Great Question:What If The Gorilla Had Said,"Hands Up,Don't Shoot".Would They Have Not Shot Harambe?

Can you imagine if this was a white couple, little white kid, and they were conservatives and the Gorilla was a liberal?
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.

Amerika went crazy years ago, thanx to liberals......especially animal loving ones, like PETA.
"Might work in a 'blacklivesmatter' demonstration........but not with MagillaGorilla........."
This quote of yours proves that you are crazier than all liberals put together.
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.

Amerika went crazy years ago, thanx to liberals......especially animal loving ones, like PETA.
"Might work in a 'blacklivesmatter' demonstration........but not with MagillaGorilla........."
This quote of yours proves that you are crazier than all liberals put together.

:gives:...........kid is alive due to gorilla being dead........end of true story.
The mother of this kid should be accountable for this tragedy. That kid should be punished as well.
You don't think the experience was enough "punishment" for the kid and his mother? Geezus, I'd be having nightmares for years if I was his mother. Now she's getting death threats, too. Nice.

Amerika went crazy years ago, thanx to liberals......especially animal loving ones, like PETA.
"Might work in a 'blacklivesmatter' demonstration........but not with MagillaGorilla........."
This quote of yours proves that you are crazier than all liberals put together.

:gives:...........kid is alive due to gorilla being dead........end of true story.

Do you really think a black gorrilla would have harmed a black kid? In fact they had bonded and were holding hands.
Well...look what happend in the trayvonista case or the ferguson case....the problem was, is and remains the media.....they will do anything to increase their ratings...that is all the media is about....ratings.
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dunno: The shooting of Harambe, the Gentile Giant seems to be one of the three most talked about issues this week. For all we know, 50% believe they should of shot him and the other 50% wish the monkey would of just set the child free and this horrible tragedy would of never happened.
But now with Black Lives Matter with their panties in an uproar over this because the Gorilla was may have been black/and or a minority, with no previous record of violence/robberies, the shooting of Harambe to them is a racist issue.
Just too bad that Harambe wasn't able to get on his knees, with his hands up, begging for mercy and pleading "Hands Up Don't Shoot". !! :hellno: :cow: :crybaby:
It's an obvious case of mistaken identity. The little boy thought Harambe was his Uncle Remus who has been in jail for the past two years. Harambe thought the little boy was his son from his first marriage...before he got the job at the zoo. We must not jump to hasty conclusions.....yo.
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dunno: The shooting of Harambe, the Gentile Giant seems to be one of the three most talked about issues this week. For all we know, 50% believe they should of shot him and the other 50% wish the monkey would of just set the child free and this horrible tragedy would of never happened.
But now with Black Lives Matter with their panties in an uproar over this because the Gorilla was may have been black/and or a minority, with no previous record of violence/robberies, the shooting of Harambe to them is a racist issue.
Just too bad that Harambe wasn't able to get on his knees, with his hands up, begging for mercy and pleading "Hands Up Don't Shoot". !! :hellno: :cow: :crybaby:
It's an obvious case of mistaken identity. The little boy thought Harambe was his Uncle Remus who has been in jail for the past two years. Harambe thought the little boy was his son from his first marriage...before he got the job at the zoo. We must not jump to hasty conclusions.....yo.
or another theory, maybe the gorilla thought the boy was a rare/expensive cabbage patch doll and wanted to drag it away to a hiding place, then put it on ebay for $42.50
What if the little black kid had pulled a toy gun out of his pants?

He'd have been shot in 3 seconds.
Jane Goodall empathizes with Cincinnati Zoo director...

Jane Goodall feels sorry for Cincinnati Zoo director
June 5, 2016 — The Jane Goodall Institute has released an email sent by the primatologist and conservationist to the director of the Cincinnati Zoo expressing empathy with him over the weekend shooting of a gorilla in an effort to protect a small child who entered the primate's habitat.
In the message to zoo director Thane Maynard dated Sunday, May 29, the day after the shooting, Goodall writes that she feels sorry for Maynard having to defend a shooting that he "may disapprove of." Goodall says it looked like the gorilla was putting an arm around the child and calls it "a devastating loss."

Goodall also asks about the reaction of the other gorillas and whether they were allowed to express grief. Goodall is known for her decades of studying wild chimpanzees in Tanzania.

Jane Goodall feels sorry for Cincinnati Zoo director

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