Green energy, solar and wind are can't happen fast enough.

Its childish for you to sit here name-calling instead of explaining what biden did to pump more oil
It would be childish for me to call people names but that's not what I am doing. "Stupid" is not a name but a predicate adjective.
Maybe you cant think of a good lie that helps the old fool
I don't need one. Presidents rarely have ANYTHING to do with the price of oil. The cutoff of Russian supplies due to our assistance to Ukraine had some impact and Biden told us so at the time. Other than that, he hasn't done diddly squat wrt oil prices. While we're there, he didn't cause the inflation we've been suffering either.
So attacking others is all you have
I'm not attacking you. I'm explaining to you and the public at large why you put up such uninformed and ill-reasoned posts. Take it as helpful advice. Get smarter. Think harder.
It would be childish for me to call people names but that's not what I am doing. "Stupid" is not a name but a predicate adjective.

I don't need one. Presidents rarely have ANYTHING to do with the price of oil. The cutoff of Russian supplies due to our assistance to Ukraine had some impact and Biden told us so at the time. Other than that, he hasn't done diddly squat wrt oil prices. While we're there, he didn't cause the inflation we've been suffering either.

I'm not attacking you. I'm explaining to you and the public at large why you put up such uninformed and ill-reasoned posts. Take it as helpful advice. Get smarter. Think harder.
You attacking anyone including me who disagrees with you

Oil is being supplied by the private companies in spite of Biden and greenie desire to end oil production
You attacking anyone including me who disagrees with you
I am critical of people who disagree with mainstream science without good cause. You are one such person.
Oil is being supplied by the private companies in spite of Biden and greenie desire to end oil production
What is this private company nonsense? For one thing, there are damned few private oil companies these days. They're all corporations. Not the same thing. And typically someone would use that term to differentiate them from government, like PeMex and Saudi Aramaco. But the US government has never been in the oil business.

Now Biden and me and a major portion of the world's population understand that humans need to stop burning fossil fuels and we are working towards it. What that will do to the price is really irrelevant. One expects that it will go up and down as supply and demand wiggle their way to zero. Humans didn't think through the consequences of our reliance on fossil fuel and now we're paying the price. Hopefully, technology can come up with solutions that are practical, functional and economical and there are some good candidates: fusion and hydrogen come to mind. Till then, we're a bit stuck with wind, solar and Li-Ion batteries. Till then "Keep Calm and Carry On".
I am critical of people who disagree with mainstream science without good cause. You are one such person.

What is this private company nonsense? For one thing, there are damned few private oil companies these days. They're all corporations. Not the same thing. And typically someone would use that term to differentiate them from government, like PeMex and Saudi Aramaco. But the US government has never been in the oil business.

Now Biden and me and a major portion of the world's population understand that humans need to stop burning fossil fuels and we are working towards it. What that will do to the price is really irrelevant. One expects that it will go up and down as supply and demand wiggle their way to zero. Humans didn't think through the consequences of our reliance on fossil fuel and now we're paying the price. Hopefully, technology can come up with solutions that are practical, functional and economical and there are some good candidates: fusion and hydrogen come to mind. Till then, we're a bit stuck with wind, solar and Li-Ion batteries. Till then "Keep Calm and Carry On".
Mainstream science used to say that the sun orbited the earth

The global warming “experts” are quacks
Mainstream science used to say that the sun orbited the earth
Geocentrism was one of the first casualties of the scientific method.
The global warming “experts” are quacks
It was the application of science that informed the world that the Earth orbited the Sun. If the experts are quacks, then we have no experts and one has to wonder how we got to where we are. Try again. Think harder before you post.
Geocentrism was one of the first casualties of the scientific method.

