Great Obama Walks Out Of Room After Cantor Concedes A Debt Limit Increase!

Obama also was in a hurry to leave because HBO 4 was about to run this porn movie that included midgets,fat black girls and transgender men. That's more important to him than the debt crisis. I wonder if he had time to rush to Joes Ribs&Chicken before the show started.

You must do those things, since you are so well versed at describing that which you know not of, that someone else does.

The Constitution (1787)

in Article One of the United States Constitution, section 8, clause 18:


The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

None of the powers granted therein authorizes fedgov to support parasites , meddle in the internal affairs of other nations or invade countries using false pretenses.


You didn't list any restrictions whatsoever.

Not one.

Don't blame me if English comprehension is not your forte.

Go back to night school.


In English it would look something like this:

- The federal government shall not pay for the feeding of cats in the whitehouse.
- The federal government shall not pay for the congressional video game center.
- The federal government shall not pay for the presidential liquor cabinet.

If you can find something that even remotely resembles that..feel free.

Otherwise you ain't got shit.
American People?

The Majority of the American people are with President Obama.

Yeah, you did a poll on DailyKOS and everyone agreed with you - you have the pulse of the American people in you hand...


You're a hoot, Shallow. Some days I think you believe the extremist fringe you call home is what most Americans believe. Dude, your insane views are shared by far less than .03% of the American public.
You didn't list any restrictions whatsoever.

Not one.

Don't blame me if English comprehension is not your forte.

Go back to night school.


In English it would look something like this:

- The federal government shall not pay for the feeding of cats in the whitehouse.
- The federal government shall not pay for the congressional video game center.
- The federal government shall not pay for the presidential liquor cabinet.

If you can find something that even remotely resembles that..feel free.

Otherwise you ain't got shit.

Actually, fascists , communists and government supremacists speak the Language of the Criminal Underworld.

Folks like you do not respect rights or private property.

You will use any pretext to steal , loot and plunder.

Even at the Thursday Press Conference, Boehner was off to the side, and slightly behind, and then got as far away as he coud: Right there in front of the camera and the press corps!

Washington, D. C. knows back-stabbing events, when they see them. Surely, the whole world was watching, the theatrics in play: Even On Thursday, even before Lunch!

The Nazis. in fact, could spot this stuff, too!

In fact, worldwide. . .probably even the Holy Father, knows all about these kinds of events, from the famous, Christian Hitler Youth!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Bob Hope, the Comedian, was Catholic: And would always thank everyone, for the memoriies(?)! He was not in the same club, of course, as the Hollywood "Rat Pack," kinds of events! That was when Italians were Catholic, or in the Vatican, or something! Then one was Polish! Then one was. . . .(?)!)
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At least now the Left Can't Say....WELL BUSH STORMED OUT OF MEETINGS TOO!!!,,,,Obama is a crybaby and a dickhead....if he can't do his job,,,just leave and put Biden in office. He's bored anyway,,,at least he's funny when he makes a blunder.
Ronald Reagan even carried a gun: When he was President of the Screen Actor's Guild!

You never know. . .what they are going to be up to. . . . . .next! Marlon Brando knew this, and moved away!

Speaker Boehner knew this. . . .and moved away!

Know, everybody else can know this!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not stirred!
(What Make Red Man, Red: Was Not named Bonzo! What make Bonzo, red in the. . . oooooh(?). . . Only Ron, now ever know. . .Except maybe Rev. Jeremiah Wright , who may do channeling. . .who knows this(?)! Rev. Pat Robertson would admit to chanelling, who knows this!)
You're right, they are so far with him that the Democrats lost the house and almost all of the senate during the 2010 midterms. :cuckoo:

That was then, this is now. I can't believe you needed someone to explain that to you. And why did you take the time to post the tea party principles??? Who the hell cares???

We The Taxpayer Cares. I know you don't care but WE the Taxpayer Cares. TFA.

You pay taxes??? Sure. :lol: I'll never understand why the dumb right wingers don't want taxes of the wealthy to increase. You've probably never made more than a thousand a year at your fast food job.
No offense,but this President is acting like a spoiled little bitch. He needs to grow up.


yeah..that was a totally impartial assessment...
Notice how the Right has no qualms about disrespecting the office of the President. :eusa_whistle: Maybe electing a President through voting isn't their bag :cuckoo:

And certainly not a black one. No matter how much they deny it. Well, Obama is making a ton of campaign money and he will win again in 2012. So get ready, right wing losers.
Storming out of this meeting was just lame. This President does act like a spoiled little bitch too often. He has lost a lot of respect. He just whines too much. Say what you want about Bush,but he wasn't nearly as bitchy & whiny as this President is. Bush took a hell of a lot more hits but just kept on rolling along without all the diva shit. This guy has most of the MSM sniffing his butt on a daily basis,yet he still whines all the time. Bush had the entire Liberal dominated MSM attacking him everyday but he handled it like a man. He wasn't a bitchy little diva like this guy is. This President needs to grow up and then grow a pair.

Are you on drugs or something??? I've never seen so many untruths in one post!!
Obama also was in a hurry to leave because HBO 4 was about to run this porn movie that included midgets,fat black girls and transgender men. That's more important to him than the debt crisis. I wonder if he had time to rush to Joes Ribs&Chicken before the show started.

What a racist jerk you are.
now can you imagine if Boehner and Cantor stormed out of the room? It would of been on the front page of the NYT's and all over cable news. Chrissy Matthews would of been rubbing both thighs and even rubbing Ed Schultz Ass.
now can you imagine if Boehner and Cantor stormed out of the room? It would of been on the front page of the NYT's and all over cable news. Chrissy Matthews would of been rubbing both thighs and even rubbing Ed Schultz Ass.

Oh please. It wouldn't even be news. It's not like they've ever really shown up in the first place.


Oh, he knows it all right.

Right wingers just can't see an intelligent looking man with dark skin. They can't get passed the "dark skin". Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they just aren't used to "intelligence".

No, I was right first time.

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