GREEN MENACE: Wind Turbines Deemed a ‘Human Health Hazard’

Yet another RW rant that belongs in the Conspiracy forums.

These room temp IQ "scare stories" have been around forever. High tension power lines were supposed to cause cancer even though people have been living next to them for decades with no problems.

Stick a fork in the OP, this one fell in the coals.
The only thing done here is the Alarmists who have been trying like hell to hide the negative effects from their religious 'holier than thou' agenda..

I recommend that you wander on over to the Conspiracy forum where you will find the rest of your fellow foil hat wearers.
Low Frequency hum/vibrations causing sleep deprivation of humans and animals alike near wind farms....

There are over 25 areas that are currently in observation due to the mental health concerns of young children, teens, and adults being adversely affected right after installation of new farms. Two studies in Wyoming are currently tracking over 150 people who have had insomnia, homicidal and suicidal thoughts with ideations. Common with sleep deprivation and lack of REM sleep.

The Division of Wildlife Resources is also investigating the migrations of deer, antelope, bison, and other animals from natural habitat when new wind farms were placed into operations. One field agent remarked "its like they put up a force field and the animals simply wont go there. We've even placed animals back in the area and they have exited in a matter of days showing sever signs of stress" .

When these reports are done in another 2-5 years there will be a sever backlash on the environmental movement. Several of the Doctors doing these have been told they can not release the info with out HHS and DWR approval. (cant imagine why they would be told this.. /sarc)

The info is already leaking out and the preliminary findings are stunning. The hum and vibrations are detrimental to human and animals alike.

Feel free to provide links to any actual scientific evidence. I am glad to take a look at actual evidence to support the claims.
Here is one that you can look at today. This one is about people who are in close proximity of the hum and vibrations of large transformers. Granted there are also large EMF fields in these areas but they are also present around the base of these monster windmills.

Very simply, no matter where you live in the world, RF microwave pollution has more than likely drowned-out the NATURALLY occurring electromagnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance that helped "tune" mind (and body) to maintain physiological repair mechanisms and psychological well being for eons to live long, healthy and stress-free lives.RF microwave de-tunes and robs body of energy at the mitochondrial level and subsequently reduces healthy cell homeostasis.

You see, natural electromagnetic fields are for the most part, very-very low frequency. To call them extremely low frequency (ELF) is really not very accurate as it's a fairly wide frequency band. When we talk of "natural" electromagnetic fields we're talking about the very bottom-end of the ELF spectrum. Technically ELF is 3 Hz - 300 Hz, so we'll incorrectly call it very-very low frequency to include 0 - 3 Hz and those ELF frequencies between 3 Hz and 14.1 Hz (the second "recognized" peak of Schumann resonance -notice the spectrum of frequencies below 7.8 Hz & corresponding with deep sleep - notice also the amplitude of 60 Hz being more than that of 7.8 Hz. 15 Hz is documented in dozens of animal studies to cause behavioral modification (stress) and above 20 Hz to result in stress hormone production. Stress hormone production like cortisol is very bad.

This excerpt is from an article which has links to other studies which found similar outcomes to both humans and animals alike.



Your source is a paid advertisement for a sleep aid.


And instead of looking into the articles and science in the links you mock... The mark of a fool..
Yet another RW rant that belongs in the Conspiracy forums.

These room temp IQ "scare stories" have been around forever. High tension power lines were supposed to cause cancer even though people have been living next to them for decades with no problems.

Stick a fork in the OP, this one fell in the coals.

Have you ever noticed how the Right Wing ONLY cares about bird deaths- when they get killed hitting Wind Turbines?

Odd isn't it?

Far more birds get killed every year by high voltage power lines......yet never any outrage about those bird deaths......

Do you post just to see yourself post? gawd it's boring

LOL.....I look forward to all of your threads about the other causes of birds dying in the United States.......but something tells me I will have to wait a very, very long time.