It was the application of science that informed the world that the Earth orbited the Sun. If the experts are quacks, then we have no experts and one has to wonder how we got to where we are. Try again. Think harder before you post.
You mean better science than before

But it was all science of its time
You mean better science than before

But it was all science of its time
You admit that science gets better. Good. What makes you think its not yet good enough to determine the cause of the warming observed over the last century and a half?
You admit that science gets better. Good. What makes you think its not yet good enough to determine the cause of the warming observed over the last century and a half?
Because lib wackos wrote the hysterical conclusions first and the supplied data to support it later
The greenies

Their claim is that manmade global warming is taking us to a climate doomsday
The greenies

Their claim is that manmade global warming is taking us to a climate doomsday
The conclusions of climate scientists and their assessment in the IPCC's assessment reports were written by scientists from all over the planet, not liberal whackos. No scientists are predicting "doomsday". They are predicting a great deal of harm.
No scientists are predicting "doomsday".
There may be some truth to that

Its mostly nut-jobs like AlGore and Greta Thunberg who take the misleading climate reports and sensationalize them in order to scare the crap out of ordinary people

Which in turn paves the way for stupid lib public policy
The goal isn't to produce more, reliable, cheaper, efficient energy

All three is impossible, as should be obvious.


The only "green energy" that even comes close to that is hydro. But it is already proven, and people can't push fake hydro schemes as a way to scam money out of the government.
Yeah, some of them fanaticize about a virus that kills off 90% of humanity to save Mother Earth for the polar bears

The thing is, I actually believe that in a way. That the human population is the actual problem, and the only way to reduce CO2 emissions is by culling 7 out of 8 people (87%) so we are reduced to the population of around the mid-19th century.

However, I also do not believe that CO2 by itself is causing things to warm up, so take that as you will. However, I do believe there is a connection to the CO2 rise, and the industrialization and destruction of the ecosystem that is required in order to sustain that almost insane population growth.

But I also do believe a "killer virus" is coming, that is simply mother nature's way of culling excess numbers. And throughout history, disease had been the biggest killer by far of humans. And someday we will see a disease that snuffs out a significant percentage of the population. Like Thanos, it's inevitable.

The thing is, I actually believe that in a way. That the human population is the actual problem, and the only way to reduce CO2 emissions is by culling 7 out of 8 people (87%) so we are reduced to the population of around the mid-19th century.

However, I also do not believe that CO2 by itself is causing things to warm up, so take that as you will. However, I do believe there is a connection to the CO2 rise, and the industrialization and destruction of the ecosystem that is required in order to sustain that almost insane population growth.

But I also do believe a "killer virus" is coming, that is simply mother nature's way of culling excess numbers. And throughout history, disease had been the biggest killer by far of humans. And someday we will see a disease that snuffs out a significant percentage of the population. Like Thanos, it's inevitable.

I agree that a killer virus is possible

It would spread very quickly
Facts are facts, Son. We are pumping more oil now than ever before.
The facts that you stupid Moon Bats shits forget is that under Trump we were exporting oil because we were producing more than what we were using and prices at the pump were low. Under this idiot clown Potatohead that stole the election not only are we back to importing oil but the price is sky high at the pump. Along with all the other inflation Potatohead's incompetence has inflicted on us.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot. What the hell were you dumbasses thinking?
The facts that you stupid Moon Bats shits forget is that under Trump we were exporting oil because we were producing more than what we were using and prices at the pump were low. Under this idiot clown Potatohead that stole the election not only are we back to importing oil but the price is sky high at the pump. Along with all the other inflation Potatohead's incompetence has inflicted on us.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot. What the hell were you dumbasses thinking?
Still exporting oil. Have been since the Obama administration.

Facts, Son.

I would suggest you get some if you ever wanna come out on top in one of these discussions.
The thing is, I actually believe that in a way. That the human population is the actual problem, and the only way to reduce CO2 emissions is by culling 7 out of 8 people (87%) so we are reduced to the population of around the mid-19th century.
It is not the only way to do it. We have been reducing it with simple new technology. Fusion reactors and workable fuel cells would virtually end fossil fuel use.
However, I also do not believe that CO2 by itself is causing things to warm up, so take that as you will.
Are you rejecting the greenhouse effect?
However, I do believe there is a connection to the CO2 rise, and the industrialization and destruction of the ecosystem that is required in order to sustain that almost insane population growth.
Can you rephrase that? I can't tell what you're trying to say here.
But I also do believe a "killer virus" is coming, that is simply mother nature's way of culling excess numbers. And throughout history, disease had been the biggest killer by far of humans.
I think only if you restrict yourself to looking at catastrophic events. I think over the long run the biggest killer is starvation. Or predation.
And someday we will see a disease that snuffs out a significant percentage of the population. Like Thanos, it's inevitable.
Probably, but I'm more curious what you think of the greenhouse effect.

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