Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim and if they should default it will not have the systemic result forcing banks over the brink. As for sealybobo, well its not that they don't want to pay taxes its just that they want to be on the same playing field as their competition, and that is wrong? I guess as long as your existence depends on another's sweat and hard work your position, however limited, makes sense.
Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim and if they should default it will not have the systemic result forcing banks over the brink. As for sealybobo, well its not that they don't want to pay taxes its just that they want to be on the same playing field as their competition, and that is wrong? I guess as long as your existence depends on another's sweat and hard work your position, however limited, makes sense.
Banks and other lenders have seen default coming for over a year. They have had plenty of time to prepare contingencies and prepare themselves for it. A year ago people were saying a Grexit would be disaster. But now everyone has made preparations for that so it wont be that big a deal. Say bye bye to the Euro and hello drachma!
Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim and if they should default it will not have the systemic result forcing banks over the brink. As for sealybobo, well its not that they don't want to pay taxes its just that they want to be on the same playing field as their competition, and that is wrong? I guess as long as your existence depends on another's sweat and hard work your position, however limited, makes sense.

Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim

Who said they were widely held? Where?
After their last default, when the private lenders took something like a 50% haircut, the remaining debt was taken over by the ECB, IMF and other EU governments, for the most part.
That's why a default will mostly just hurt the Greeks.
Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim and if they should default it will not have the systemic result forcing banks over the brink. As for sealybobo, well its not that they don't want to pay taxes its just that they want to be on the same playing field as their competition, and that is wrong? I guess as long as your existence depends on another's sweat and hard work your position, however limited, makes sense.
Banks and other lenders have seen default coming for over a year. They have had plenty of time to prepare contingencies and prepare themselves for it. A year ago people were saying a Grexit would be disaster. But now everyone has made preparations for that so it wont be that big a deal. Say bye bye to the Euro and hello drachma!

Say bye bye to the Euro and hello drachma!

No kidding. The Greeks were whining about austerity before, wait until their standard of living is cut in half, when they get paid in drachma versus euros.
Actually Greek debt securities are not as widely held as you proclaim and if they should default it will not have the systemic result forcing banks over the brink. As for sealybobo, well its not that they don't want to pay taxes its just that they want to be on the same playing field as their competition, and that is wrong? I guess as long as your existence depends on another's sweat and hard work your position, however limited, makes sense.
Banks and other lenders have seen default coming for over a year. They have had plenty of time to prepare contingencies and prepare themselves for it. A year ago people were saying a Grexit would be disaster. But now everyone has made preparations for that so it wont be that big a deal. Say bye bye to the Euro and hello drachma!

Say bye bye to the Euro and hello drachma!

No kidding. The Greeks were whining about austerity before, wait until their standard of living is cut in half, when they get paid in drachma versus euros.
Those assholes deserve every bit of it. They elected the left wingers because they promised they could keep all their free shit and the Germans would pay for it. Fuck them. They created that hellhole and now they get to live in it. Greece has always been the model for Western culture. Now they can be the model for what not to do.
The Greeks were never paid the reparations they were due from Germany to pay for the damage the Germans did during the occupation nor did the Germans pay back the forced loans. The Germans took the Greek treasury and called it a loan. It was never paid back because the U.S. and Britain decided that Germany had to pay reparations to them first.

"The very basics of this are that Germany exacted a forced loan from the Bank of Greece during the occupation, and that forced loan was not paid back, and there was probably no intention to. What we had here was an attempt to disguise, to camouflage, so to speak, occupation costs as a forced loan - and this loan had several bad aspects. It fueled hyperinflation in Greece, which was already on the way due to the Italian occupation, and most importantly, it drained Greece of vital resources. It led to a catastrophic decline in economic activity

"You will be surprised to hear that nothing happened, and the reason is the following: After the Allied invasion and the collapse of the Nazi regime, the first thing the occupation authorities did was to block all kinds of claims by and against the German government, under the legal fiction that that the German government and the German state didn't exist anymore."

Germany s Unpaid Debt to Greece Economist Albrecht Ritschl on WWII Reparations That Never Were
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

Absolute BULLSHIT!
A benefit corp is one which is chartered to enable community and environmentally minded business owners to preserve their social goals without sacrificing the ability to make a profit. They do not exist to nor can they receive untaxed profits from other corporations to be paid out to shareholders as dividends. You are without doubt the dimmest poster ever to infest this board yet typical of the lying sludge we call liberals and are the poster child for the old axiom: When in over your head, STOP DIGGING, stupid!

I NEVER wrote 'benefit corporation,' I wrote Benefit company. The last two dividend checks I received were written on/by Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Securities. The company pays the securities company, deducts the cost as a legal deduction and the securities company distributes the dividend.
Those assholes deserve every bit of it. They elected the left wingers because they promised they could keep all their free shit and the Germans would pay for it. Fuck them. They created that hellhole and now they get to live in it. Greece has always been the model for Western culture. Now they can be the model for what not to do.

