Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

IF everything is relative, Isn't the statement "everything is relative" relative?

Why is the right uncomfortable discussing socialism? Cognitive dissonance?
Why is the right uncomfortable discussing socialism? ......

People who can see that a road leads to ruin don't run down that road. Standing on that road and declaring that one is not yet in ruin is not a compelling reason to move closer to that end.
LOL! You took "some Econ." Yeah, you blew an Econ major in the bathroom is probably what you meant.
Your posts indicate deep ignorance of the Bernouli Curve and Stromboli Theorem.
oh no. A peerless, unemployed professor draws curves that makes him conclude that protection doesn't include exports, no matter what reality says.
Your response overlooks the fact of convex preferences, therefore is faulty.
lol! What a fucking rube
you're toast. You're just talking gibberish now. You've got a concussion.

Still there's the reality outside your head that the country's competitiveness, prosperity even, is not nor has been through laissez faire trade policy. Quite the contrary.

There's an entire department in the DoC for administering export protections, quotas, embargoes. There's no curve or theory that predicts history.
Yes there is no predicting history. That is the truest thing you've written so far.
LOL!!!! WHat a dipshit. You have no idea just how stupid and ignorant you sound. None whatsoever.
This guy's got to be a spambot that spits out ad hominems and econ theory names. Had me going.
No, I am agreeing with you! There is no formula for predicting history. No theory to predicting history! You are absolutely right!
Medicine predates capitalism Ed.

100% stupid it was not until the 20th Century that medicine could be helpful at all. Before that there was very very little
Ed Jenner invented the vaccines in 1776. Waaay before 20th century.
:"the vaccines." The Salk Vaccine was invented in 1776? The papillomavirus vaccine was invented in 1776? Or do you mean one specific vaccine, namely smallpox, that was invented then? Because you are committing a fallcy here.
The first vaccine. That established the base work for the rest of the vaccines, more were created during the XIX century and further development was made during the XX century.
Timeline of vaccines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
capitalism created the wealth and population that made medical research possible on a huge scale!! In the Civil War for example if you got wounded you died. Simple

Stop with the superlatives.

Tens of thousands were wounded that lived. Many simply recovered, many had limbs amputated. Its laughable to see anyone make these shrill ITS ALL OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME assertions. Relax. Present actual facts, dump some water on your head to put the fire out, and speak calmly.

Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

Let's have some clarity among the flailing of hands shall we.
100% stupid it was not until the 20th Century that medicine could be helpful at all. Before that there was very very little
Ed Jenner invented the vaccines in 1776. Waaay before 20th century.
:"the vaccines." The Salk Vaccine was invented in 1776? The papillomavirus vaccine was invented in 1776? Or do you mean one specific vaccine, namely smallpox, that was invented then? Because you are committing a fallcy here.
The first vaccine. That established the base work for the rest of the vaccines, more were created during the XIX century and further development was made during the XX century.
Timeline of vaccines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
capitalism created the wealth and population that made medical research possible on a huge scale!! In the Civil War for example if you got wounded you died. Simple

Stop with the superlatives.

Tens of thousands were wounded that lived. Many simply recovered, many had limbs amputated. Its laughable to see anyone make these shrill ITS ALL OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME assertions. Relax. Present actual facts, dump some water on your head to put the fire out, and speak calmly.

Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

Let's have some clarity among the flailing of hands shall we.
Except largely he's right. Most wounded people died. Some survived but not nearly at rates we see in later conflicts, especially after WW2.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Greatest threat is people that can't not only follow the little red line but have NO embarrassment in spelling errors in the title!
IT IS THREAT! Maybe you should see this:
Emily Litella video "too much violins" on TV!!!
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the next closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
Ed Jenner invented the vaccines in 1776. Waaay before 20th century.
:"the vaccines." The Salk Vaccine was invented in 1776? The papillomavirus vaccine was invented in 1776? Or do you mean one specific vaccine, namely smallpox, that was invented then? Because you are committing a fallcy here.
The first vaccine. That established the base work for the rest of the vaccines, more were created during the XIX century and further development was made during the XX century.
Timeline of vaccines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
capitalism created the wealth and population that made medical research possible on a huge scale!! In the Civil War for example if you got wounded you died. Simple

Stop with the superlatives.

Tens of thousands were wounded that lived. Many simply recovered, many had limbs amputated. Its laughable to see anyone make these shrill ITS ALL OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME assertions. Relax. Present actual facts, dump some water on your head to put the fire out, and speak calmly.

Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

Let's have some clarity among the flailing of hands shall we.
Except largely he's right. Most wounded people died. Some survived but not nearly at rates we see in later conflicts, especially after WW2.

