Great Question.You Are A Moderator.What Is The First Question You Have For Joe Biden?

Mr. Vice President....are you aware of the fact, we're in the 21St Century and times have changed? And if so, do you honestly believe you can reach across party lines and deal with a republican party that is completely void of integrity, guts and dignity? And if you think mf's like this can be reached, what planet do you plan to govern from?
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
After you win the white house, how long will you fumigate the place, from all that swamp smell Trump left behind?
probably not as long as it took to get the mangina smell out after Obama left.
All that left over prostitution p$$$y smell and swamp juice smell, that place must reek of a rednecks trailer after a New Years.
I don't think Obama swung that way.
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
My first question would be, is it true that you are in collusion with China to release the corona virus in order to destroy the US economy and cause voters to vote for you?

Also, what does your little sister think about it and are you going to round up all the AR 14's that cause 150 million American deaths every year?

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