Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

No, for an economy the size of the u.s.'s its as tiny as your dick.

I was correct. Too much Kool-Aid.
Youre competing with stephanie for dumbest poster.

To scale, 1.2 trillion is only 7.2% of total us debt.

Thats 3750 from every citizen over their lifetime.

Thats about 0.000005% of total u.s. assets (estimated land, business, infrastructure, etc).

Youre the dope who doesnt understand the concept of "scale," "scope" and "percentages" so please, have a fucking seat at the kiddie table.

So you're saying that $1.2 trillion dollars ISN'T a lot of money?
No, for an economy the size of the u.s.'s its as tiny as your dick.

I was correct. Too much Kool-Aid.
Youre competing with stephanie for dumbest poster.

To scale, 1.2 trillion is only 7.2% of total us debt.

Thats 3750 from every citizen over their lifetime.

Thats about 0.000005% of total u.s. assets (estimated land, business, infrastructure, etc).

Youre the dope who doesnt understand the concept of "scale," "scope" and "percentages" so please, have a fucking seat at the kiddie table.

So you're saying that $1.2 trillion dollars ISN'T a lot of money?
In what economy?

Your personal household?

Or the entire u.s. economy....?

Thats why youre a jackass.
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

By definition, dividends can only be paid to stockholders. So if this mythical "benefit" company is the stockholder, it still a dividend and the corporation paying the dividends cannot claim them as an expense.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes
I found this hilarious cartoon detailing this issue..

You could take everything the Top 1% has and it still wouldn't pay off our debt ... Keep on pretending you have any answers worth listening to.

The debt will never go away, but I think it's funny how morons want to try to find ways to alleviate the debt and ignore the most obvious.
if you even try to discuss the debt seriously you'll be called a conspiracy theorist. the whole thing is a scam we are all run and owned by the rich at this point the entire world. control the money control the government.also notice with all the tea bagging kuch we went through the last few years the debt still keeps climbing and it's not like Obama has a spending problem. its just for the last 30 years we've been slashing taxes on the rich even when we had that problem so of course that's going to quadruple when you cut taxes on the rich and corporations all while the death clock is skyrocketing. is anyone surprised? I just wonder why do the GOP only go after programs that help the poor?
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

Absolute BULLSHIT!
A benefit corp is one which is chartered to enable community and environmentally minded business owners to preserve their social goals without sacrificing the ability to make a profit. They do not exist to nor can they receive untaxed profits from other corporations to be paid out to shareholders as dividends. You are without doubt the dimmest poster ever to infest this board yet typical of the lying sludge we call liberals and are the poster child for the old axiom: When in over your head, STOP DIGGING, stupid!
Let's make it simple. Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it, they already own more than they can handle. So they loan this money out for a rate of interest. Greece owes some of these entities money. Greece does not have the resources to pay the debt back (the principle) , much less the interest due. If Greece gets away with not paying the principle and interest back, the owners of the debt lose money they had no use for. The fear is that others might decide not to pay the money and interest back. But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway. Can you imagine what would happen if people figure this out?
who raise their taxes? I know Bush got in trouble for no new taxes so it could have been him could have sworn Clinton cut corporate taxes and Bush certainly did. so good I'm glad they're paying their fair share but don't forget the loopholes

who raise their taxes?

Well, it's very complicated and based on your low IQ, I'm not sure I could dumb down the explanation enough for a moron like you to understand.

could have sworn Clinton cut corporate taxes and Bush certainly did

Wrong on both counts. Idiot.
GAO U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 - Jul. 1 2013
I don't care what party does what.
Off shore havens? Are you telling me that people arrange their affairs to minimize their tax liabilities? Are you serious? Liberals have been whining for decades that the opposite is true.
"Minimize tax liabilities" Billy, just give me lower taxes and it'll trickle down, I promise!

Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing, here, read up on some solutions, trust me, lower taxes does not equal benefits for working people, if you're seriously trying to defend trickle down economics, you're delusional and insane.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International
Hobbs said: “We need a global new deal to reverse decades of increasing inequality. As a first step world leaders should formally commit themselves to reducing inequality to the levels seen in 1990.

“From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favour. It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite.”