Oct 15th.... and every one of your posts is left wing radical crap.. Do you get paid too?

LOL....well thanks.

Meanwhile, I will point out that your people only care about dead birds when you can blame them on wind turbines.

Very faux outrage.
Low Frequency hum/vibrations causing sleep deprivation of humans and animals alike near wind farms....

There are over 25 areas that are currently in observation due to the mental health concerns of young children, teens, and adults being adversely affected right after installation of new farms. Two studies in Wyoming are currently tracking over 150 people who have had insomnia, homicidal and suicidal thoughts with ideations. Common with sleep deprivation and lack of REM sleep.

The Division of Wildlife Resources is also investigating the migrations of deer, antelope, bison, and other animals from natural habitat when new wind farms were placed into operations. One field agent remarked "its like they put up a force field and the animals simply wont go there. We've even placed animals back in the area and they have exited in a matter of days showing sever signs of stress" .

When these reports are done in another 2-5 years there will be a sever backlash on the environmental movement. Several of the Doctors doing these have been told they can not release the info with out HHS and DWR approval. (cant imagine why they would be told this.. /sarc)

The info is already leaking out and the preliminary findings are stunning. The hum and vibrations are detrimental to human and animals alike.

Feel free to provide links to any actual scientific evidence. I am glad to take a look at actual evidence to support the claims.
Here is one that you can look at today. This one is about people who are in close proximity of the hum and vibrations of large transformers. Granted there are also large EMF fields in these areas but they are also present around the base of these monster windmills.

Very simply, no matter where you live in the world, RF microwave pollution has more than likely drowned-out the NATURALLY occurring electromagnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance that helped "tune" mind (and body) to maintain physiological repair mechanisms and psychological well being for eons to live long, healthy and stress-free lives.RF microwave de-tunes and robs body of energy at the mitochondrial level and subsequently reduces healthy cell homeostasis.

You see, natural electromagnetic fields are for the most part, very-very low frequency. To call them extremely low frequency (ELF) is really not very accurate as it's a fairly wide frequency band. When we talk of "natural" electromagnetic fields we're talking about the very bottom-end of the ELF spectrum. Technically ELF is 3 Hz - 300 Hz, so we'll incorrectly call it very-very low frequency to include 0 - 3 Hz and those ELF frequencies between 3 Hz and 14.1 Hz (the second "recognized" peak of Schumann resonance -notice the spectrum of frequencies below 7.8 Hz & corresponding with deep sleep - notice also the amplitude of 60 Hz being more than that of 7.8 Hz. 15 Hz is documented in dozens of animal studies to cause behavioral modification (stress) and above 20 Hz to result in stress hormone production. Stress hormone production like cortisol is very bad.

This excerpt is from an article which has links to other studies which found similar outcomes to both humans and animals alike.



Your source is a paid advertisement for a sleep aid.


And instead of looking into the articles and science in the links you mock... The mark of a fool..

This thread is about claims of poor health due to vibrations from wind turbines.

You provided links to wierd websites about EMF transmissions.

Again- where is the science behind the claims in the OP?
Low Frequency hum/vibrations causing sleep deprivation of humans and animals alike near wind farms....

There are over 25 areas that are currently in observation due to the mental health concerns of young children, teens, and adults being adversely affected right after installation of new farms. Two studies in Wyoming are currently tracking over 150 people who have had insomnia, homicidal and suicidal thoughts with ideations. Common with sleep deprivation and lack of REM sleep.

The Division of Wildlife Resources is also investigating the migrations of deer, antelope, bison, and other animals from natural habitat when new wind farms were placed into operations. One field agent remarked "its like they put up a force field and the animals simply wont go there. We've even placed animals back in the area and they have exited in a matter of days showing sever signs of stress" .

When these reports are done in another 2-5 years there will be a sever backlash on the environmental movement. Several of the Doctors doing these have been told they can not release the info with out HHS and DWR approval. (cant imagine why they would be told this.. /sarc)

The info is already leaking out and the preliminary findings are stunning. The hum and vibrations are detrimental to human and animals alike.

