Great Socialist Market Interventions Working! New Unemployment Claims Down Again!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Thanks to the regulated, economic environment: Then even Italy will commence the accounting that Socialist economies require! In the U. S., the downturn in unemployment claims--opposed by all Tea Party and all GOP--is underway again!

Claims for unemployment benefits fall to 388,000 - Nov. 17, 2011

The latest round of natural diasters, in Southeast Asia, have not diminished the recoveries in the socialist, and therefore advanced economies. The socialist interventions post-all-the-disasters are also working.

GOP Cantor, famously opposes central government disaster relief: Unless the Post Office finally goes bankrupt(?)!

Business morality, best representated at Penn State football--apparently according to no press releases from the Herman Cain Campaign: Remains intact!

There is still a lot left to to!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New meanings now to "Seven, Come Eleven: Now In the Boys Gym"! Hmmm! Republican family values seem to be univerally, on. . .religious Christian display(?)! Newt of Fannie and Freddie new fame: Knows a thing or two about business ethics(?)!)
Regulations are not the same thing as socialism.

I do so wish we'd agree on what socialism really means.

But to the rightests anything they dislike about government is socialism and anything they DO like is capitalism.

This insane way of viewing the world makes having serious discussions pretty much impossbel.
Probably the NRA understands about Haiti and East Africa(?). . . .but Adam Smith appears to have not had a clue about them.

Fortunately, the planet long-ago embarked on the Final Solution To the Presbyterian Question: Just where is all this money going to come from?!

Karl Marx advocated a centralized credit mechanism, in the Communist Manifesto. The U. S. credit market alone is now more than $52.0 tril. In Europe, many of the nation's went too far into profligacy about it. Now all of a sudden the financial markets want them to pay for what they do, and owe.

All hell is breaking loose.

Regulation is not a panacea. Mostly, the sense that evolution created for a goose: Is likely a better plan.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This has not come up in the Republican Presidential Debates!)

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