Great Question:What If The Gorilla Had Said,"Hands Up,Don't Shoot".Would They Have Not Shot Harambe?

Thanks for the photo of the parents.

Initially, everyone assumed the child was White even though the images were grainy and it was impossible to identify his race with certainty. Now that we know the parents were Black (and presumably the child was, too), a lot of people are looking like absolute fools. Those airheads at BLM (Black Liars Matter) made a big deal of alleging racism, claiming that the gorilla was killed to protect a White child. Now that everyone knows that the child and the parents were Black, I expect the whole story to die a sudden death.
The parents should be sued because they didn't watch their kids. You can't blame the kid but the parents should have been watching and they should be held liable for the actions the zoo had to take.
The zoo only had a choice if one maintains watching a child die is an option when it can be prevented. There is no doubt that the time required for other measures was an unacceptable risk. Too bad the kid got there however he did; the unique action to take was taken.
A human child against the life of another animal? That isn't a real question.
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dunno: The shooting of Harambe, the Gentile Giant seems to be one of the three most talked about issues this week. For all we know, 50% believe they should of shot him and the other 50% wish the monkey would of just set the child free and this horrible tragedy would of never happened.
But now with Black Lives Matter with their panties in an uproar over this because the Gorilla was may have been black/and or a minority, with no previous record of violence/robberies, the shooting of Harambe to them is a racist issue.
Just too bad that Harambe wasn't able to get on his knees, with his hands up, begging for mercy and pleading "Hands Up Don't Shoot". !! :hellno: :cow: :crybaby:
I would be interested in seeing the mental schematic that helped you arrive at this "question".

What a stretch.
The parents should be sued because they didn't watch their kids. You can't blame the kid but the parents should have been watching and they should be held liable for the actions the zoo had to take.

You forgot to mention they were black.
You learn all you need to know about the modern American conservative,

just in this thread.
No kidding. That's why you distract him.

Distract him with what? I don't think the zoo had a big screen television with a Hillary speech prepared. That screeching would distract anybody.

As one animal expert put it, to the gorilla, he found a new toy to play with. Even if the gorilla didn't intend to harm the kid, he is totally unaware of his strength and the fragility of a human being, and could crush the child's head like nothing and not realize it until afterwards. Did you ever get a hug by a 400 pound gorilla?

There was nothing in the world that could have distracted him from his new play toy.
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What would have happened if the zoo had thought of tossing in ten pounds of bananas?
What would have happened if the zoo had thought of tossing in ten pounds of bananas?
hey, who knows, maybe next year we will have a similar story where a female reporter is doing a story on a turkey farm in October, where she is surrounded by 1000 giant turkeys, and one of the turkeys just wants to kill her, and when he attacks, a gunman has no choice but to take out the 200 pound turkey then all hell breaks loose with the NAACP and law suits.
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.

Amerika went crazy years ago, thanx to liberals......especially animal loving ones, like PETA.
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.

Christ almighty... punish the kid? Death threats?

What the hell is wrong with people?

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