Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the nest closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
California was run by conservatives like Reagan, who helped build the state. The aerospace industry in the 50s and 60s didnt hurt either.
Since then liberals have taken over and reduced it to shit-status. The state is bankrupt and businesses are fleeing in droves. If it werent for immigration the state would have lost population.
Once again, what you think yuou know is wrong.

Yes we have heard about 'businesses leaving the state in droves' for the last 20 years. 20 years ago California had the 8th largest economy in the world among NATIONS. Today it has the 8th largest economy in the world among NATIONS. If all these businesses are leaving how is this possible? Its because the weak businesses leave and go to Texas where the weak are welcomed.

Can't make it in California? Then head out. This IS the place to make money and everyone knows it. BUT, you do have to be strong and smart to make it here. If you are lazy or just not too good at business its ok, go to Texas or Florida.

And how utterly futile to try to cast back 40 years to try to give career criminal and socialist Ronald Raygun any credit for anything.

Face it cons, California proves liberals crush you in the market place of ideas and business and you really just hate it. It eats at your guts like acid.

And it provides great entertainment for the rest of us.
Okay, I don't have the time to read all the posts... Somebody tell me... Is this truly the "Greatest thread to human civilization?"

liberalism has always been the greatest threat to civilization. In all of human history only our genius Founders realized this. As their influence fades so will civilization. America is the last best hope for freedom but the liberal cancer is spreading within it.
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Face it cons, California proves liberals crush you in the market place of ideas and business and you really just hate it. It eats at your guts like acid.

how do figure given that CA would be far greater if conservative??
California Is America's Poorest State

And yet the U.S. Census Bureau has determined, under its "supplemental poverty measure," that California is the poorest state in America. For the second year in a row:

The latest Census figures say 23.8 percent of us are living in poverty, or that almost one in four Californians is poor. Unofficially.

Without the adjustments made under the supplemental poverty measure, our rate would be 16.5 percent. And that's the official number.
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. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.
Democrats controlled congress after 2006, dipshit.
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the next closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.

And now for FACTS to refute YOUR grossly wrong "5 billion surplus "..
Similarly, Brown is using cash-based budgeting to underreport the cost of an employee benefit — retiree health care — by $3 billion. The governor could have chosen to report the expense at its full size, but to do that under cash-based budgeting, he would have had to actually contribute $3 billion in cash to a retiree health-care trust fund.

That’s exactly what governors are supposed to do. Retiree health-care expenses, like pensions, are supposed to be pre-funded in order to protect future generations from having to pick up an earlier generation’s costs. But Brown chose not to do so, making his budget look rosier than it is. This shortchanges future generations, which will have less money for their own services because they will have to pay off the skipped costs.

Businesses aren’t permitted to use cash-based budgeting. Instead, they must accrue expenses whether paid or not. During Brown’s current term in office, his budgets will ignore more than $12 billion in retiree health-care costs. …

Brown’s budget this year also ignores more than $3 billion in required contributions to the state teacher pension fund. It’s the largest “skipped” pension contribution in the country and continues a pattern that has led the fund to build up an $80 billion deficit accruing zero-coupon interest at 7.5 percent a year.

And what do the people of California think about their higher taxes?
The results come in a wide-ranging poll (PDF) conducted last month by the Public Policy Institute of California.
Asked, “Overall, how fair do you think our present state and local tax system is—would you say it is very fair, moderately fair, not too fair, or not at all fair?” 3 percent said “very fair” and 47 percent answered “moderately fair.”
The results were consistent across income groups, with 53 percent of those making over $80,000 agreeing with the 49 percent of Californians earning under $40,000 that the tax system is just swell.

Of those polled, 51 percent also said corporations should pay higher taxes and 63 percent called for raising the top income tax rate on the state’s wealthiest residents.

But if Californians agree that the other guy should get it in the neck, they’re all ready for a little mercy on their own behalf. Fifty-six percent of those making less than $40,000 say they’re paying more than they should, 59 percent of those making between $40,000 and $80,000 agree, and 64 percent of those earning over $80,000 chime in with a “ditto.”
California budget “surplus”? …Nope, not so much.

A) so much for California surplus... B) paid for by higher taxes... not any business growth!
The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the nest closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
California was run by conservatives like Reagan, who helped build the state. The aerospace industry in the 50s and 60s didnt hurt either.
Since then liberals have taken over and reduced it to shit-status. The state is bankrupt and businesses are fleeing in droves. If it werent for immigration the state would have lost population.
Once again, what you think yuou know is wrong.

Yes we have heard about 'businesses leaving the state in droves' for the last 20 years. 20 years ago California had the 8th largest economy in the world among NATIONS. Today it has the 8th largest economy in the world among NATIONS. If all these businesses are leaving how is this possible? Its because the weak businesses leave and go to Texas where the weak are welcomed.

Can't make it in California? Then head out. This IS the place to make money and everyone knows it. BUT, you do have to be strong and smart to make it here. If you are lazy or just not too good at business its ok, go to Texas or Florida.

And how utterly futile to try to cast back 40 years to try to give career criminal and socialist Ronald Raygun any credit for anything.