Look up the word superlative.
Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

100% stupid since there were few advancements before Republican capitalism instantly transformed the world. Does Mr. mute point understand???
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the nest closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
California was run by conservatives like Reagan, who helped build the state. The aerospace industry in the 50s and 60s didnt hurt either.
Since then liberals have taken over and reduced it to shit-status. The state is bankrupt and businesses are fleeing in droves. If it werent for immigration the state would have lost population.
Once again, what you think yuou know is wrong.
:"the vaccines." The Salk Vaccine was invented in 1776? The papillomavirus vaccine was invented in 1776? Or do you mean one specific vaccine, namely smallpox, that was invented then? Because you are committing a fallcy here.
The first vaccine. That established the base work for the rest of the vaccines, more were created during the XIX century and further development was made during the XX century.
Timeline of vaccines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
capitalism created the wealth and population that made medical research possible on a huge scale!! In the Civil War for example if you got wounded you died. Simple

Stop with the superlatives.

Tens of thousands were wounded that lived. Many simply recovered, many had limbs amputated. Its laughable to see anyone make these shrill ITS ALL OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME assertions. Relax. Present actual facts, dump some water on your head to put the fire out, and speak calmly.

Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

Let's have some clarity among the flailing of hands shall we.
Except largely he's right. Most wounded people died. Some survived but not nearly at rates we see in later conflicts, especially after WW2.

Look up the word superlative.
You dont know what the word superlative means. Typical.
What you meant to say was hyperbole.
It really has been fascinating to watch during Obama's term, as the hardcore Left has become FAR more comfortable with defending and promoting socialism.

His administration really has been a turning point.

Examples of "promoting socialism" seem to be missing. Please elucidate with examples.

Oh, and I would like someone to detail how the private for profit sector is always better, cheaper and more effective than a government agency.

The private, for profit sector must constantly look out for waste. If they have a lot of waste, it cuts into their profit. A government agency only needs a politician to push for more funding and raising taxes to provide more money. A business can raise prices but only to a point. If the government raises taxes, what option do people have but pay them. For example, if the local school district wants more money, they raise the millage rate to get more money and it comes in property taxes. If you don't pay those property taxes, even if you own the property, it can be taken.

The private sector can collude with its competition to set prices and raise them with no explanation or only a flimsy excuse. The Private sector is not beholden to the people, a legislator who violates the trust of his constituency can be kicked out of office, a CEO can't be held accountable by The People; but The People's representatives can in terms of criminal and civil sanctions.

We live in a nation, as do most who live in Western Democracies, where the public and private sectors co-exist. They do so when it benefits The People.

There is no proof we get a better deal from the private sector than we do from the public one. There are more checks on public works than on private ones and most government brick and mortar projects are done by private firms who bid on the projects.

Remember, the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus for good reason.
Wow thats quite a country you live. I should visit it sometime.
In the US companies compete with each other and do not collude on prices. The few examples that are publicized of collusion are publicized precisely because they are few. And the US is prosecuting them.
How many legislators are kicked out of office for violating public trust? Yeah none.
THere is no accountability in public works. How many people were fired in the Obamacare website fiasco? Yeah, none. There is your accountability.

Government contractors are Private Sector, not Public servants. And as a home owner (several in fact) and Public Service Manager I've found private sector contractors to be less responsible and more dishonest than the public employees.
Advancements in most fields were brought about because individual human beings had a passion for the thing they were working on or researching, not because they had a huge pile of money.

100% stupid since there were few advancements before Republican capitalism instantly transformed the world. Does Mr. mute point understand???

You're a special kind aren't you. You rode a short yellow bus to school I'm guessing, yet you think you have the wisdom of the universe.

I don't know whether to laugh at you or feel sad.
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the nest closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
California was run by conservatives like Reagan, who helped build the state. The aerospace industry in the 50s and 60s didnt hurt either.
Since then liberals have taken over and reduced it to shit-status. The state is bankrupt and businesses are fleeing in droves. If it werent for immigration the state would have lost population.
Once again, what you think yuou know is wrong.
As a California native and refugee. We at least agree about this history.
Incredible that memories of the Soviet Union and the fascist nations of WWII era have faded. Don't they teach these millennials anything?

What about Animal Farm? What about A Brave New World? Don't they read the classics? 1984 anyone?

Haven't they watched the LOTR series? Didn't they get the allusion there?

I'm sure Hawking is familiar with Plato's Dialogs. I'm equally sure he knows where he would land in the scheme of the Republic. Of course he would lobby for such a Utopian ideal.
. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.
. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.

100% stupid since the country was more liberal than ever then and even the Republicans then were mostly liberal!!

NOw do you understand??
I've found private sector contractors to be less responsible and more dishonest than the public employees.

great so well go communist like the USSR and Red China with all public employees and starve 2/3 of Americans to death.

See why we are positive that a liberal will be stupid? Is any other conclusion possible??
Okay, I don't have the time to read all the posts... Somebody tell me... Is this truly the "Greatest thread to human civilization?"

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