Greece cops in full retreat as Muslim mob overwhelms them

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We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

Whenever in HISTORY have actual Refugees acted like THIS? NEVER that's when, because THESE AREN'T actual Refugees, they're Economic Migrants mixed with basic bottom feeding feral savages.

Why shouldn't they be shot, when you watch these videos, tell me WHY shouldn't they be shot?

Hordes of feral savages terrorising the Greek Islanders of Lesbos.

The duration of the video is one minute and eleven seconds.

Again Greek Islanders of Lesbos in complete despair. The Greek gentleman says:

"This is Greece, respect Greece, this isn't the Middle East....don't make us become Extremists"

The duration of the video is fifty-seven seconds.

Hordes of feral savages, 1,000 of them in full riot and battling Greek police, again the Greek Island of Lesbos. The Greek police should use live ammo on them.

The duration of the video is two minutes and thirty-eight seconds.

This is Athens, Greece, hordes of Muslim and Sub-Saharan African savages have an Organised Riot, Demonstration and Islamic shouting match and running battle with Greek police, they're demanding free shit WHILST the Greek people have had severe austerity put on them, their wages slashed and old-age pensions slashed from €380.00 a week to €120.00 a week.

The Greek Government's ONLY obligation is to the Greek people, they have NO obligation to these feral savages....the Greek Government are Traitors.

The Greek police should use live ammo on these POS.

The duration of the video is two minutes and thirty-eight seconds.

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We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

The Old Sweden, full of beautiful, happy and peaceful people vs The New Sweden, full of filthy feral savages.

The music in this video is hideous IMHO, but the stark contrasts between The Old Sweden and The New Sweden that the Traitor Multiculturist Globalist psychopaths have forced on that nation is very tragic.

This is completely CRIMINAL what the Traitors have done to Sweden, they can look forward to a nice hot seat in Hell for committing this act of evil on the Swedish nation and the Swedish people.

WTF did the Swedish people ever DO to DESERVE THIS horror? Nothing that's what, they did nothing....oh I forgot, ALL those beautiful blonde haired children are racist....that's the CRIME the Swedes committed to get Multicultural Hell forced on them, blonde hair is racist :eusa_doh:

The duration of the video is two minutes and ten minutes.

"This video shows how mass immigration changed Sweden from one of the safest countries on earth to one of the most violent countries. (Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the whole world)"

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The duration of the piece is fifteen minutes.

Interesting that at about the 10:00 minute mark the 60 minutes narrator states that there are over 55 No Go areas in Sweden now.

That is impossible since the libtards insist that there is no such thing as a No Go zone.


But seriously, they have the Swedish cops on video saying that they cannot enter the Muslim community that the TV crew is entering and tell them they have to go in alone.

How fucking disgraceful.
Many many people across Europa are getting sick of this crap now, it must be put a stop to, we are under NO obligation to accommodate TONS and TONS of Muslim and Sub-Saharan African feral savages, who for most part are Economic Migrants who just want to come to OUR Continent and sit on their buttocks and claim welfare paid for by hard-working European a TIME when HALF of Europa is being told Governments must "tighten their belt and we MUST have Austerity programmes....but we can give handouts to Third World savages, so tough crap and IF you don't like it then you're a "racist""

Fuck that. Fuck the EU, Fuck the UN, Fuck the NGO's, Fuck Amnesty Fucking International and Fuck The Geneva Convention.

THIS is shortly about OUR Survival as a Continent, when it comes down to Survival, it's fuck everything else.
While it angers me to see the destruction these vermin carry out, what angers me the most is our own coarsening, our loss of an innocent view of the world that a shrinking global economy has now buried in the historical ash heap.
We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

Another headline you copy and will rant about while doing nothing.

Yeah like I can do something about the Muslim invasion of Europe from Charleston.

I can vote Trump to prevent it from happening here though. We can't allow it here. We wouldn't want them throwing you off a 15 story building. Not nice.

So it's not nice. It is the ultimate shut the fuck up.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies

Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Sicily is La Cosa Nostra, hopefully The Godfathers and their Capo's will take care of these feral savages.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Look at those POS, all waiting to start claiming welfare and sexually assaulting European women.

Soon it's time for half of the nations of Europa to turn TOTAL Shitlords on these filthy savages.
Rome has been struggling too. Some more of those imaginary no go zones. My heart weeps.

Parts of Rome 'turning into no-go areas due to sanitation and security issues caused by migrants' claim local businesses
  • Sanitation concerns due to migrants camping at Rome's Tiburtina station
  • Led to protests by businesses, clashes with police and outcry from right
  • Also a lot of scabies at Milan station caused by migrants sleeping rough
  • Italy is struggling to accommodate an endless wave of boat migrants
  • Italian PM now said Italy will 'hurt' Europe if it ignores the migrant crisis

PUBLISHED: 12:30, 15 June 2015 | UPDATED: 15:04, 15 June 2015

Parts of Rome are being turned into a 'no-go area' because of concerns about security and sanitation linked to the huge surge of migrants in the city, local businesses have claimed.

Migrants camping near Rome's Tiburtina station have been forcibly cleared by police amid protests by local businesses.

As the build-up of refugees at the Italian capital's train station increased, it led to ugly clashes with police, an outcry from the right and fresh calls from Rome for EU help.


There are health and sanitation concerns at Rome's Tiburtina station caused by refugees sleeping outside


Refugees outside the train station in the Italian capital which has led to protests from local businesses


A growing number of migrants have gathered together at the station which has put increasing pressure on Italy

In Rome, a former canteen is now being fixed up to accommodate the migrants away from the station's main traffic.

