Great Question.You Are A Moderator.What Is The First Question You Have For Joe Biden?

My one question would make him totally snap.

"Vice President Biden.....being a known plagiarist who voted for NAFTA, the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, does your new nickname - "Quid Pro Joe' - have any connection with your son Hunter making $80,000 a month on the board of the Ukranian gas company Burisma ?"
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
I know all of us conservatives/republicans here would give up pizza/burgers/mac cheese for a week for the oppertunity to ask Biden a few questions at a debate.
So lets say you are there, you are anxious to ask Biden this particular question. A question that will either embarrass him/or befuddle the so called nominee for the democrat party.
Im sure many of them will be very funny.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301:
Interestingly no one cares what trumpscum age interested in
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
Fewer than it takes racist white trash trumpscum
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
Fewer than it takes racist white trash trumpscum
Indeed, they are still in the Dark Ages.
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
Fewer than it takes racist white trash trumpscum
Indeed, they are still in the Dark Ages.
You're the ones denying science, not conservatives.
Mr Biden, would you like to meet my very attractive 21 year old daughter?
You got the numbers transposed.......Would you like to meet my very attractive 12 year old daughter (and sniff her hair)?
President Biden, according to the latest studies, how many non white americans does it take to screw in one of those new model rotini shaped light bulbs?
Fewer than it takes racist white trash trumpscum
Here is a question which will cause Joe Biden to stumble and stutter for sure:

"Please define 'covfefe'".

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