and tie up Alaska's state business while going broke fighting the lawsuits OR step down and turn over the governors office to Lt Gov Sean Parnell to carry on her policies and fiscal reforms and take the liberal fight to the lower 48. She made a wise choice and chose the latter. Immediately after she stepped down, not one ethics complaint was filed again. Later one by one, all ethics suits were dismissed as frivolous without merit and Alaskas state business under her policies with Sean Parnell at the helm continued without any more interruptions.

In essence, Obama and his supporters thought that by using the loophole to file these bogus lawsuits, they would ruin her politically and send her into obscurity. It failed and she showed her political power during the 2010 midterm elections with her drawing huge crowds showing up at her tea party candidate endorsement rallies. Democrats got nervous about this and that is when President Clinton went on national TV couple of weeks before election day and warned democrat voters and candidates saying "Don't underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". He was right because about 95 % of her endorsements were victorious . Many months later after she stepped down, Alaska passed a new law that would make the Secretary of State defend their governors from future ethics complaints. Palin would have stayed Governor if the new law was in place at the time those suits were filed.
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