Closing tax havens – which hold as much as $32 trillion or a third of all global wealth – could yield an additional $189bn in additional tax revenues. In addition to a tax haven crackdown, elements of a global new deal could include:

  • a reversal of the trend towards more regressive forms of taxation;
  • a global minimum corporation tax rate;
  • measures to boost wages compared with returns available to capital;

The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing

My comments were about taxes on rich people, not corporations.
Try reading for comprehension.
Poor Families Pay Double The State And Local Tax Rate As The Rich Study
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others PolitiFact

No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
Wow,. Yeah, great achievements. He turned a prosperous country into another socialist shit hole where people riot to buy toilet paper. They kicked out all the people with assets who knew how to do business and substituted a bunch of party apparatchiks without a clue. The result is an economy in freefall, starvation, misery and death. That is the end result of socialism everywhere and every time.
Let's make it simple. Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it, they already own more than they can handle. So they loan this money out for a rate of interest. Greece owes some of these entities money. Greece does not have the resources to pay the debt back (the principle) , much less the interest due. If Greece gets away with not paying the principle and interest back, the owners of the debt lose money they had no use for. The fear is that others might decide not to pay the money and interest back. But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway. Can you imagine what would happen if people figure this out?
Wait. So debt is owned by wealthy people and they lend this debt to others for a return.
Are you on drugs or just seriously stupid?
Let's make it simple. Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it, they already own more than they can handle. So they loan this money out for a rate of interest. Greece owes some of these entities money. Greece does not have the resources to pay the debt back (the principle) , much less the interest due. If Greece gets away with not paying the principle and interest back, the owners of the debt lose money they had no use for. The fear is that others might decide not to pay the money and interest back. But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway. Can you imagine what would happen if people figure this out?
Wait. So debt is owned by wealthy people and they lend this debt to others for a return.
Are you on drugs or just seriously stupid?

Just fact, moron.
Let's make it simple. Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it, they already own more than they can handle. So they loan this money out for a rate of interest. Greece owes some of these entities money. Greece does not have the resources to pay the debt back (the principle) , much less the interest due. If Greece gets away with not paying the principle and interest back, the owners of the debt lose money they had no use for. The fear is that others might decide not to pay the money and interest back. But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway. Can you imagine what would happen if people figure this out?

Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it

Baloney. Savers all over the world own debt instruments.

But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway.

If only it were based on gold, which is intrinsically worth nothing anyway.
1. Yes, and they are the few wealthy entities (including persons). For example. only 3% of Indians even have a bank account.
2. Gold can't be printed.
who raise their taxes?

Well, it's very complicated and based on your low IQ, I'm not sure I could dumb down the explanation enough for a moron like you to understand.

could have sworn Clinton cut corporate taxes and Bush certainly did

Wrong on both counts. Idiot.
GAO U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 - Jul. 1 2013
I don't care what party does what.
"Minimize tax liabilities" Billy, just give me lower taxes and it'll trickle down, I promise!

Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing, here, read up on some solutions, trust me, lower taxes does not equal benefits for working people, if you're seriously trying to defend trickle down economics, you're delusional and insane.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International
Hobbs said: “We need a global new deal to reverse decades of increasing inequality. As a first step world leaders should formally commit themselves to reducing inequality to the levels seen in 1990.

“From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favour. It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite.”

Closing tax havens – which hold as much as $32 trillion or a third of all global wealth – could yield an additional $189bn in additional tax revenues. In addition to a tax haven crackdown, elements of a global new deal could include:

  • a reversal of the trend towards more regressive forms of taxation;
  • a global minimum corporation tax rate;
  • measures to boost wages compared with returns available to capital;

The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing

My comments were about taxes on rich people, not corporations.
Try reading for comprehension.
Poor Families Pay Double The State And Local Tax Rate As The Rich Study
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others PolitiFact

No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
Wow,. Yeah, great achievements. He turned a prosperous country into another socialist shit hole where people riot to buy toilet paper. They kicked out all the people with assets who knew how to do business and substituted a bunch of party apparatchiks without a clue. The result is an economy in freefall, starvation, misery and death. That is the end result of socialism everywhere and every time.
Or when the rich dont pay taxes.
1. Yes, and they are the few wealthy entities (including persons). For example. only 3% of Indians even have a bank account.
2. Gold can't be printed.

