Great Question.You Are A Moderator.What Is The First Question You Have For Joe Biden?

we deserve to have a public conversation about racial justice, the Black white wealth gap, disability justice, immigration, LGBTQ equality, reproductive justice, the Latinx & AAPI communities & so many other priorities that have been left off that stage
There are a bunch of black entertainers and athletes making millions of dollars, and millions of white people have to work jobs and live paycheck to paycheck. I agree, something needs to be done about the Black/White wage gap.
To ask any question not about actual policy in favor of attacking the guy's obvious senility is a clear indicaton that you're also afraid to talk about actual policy.

Sorry, thems the facts, boys.

Will he be able to discuss an actual policy, considering his obvious senility?
Email question from woman in Minnesota.

"If I asked you to babysit my 3 young granddaughters,
could I trust you not to do anything perverted like asking them to rub your legs ?"
Email question from woman in Minnesota.

"If I asked you to babysit my 3 young granddaughters,
could I trust you not to do anything perverted like asking them to rub your legs ?"
Senator that a loaded gun in your pocket? or did you just walk by Britney Spears?
"look, i've been as patient as i can be but this has got my Irish up...either you decide to marry me or i'm out. this is the last time i ask. i'm too much in love with you to just be friends" - Joe Biden to Jill

does Joe love America the same way?
As I changed the channels today, every Prog socialist shill broadcaster was gushing for Biden. That means they got their marching orders. And have since last week. Joe Biden is not a healthy man. You can see it. You can hear it. You can smell it. You can touch it. You can taste it. And some can get 6th sense vibrations from it. I really do not believe he wants this. Why would he want to be dragged through the mud? He will be a figurehead as President. Progs are traitors in a pure sense. Teh viciousness of politics has been surpassed by the movement into another system of government that has been shown the last several years. Where did you get the Prog politicians talking like this? Prog entertainers threatening to kill people who do not vote their way? Prog politicians/entertainers/media people threatening to bring down the White House into burnt embers. Prog media shills twisting every story not into a Democratic view, but every issue they do not approve of ends up being lethal to the goody two shoes socialist way. And the socialist way is the only one. Biden will rule as a socialist. And run as a moderate.
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
Fewer than it takes racist white trash trumpscum
Indeed, they are still in the Dark Ages.

You can climb down now (the show is over and nobody finds you funny).

1. Biden's mental capacity will be a huge issue in the race.
2. Who might be calling the shots if he gets worse is going to be an even bigger issue.
Senator Biden: What will you do about our current budget deficits ? b-u-d-g-e-t.....d-e-f-i-c-i-t-s ? Yes sir. No, I am not asking about your hair implants.
Senator old are you? about 82? are you aware that your brain is functioning like a 96 year old brain?
Joe, what are you going to do for the 500,000 people who go bankrupt in our country because of medically related debt? And what are you going to do for the working people of this country and small business people who are paying on average 20 percent of their incomes to health care?

Joe, importantly, what are you going to do to end the absurdity of billionaires buying elections and the three wealthiest people in America owning more wealth than the bottom half of our people?
Which billionaires have bought elections? Hillary outspent Trump by 3.5 times and lost. Bloomberg won American Somoa. The old talking point about money in campaigns having that much influence is repeatedly disproven. You can polish a turd only so much and it is still a turd. If you suck as a candidate, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at it, you will lose.
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
After you win the white house, how long will you fumigate the place, from all that swamp smell Trump left behind?
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
After you win the white house, how long will you fumigate the place, from all that swamp smell Trump left behind?
probably not as long as it took to get the mangina smell out after Obama left.
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
After you win the white house, how long will you fumigate the place, from all that swamp smell Trump left behind?
probably not as long as it took to get the mangina smell out after Obama left.
All that left over prostitution p$$$y smell and swamp juice smell, that place must reek of a rednecks trailer after a New Years.

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