Feel free to provide links to any actual scientific evidence. I am glad to take a look at actual evidence to support the claims.
Here is one that you can look at today. This one is about people who are in close proximity of the hum and vibrations of large transformers. Granted there are also large EMF fields in these areas but they are also present around the base of these monster windmills.

Very simply, no matter where you live in the world, RF microwave pollution has more than likely drowned-out the NATURALLY occurring electromagnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance that helped "tune" mind (and body) to maintain physiological repair mechanisms and psychological well being for eons to live long, healthy and stress-free lives.RF microwave de-tunes and robs body of energy at the mitochondrial level and subsequently reduces healthy cell homeostasis.

You see, natural electromagnetic fields are for the most part, very-very low frequency. To call them extremely low frequency (ELF) is really not very accurate as it's a fairly wide frequency band. When we talk of "natural" electromagnetic fields we're talking about the very bottom-end of the ELF spectrum. Technically ELF is 3 Hz - 300 Hz, so we'll incorrectly call it very-very low frequency to include 0 - 3 Hz and those ELF frequencies between 3 Hz and 14.1 Hz (the second "recognized" peak of Schumann resonance -notice the spectrum of frequencies below 7.8 Hz & corresponding with deep sleep - notice also the amplitude of 60 Hz being more than that of 7.8 Hz. 15 Hz is documented in dozens of animal studies to cause behavioral modification (stress) and above 20 Hz to result in stress hormone production. Stress hormone production like cortisol is very bad.

This excerpt is from an article which has links to other studies which found similar outcomes to both humans and animals alike.



Your source is a paid advertisement for a sleep aid.


And instead of looking into the articles and science in the links you mock... The mark of a fool..

Your gullibility is your problem. My grandfather worked in a power plant his entire life and lived to be 88. Small animals have lived for generations in close proximity to electric grids, substations, power lines, etc and there is no signs of any stresses of other diseases like cancers caused by electricity.

Take you snake oil to the Conspiracy forum where you will have better luck finding your fellow fools.
Too Funny...

When you evaluate what someone is selling you look at the science behind it before making and EDUCATED DECISION... Wind mills and AGW are both a fools folly because the science does not prove out the claims.

It is useful to know what the science is behind the claims. Just throwing out with slight of hand because it doesn't fit your religion shows just how much of a "take it on faith" religion AGW is..
Well well. calling Albert Gore. we want all the monies back you and your ilk has made off this Globull warming scam

BY: Andrew Stiles
November 14, 2014 12:58 pm

For years, President Obama has exploited public concern over “climate change” in order to wage a brutal campaign of genocide against our nation’s birds. Wind turbines have been turned into highly efficient killing machines, mowing down bald eagles in grisly fashion, dozens at a time. A new finding by science suggests that humans may be next.
Health officials in Brown County, Wisconsin have declared a local industrial wind farm to be a “human health hazard,” following a four-year investigation in health complaints from area residents.
Jay Tibbetts, a physician and a member of the Brown County Board of Health, said the board did not come to its decision lightly. “We have 80 people on record who have made health complaints, including a nurse who is going deaf,” Tibbets said. “We can’t just ignore this.”
The Brown County health code defines a human health hazard as “a substance, activity or condition that is known to have the potential to cause acute or chronic illness or death if exposure to the substance, activity or condition is not abated.” [emphasis added]

ALL of it here:
GREEN MENACE Wind Turbines Deemed a 8216 Human Health Hazard 8217 Washington Free Beacon

If you don't live near wind turbines then why do you care?
Too Funny...

When you evaluate what someone is selling you look at the science behind it before making and EDUCATED DECISION... Wind mills and AGW are both a fools folly because the science does not prove out the claims.

It is useful to know what the science is behind the claims. Just throwing out with slight of hand because it doesn't fit your religion shows just how much of a "take it on faith" religion AGW is..