Yes, and they are the few wealthy entities (including persons).

Few? LOL!

For example. only 3% of Indians even have a bank account.

Or China, where they save nearly 50% of GDP.

Gold can't be printed.

Or eaten.
Let's make it simple. Debt worldwide is owned by very few wealthy entities who just cannot spend it, they already own more than they can handle. So they loan this money out for a rate of interest. Greece owes some of these entities money. Greece does not have the resources to pay the debt back (the principle) , much less the interest due. If Greece gets away with not paying the principle and interest back, the owners of the debt lose money they had no use for. The fear is that others might decide not to pay the money and interest back. But the biggest fear is that it may be discovered that this wealth that was loaned out is based on fiat currency that is intrinsically worth nothing anyway. Can you imagine what would happen if people figure this out?
Wait. So debt is owned by wealthy people and they lend this debt to others for a return.
Are you on drugs or just seriously stupid?

Just fact, moron.
No, it is not a fact. It is stupid and illogical.
Then again, you are a jew-hater so what else could I expect?
Hike taxes on the rich and corporations, they'll just line up to pay more, I promise.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
The truth about what corporations actually pay in taxes is extremely low and nothing like the bullshit you're spewing

My comments were about taxes on rich people, not corporations.
Try reading for comprehension.
Poor Families Pay Double The State And Local Tax Rate As The Rich Study
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others PolitiFact

No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
Wow,. Yeah, great achievements. He turned a prosperous country into another socialist shit hole where people riot to buy toilet paper. They kicked out all the people with assets who knew how to do business and substituted a bunch of party apparatchiks without a clue. The result is an economy in freefall, starvation, misery and death. That is the end result of socialism everywhere and every time.
Or when the rich dont pay taxes.
They dont pay taxes when they flee the country. Which is what happened. The middle class got impoverished by Chavez' absurd socialist policies.
they have no choice there in our country don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
Wow,. Yeah, great achievements. He turned a prosperous country into another socialist shit hole where people riot to buy toilet paper. They kicked out all the people with assets who knew how to do business and substituted a bunch of party apparatchiks without a clue. The result is an economy in freefall, starvation, misery and death. That is the end result of socialism everywhere and every time.
Or when the rich dont pay taxes.
They dont pay taxes when they flee the country. Which is what happened. The middle class got impoverished by Chavez' absurd socialist policies.
obviously you don't know s*** about the rest of the world. typical American
I wish these companies that don't want to pay taxes would just get the f*** out of the country. go to Mexico and sell your goods to mexico.

man do I hate stupid greedy Americans

don't make me go Hugo Chavez on them

You mean you'll tank the economy so much that we can't get toilet paper?
Yet another socialist success story. LOL!
Oh jesus christ, are you really that blind? The achievements of hugo are evident, all Hugo did was take oil profits and invest them into social programs, unlike what the venezuelan leadership was doing previously, (Keeping the oil money for the upper classes) the economy there would have tanked either way with the oil prices. Now, poverty is reduced, healthcare is better for the majority, people aren't starving..
No you don't.
No they don't.
Warren is wrong.

Thanks for the moronic links that have nothing to do with my earlier comments.
Facts scare you, don't they? Well, regarding your earlier comments, which one are you talking about?
Wow,. Yeah, great achievements. He turned a prosperous country into another socialist shit hole where people riot to buy toilet paper. They kicked out all the people with assets who knew how to do business and substituted a bunch of party apparatchiks without a clue. The result is an economy in freefall, starvation, misery and death. That is the end result of socialism everywhere and every time.
Or when the rich dont pay taxes.
They dont pay taxes when they flee the country. Which is what happened. The middle class got impoverished by Chavez' absurd socialist policies.
obviously you don't know s*** about the rest of the world. typical American
Shut the fuck up, asshole. You are literally one of the biggest clowns on this board. Take this and shove it down your throat.
I wish these companies that don't want to pay taxes would just get the f*** out of the country. go to Mexico and sell your goods to mexico.

man do I hate stupid greedy Americans
Dumbshit. Who's going to pay people's salaries?
Geezus, liberals are dumber than cattle.

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