The railway has also agreed to renovate another space nearby as a more permanent solution to tackle the ever-growing problem.

Health officials said there have been more than 100 cases of scabies in recent days and 500 since the beginning of the year. ....

Parts of Rome turning into no-go areas 'due to migrants'
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:

Rome has been struggling too. Some more of those imaginary no go zones. My heart weeps.

Parts of Rome 'turning into no-go areas due to sanitation and security issues caused by migrants' claim local businesses
  • Sanitation concerns due to migrants camping at Rome's Tiburtina station
  • Led to protests by businesses, clashes with police and outcry from right
  • Also a lot of scabies at Milan station caused by migrants sleeping rough
  • Italy is struggling to accommodate an endless wave of boat migrants
  • Italian PM now said Italy will 'hurt' Europe if it ignores the migrant crisis

PUBLISHED: 12:30, 15 June 2015 | UPDATED: 15:04, 15 June 2015

Parts of Rome are being turned into a 'no-go area' because of concerns about security and sanitation linked to the huge surge of migrants in the city, local businesses have claimed.

Migrants camping near Rome's Tiburtina station have been forcibly cleared by police amid protests by local businesses.

As the build-up of refugees at the Italian capital's train station increased, it led to ugly clashes with police, an outcry from the right and fresh calls from Rome for EU help.


There are health and sanitation concerns at Rome's Tiburtina station caused by refugees sleeping outside


Refugees outside the train station in the Italian capital which has led to protests from local businesses


A growing number of migrants have gathered together at the station which has put increasing pressure on Italy

In Rome, a former canteen is now being fixed up to accommodate the migrants away from the station's main traffic.

The railway has also agreed to renovate another space nearby as a more permanent solution to tackle the ever-growing problem.

Health officials said there have been more than 100 cases of scabies in recent days and 500 since the beginning of the year. ....

Parts of Rome turning into no-go areas 'due to migrants'

But but but Traitor Bitch Merkel says they're ALL fleeing the war in Syria....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:
Rome has been struggling too. Some more of those imaginary no go zones. My heart weeps.

Parts of Rome 'turning into no-go areas due to sanitation and security issues caused by migrants' claim local businesses
  • Sanitation concerns due to migrants camping at Rome's Tiburtina station
  • Led to protests by businesses, clashes with police and outcry from right
  • Also a lot of scabies at Milan station caused by migrants sleeping rough
  • Italy is struggling to accommodate an endless wave of boat migrants
  • Italian PM now said Italy will 'hurt' Europe if it ignores the migrant crisis

PUBLISHED: 12:30, 15 June 2015 | UPDATED: 15:04, 15 June 2015

Parts of Rome are being turned into a 'no-go area' because of concerns about security and sanitation linked to the huge surge of migrants in the city, local businesses have claimed.

Migrants camping near Rome's Tiburtina station have been forcibly cleared by police amid protests by local businesses.

As the build-up of refugees at the Italian capital's train station increased, it led to ugly clashes with police, an outcry from the right and fresh calls from Rome for EU help.


There are health and sanitation concerns at Rome's Tiburtina station caused by refugees sleeping outside


Refugees outside the train station in the Italian capital which has led to protests from local businesses


A growing number of migrants have gathered together at the station which has put increasing pressure on Italy

In Rome, a former canteen is now being fixed up to accommodate the migrants away from the station's main traffic.

The railway has also agreed to renovate another space nearby as a more permanent solution to tackle the ever-growing problem.

Health officials said there have been more than 100 cases of scabies in recent days and 500 since the beginning of the year. ....

Parts of Rome turning into no-go areas 'due to migrants'

How many of them have diseases that we've never experienced in Europa before? They have disease in their own crapheap nations, now they're probably bringing those diseases to us.

Especially the men, essentially walking Biological Weapons who shouldn't be anywhere near our people, they should be immediately in quarantine and then all put in massive military transport planes and dumped back in Africa.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

Hey you :lalala: :rolleyes-41:
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.
We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

I don't get it, why send small numbers of police out to face savages without the means to quell them? Kinda like that liberal asshole in Ferguson.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

Hey you :lalala: :rolleyes-41:

Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

You seem to be contradicting yourself. You say they did not build modern civil societies and "demanded" the locals give them "everything". They bought the natural resources from the locals who were doing nothing with it. Then they manufactured goods from it, and made wealth. Cities and countries were formed yes, of course not perfectly because it was done by outsiders who didn't understand their cultures. Nothing prevented these African cultures from forming their own cities and governments, but they have demonstrated they are pretty much incapable of doing that.

Personally I don't think Africans do well in Western civilization. They should remain true to their African tribal lifestyle. Most Africans live in abject squalor in large urban shitholes. The Brits and French thought they could "civilize" Africans, but it is clear they were wrong.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

You seem to be contradicting yourself. You say they did not build modern civil societies and "demanded" the locals give them "everything". They bought the natural resources from the locals who were doing nothing with it. Then they manufactured goods from it, and made wealth. Cities and countries were formed yes, of course not perfectly because it was done by outsiders who didn't understand their cultures. Nothing prevented these African cultures from forming their own cities and governments, but they have demonstrated they are pretty much incapable of doing that.

Personally I don't think Africans do well in Western civilization. They should remain true to their African tribal lifestyle. Most Africans live in abject squalor in large urban shitholes. The Brits and French thought they could "civilize" Africans, but it is clear they were wrong.

What makes you think they "bought" natural resources from the locals? These were colonies, not traders.

The only wealth made was for the Europeans. There was no reinvestment into the local economies.

There is no contradiction on my part.
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