There is no "science" in your posts, just fearmongering to sell snake oil products. You will be much more at home in the Conspiracy forum where your fellow gullibles swallow "junk science" all the time and ask for more.
Is this a joke thread?


I'm all for hydrocarbons, but to bang on windmills as a potential hazard to humans when we power our economy on oil is hilarious.

You have to take that one up with the health Dept. of that state
Health officials in Brown County, Wisconsin have declared a local industrial wind farm to be a “human health hazard,” following a four-year investigation in health complaints from area residents.
This study points out how a significant portion of the population is deeply stupid, and will imagine that a harmless thing is making them ill just because an authority figure tells them it will make them ill.

Can expectations produce symptoms from infrasound associated with w... - PubMed - NCBI
The development of new wind farms in many parts of the world has been thwarted by public concern that subaudible sound (infrasound) generated by wind turbines causes adverse health effects. Although the scientific evidence does not support a direct pathophysiological link between infrasound and health complaints, there is a body of lay information suggesting a link between infrasound exposure and health effects. This study tested the potential for such information to create symptom expectations, thereby providing a possible pathway for symptom reporting.

A sham-controlled double-blind provocation study, in which participants were exposed to 10 min of infrasound and 10 min of sham infrasound, was conducted. Fifty-four participants were randomized to high- or low-expectancy groups and presented audiovisual information, integrating material from the Internet, designed to invoke either high or low expectations that exposure to infrasound causes specified symptoms.

High-expectancy participants reported significant increases, from preexposure assessment, in the number and intensity of symptoms experienced during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound. There were no symptomatic changes in the low-expectancy group.

Healthy volunteers, when given information about the expected physiological effect of infrasound, reported symptoms that aligned with that information, during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound. Symptom expectations were created by viewing information readily available on the Internet, indicating the potential for symptom expectations to be created outside of the laboratory, in real world settings. Results suggest psychological expectations could explain the link between wind turbine exposure and health complaints.
This study points out how a significant portion of the population is deeply stupid, and will imagine that a harmless thing is making them ill just because an authority figure tells them it will make them ill.

Can expectations produce symptoms from infrasound associated with w... - PubMed - NCBI
The development of new wind farms in many parts of the world has been thwarted by public concern that subaudible sound (infrasound) generated by wind turbines causes adverse health effects. Although the scientific evidence does not support a direct pathophysiological link between infrasound and health complaints, there is a body of lay information suggesting a link between infrasound exposure and health effects. This study tested the potential for such information to create symptom expectations, thereby providing a possible pathway for symptom reporting.

A sham-controlled double-blind provocation study, in which participants were exposed to 10 min of infrasound and 10 min of sham infrasound, was conducted. Fifty-four participants were randomized to high- or low-expectancy groups and presented audiovisual information, integrating material from the Internet, designed to invoke either high or low expectations that exposure to infrasound causes specified symptoms.

High-expectancy participants reported significant increases, from preexposure assessment, in the number and intensity of symptoms experienced during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound. There were no symptomatic changes in the low-expectancy group.

Healthy volunteers, when given information about the expected physiological effect of infrasound, reported symptoms that aligned with that information, during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound. Symptom expectations were created by viewing information readily available on the Internet, indicating the potential for symptom expectations to be created outside of the laboratory, in real world settings. Results suggest psychological expectations could explain the link between wind turbine exposure and health complaints.

LOL....thank you....
Health officials in Brown County, Wisconsin have declared a local industrial wind farm to be a “human health hazard,” following a four-year investigation in health complaints from area residents.

A piece of selective outrage, IMO. Usually this kind of story would get comments about government interfering with private business from the wingnuts. :cool-45:
In California they spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year building and maintaining sound walls because noise from highways allegedly threaten the health of people living nearby. Now they haven't outlawed highways so why not just apply the solution to wind farms? Build noise walls around them. Build high enough and it might REALLY solve the problem!

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