Face it cons, California proves liberals crush you in the market place of ideas and business and you really just hate it. It eats at your guts like acid.

And it provides great entertainment for the rest of us.

Oops. Blows that away. CA badly lags other states in growth.
Examples of "promoting socialism" seem to be missing. Please elucidate with examples.

Oh, and I would like someone to detail how the private for profit sector is always better, cheaper and more effective than a government agency.

The private, for profit sector must constantly look out for waste. If they have a lot of waste, it cuts into their profit. A government agency only needs a politician to push for more funding and raising taxes to provide more money. A business can raise prices but only to a point. If the government raises taxes, what option do people have but pay them. For example, if the local school district wants more money, they raise the millage rate to get more money and it comes in property taxes. If you don't pay those property taxes, even if you own the property, it can be taken.

The private sector can collude with its competition to set prices and raise them with no explanation or only a flimsy excuse. The Private sector is not beholden to the people, a legislator who violates the trust of his constituency can be kicked out of office, a CEO can't be held accountable by The People; but The People's representatives can in terms of criminal and civil sanctions.

We live in a nation, as do most who live in Western Democracies, where the public and private sectors co-exist. They do so when it benefits The People.

There is no proof we get a better deal from the private sector than we do from the public one. There are more checks on public works than on private ones and most government brick and mortar projects are done by private firms who bid on the projects.

Remember, the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus for good reason.
Wow thats quite a country you live. I should visit it sometime.
In the US companies compete with each other and do not collude on prices. The few examples that are publicized of collusion are publicized precisely because they are few. And the US is prosecuting them.
How many legislators are kicked out of office for violating public trust? Yeah none.
THere is no accountability in public works. How many people were fired in the Obamacare website fiasco? Yeah, none. There is your accountability.

Government contractors are Private Sector, not Public servants. And as a home owner (several in fact) and Public Service Manager I've found private sector contractors to be less responsible and more dishonest than the public employees.

I guess we don't need to discuss any more. YOU, based on your personal experience, found irresponsible and dishonest private contractors. Since YOU have seen it that way, I guess all of us should see it that way. Problem is in my experience, I've see the opposite.
. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.
Democrats controlled congress after 2006, dipshit.

They took control in early 2007. Sorry to bitch slap you with, you know, facts. But your need to be 'right' overrides your need to use facts.

Take note.

And again, hilarious how you people run frantically to try to come up with something to 'refute' whatever it is that shows you are wrong.

No matter, what I posted is fact, spin it however it makes you feel good. If you own a business in California and are making money good for you. If you aren't, I'm sorry try Texas.

And how about you cons get together with the Teabag bunch to pressure Murdoch to start up a conservative Hollywood film industry. Better yet ask him why he hasn't in all these decades.

Because he knows it is a losing business idea.

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The insurance companies collect money from many people and pay it out to those in need. Did you ever hear anything more socialistic?

100% stupid since insurance is competitive. If you don't do it well you go bankrupt according to the rules of capitalism. Govt is a monopoly , it has no competition so there is no incentive to do things well, cheaply, or efficiently. Now you know why 120 million slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.

Do you understand why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure and deadly ignorance?

California is the most liberal state in the Union and its economy is twice the size of the next closest state, Texas. Not bad for a bunch of liberals eh.

And California did go into debt during the Bush Great Recession like many states did but California is now running a 5 billion dollar surplus and is well on its way back, as are many states. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

And those liberals in Hollywood make some great movies yes? Or do cons not watch 'liberal' movies? lol Where is the con movie industry? You'd think Mel Gibson and Rupert Murdoch would have started a con movie industry to offset Hollywood. Or is it that conservative movies have no market.

Ahhhh, the capitalist market, it does work doesn't it.
California has a 5 billion surplus? Can you support that? All the business owners are liberal? What planet are you on?
when the evidence proves the left is socialist, they run from what they are like a food stamp recipient runs from a job.

actually Bernie Sanders admits to being a socialist and leftist. He has wide support in the Democratic party which might well be called the anti American party.

The thing is Hillary believes in many of the things he does yet won't accept the socialist label.
. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.

100% stupid since the country was more liberal than ever then and even the Republicans then were mostly liberal!!

NOw do you understand??

Are we more conservative now? I don't see any improvement.
. We all survived the 2008 Republican recession.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from 2003-2007. The recession started in 2008. I know its hard but try to use your last existing brain cell. Give it a workout at least once a day.
Democrats controlled congress after 2006, dipshit.

They took control in early 2007. Sorry to bitch slap you with, you know, facts. But your need to be 'right' overrides your need to use facts.

Take note.

And again, hilarious how you people run frantically to try to come up with something to 'refute' whatever it is that shows you are wrong.

No matter, what I posted is fact, spin it however it makes you feel good. If you own a business in California and are making money good for you. If you aren't, I'm sorry try Texas.

And how about you cons get together with the Teabag bunch to pressure Murdoch to start up a conservative Hollywood film industry. Better yet ask him why he hasn't in all these decades.

Because he knows it is a losing business idea.

dear stupid, how could it be a Republican recession when the country was more liberal than ever then???

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