Greece vested before the problem. The $600 Trillion dollar derivatives world economic crash was American Republican caused. Why do you think Bush, Cheney, and Gramm can't travel to Europe.

Think about it. If voted for Bush, should you make that known and travel to Europe?
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

Absolute BULLSHIT!
A benefit corp is one which is chartered to enable community and environmentally minded business owners to preserve their social goals without sacrificing the ability to make a profit. They do not exist to nor can they receive untaxed profits from other corporations to be paid out to shareholders as dividends. You are without doubt the dimmest poster ever to infest this board yet typical of the lying sludge we call liberals and are the poster child for the old axiom: When in over your head, STOP DIGGING, stupid!

I NEVER wrote 'benefit corporation,' I wrote Benefit company. The last two dividend checks I received were written on/by Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Securities. The company pays the securities company, deducts the cost as a legal deduction and the securities company distributes the dividend.

The company pays the securities company, deducts the cost as a legal deduction

Payments to a "securities company" aren't deductible. Idiot.
Those assholes deserve every bit of it. They elected the left wingers because they promised they could keep all their free shit and the Germans would pay for it. Fuck them. They created that hellhole and now they get to live in it. Greece has always been the model for Western culture. Now they can be the model for what not to do.

Greece vested before the problem. The $600 Trillion dollar derivatives world economic crash was American Republican caused. Why do you think Bush, Cheney, and Gramm can't travel to Europe.

Think about it. If voted for Bush, should you make that known and travel to Europe?

The $600 Trillion dollar derivatives world economic crash was American Republican caused.

The world markets didn't crash because of derivatives.
The world economies didn't crash because of derivatives.

Why do you think Bush, Cheney, and Gramm can't travel to Europe.

Why can't they?
What about Clinton, he signed the bill after all.
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

Absolute BULLSHIT!
A benefit corp is one which is chartered to enable community and environmentally minded business owners to preserve their social goals without sacrificing the ability to make a profit. They do not exist to nor can they receive untaxed profits from other corporations to be paid out to shareholders as dividends. You are without doubt the dimmest poster ever to infest this board yet typical of the lying sludge we call liberals and are the poster child for the old axiom: When in over your head, STOP DIGGING, stupid!

I NEVER wrote 'benefit corporation,' I wrote Benefit company. The last two dividend checks I received were written on/by Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Securities. The company pays the securities company, deducts the cost as a legal deduction and the securities company distributes the dividend.

Tax Problems with Constructive Dividends
As a practical matter, constructive dividends and ordinary dividends get about the same tax treatment. Both dividends are taxable income to the shareholder and can’t be deducted by the corporation.

Constructive Dividends May Cost More Than They Pay
For a one per center you know very little about corporate taxation. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's earnings to its stockholders. Dividends are not considered an expense of the corporation and, therefore, dividends do not reduce a corporation's net income or its taxable income.

Except when a benefit company pays the dividend to the investor. The entire proceeds paid to a benefit company are fully deductible. Think about it. The company doesn't directly pay the investor, the company pays another company.

Absolute BULLSHIT!
A benefit corp is one which is chartered to enable community and environmentally minded business owners to preserve their social goals without sacrificing the ability to make a profit. They do not exist to nor can they receive untaxed profits from other corporations to be paid out to shareholders as dividends. You are without doubt the dimmest poster ever to infest this board yet typical of the lying sludge we call liberals and are the poster child for the old axiom: When in over your head, STOP DIGGING, stupid!

I NEVER wrote 'benefit corporation,' I wrote Benefit company. The last two dividend checks I received were written on/by Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Securities. The company pays the securities company, deducts the cost as a legal deduction and the securities company distributes the dividend.

Examples of Constructive Dividends
Constructive dividends can take many forms, such as:
  • Corporate payment of the shareholder’s personal expenses that aren’t related to the business, like rent or doctor’s bills
  • Payment of excessive rent by the company for its rental of the shareholder’s property
  • Shareholder purchase or lease of corporate property at a bargain price
  • Excessive salaries paid to the shareholder or the shareholder’s relatives
  • Corporate purchases of shareholder property for more than the property’s fair market value
  • A loan to a shareholder where there’s no expectation or demand for repayment, or with a below-market interest rate
  • Loans from the corporation to finance a shareholder’s purchase of personal items, such as a house, vacation or personal investments
Shareholder use of company-owned property, like cars, boats or vacation homes, without fair payment by the shareholder

Many of these sound like things you claimed your fake trust did for you.
It's a good thing you were lying, otherwise you could be in big trouble.
Tax Problems with Constructive Dividends
As a practical matter, constructive dividends and ordinary dividends get about the same tax treatment. Both dividends are taxable income to the shareholder and can’t be deducted by the corporation.

Constructive Dividends May Cost More Than They Pay

'Constructive Dividends MAY Cost More Than They Pay'

Not when you pay someone else to do it.

Both dividends are taxable income to the shareholder and can’t be deducted by the corporation.

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