Green New Deal

The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
Huh? I heat my home when I’m not in it. Do you have a brain?

Most of us turn it down about ten degrees or so. That extra ten degrees is not all that much.
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
Huh? I heat my home when I’m not in it. Do you have a brain?

Most of us turn it down about ten degrees or so. That extra ten degrees is not all that much.
Five degrees for us.
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D

Did you ever try to eliminate junk mail? Good luck with that one. The post office gets paid to deliver all that crap. So they make it very difficult for you to stop it. I tried it once.
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
Huh? I heat my home when I’m not in it. Do you have a brain?

Most of us turn it down about ten degrees or so. That extra ten degrees is not all that much.
Five degrees for us.

I live upstairs in a double home. I just turn mine off because the heat downstairs helps keep my place warm. If it's cold outside like today (about 26 degrees) I usually lose about ten degrees by the time I get home.
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D
How about just eliminate the post office?
It’s a money pit that cannot be fixed
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D

Did you ever try to eliminate junk mail? Good luck with that one. The post office gets paid to deliver all that crap. So they make it very difficult for you to stop it. I tried it once.
I have eliminated junk mail. I check my mail once a month. :D

Everything is available electronically. Everything that comes in the mail is crap these days.
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D
How about just eliminate the post office?
It’s a money pit that cannot be fixed
Meh. I have no issue with the PO. We do need to open first class mail to other entities - there is no just reason that the PO controls the mailbox for my home.

The PO is a constitutional requirement though and I am not sure it would warrant a change in the constitution.
And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D
How about just eliminate the post office?
It’s a money pit that cannot be fixed
Meh. I have no issue with the PO. We do need to open first class mail to other entities - there is no just reason that the PO controls the mailbox for my home.

The PO is a constitutional requirement though and I am not sure it would warrant a change in the constitution.
The Post office loses money every day for the country, it is a fucked up organization
The Post office loses money every day for the country, it is a fucked up organization

The Post Office loses money because Congress sets it UP that way

If you’re referring to the post office system here in the USA (or the USPS), then this is due to great amounts of payables to a fund as required by it to meet periodically by Congress. As a New York Times article says, the USPS continues to be saddled by a “Congressional mandate that requires it to annually pay billions of dollars into a health fund for future retirees.” Here’s a link to that article, which might be somewhat dated now, but still relevant because the law has not been changed nor updated
The Post office loses money every day for the country, it is a fucked up organization

The Post Office loses money because Congress sets it UP that way

If you’re referring to the post office system here in the USA (or the USPS), then this is due to great amounts of payables to a fund as required by it to meet periodically by Congress. As a New York Times article says, the USPS continues to be saddled by a “Congressional mandate that requires it to annually pay billions of dollars into a health fund for future retirees.” Here’s a link to that article, which might be somewhat dated now, but still relevant because the law has not been changed nor updated
It just needs to be abolished, just another socialist money pit
The Post Office also has the job of collecting the mail & has to go by every mailbox everyday.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

It's worth it.

Instead of extreme weather disasters, famines and wars over natural resources, the Green New Deal envisions a future in which our nation overcomes its addiction to oil, gas and coal. The federal government would need so many workers to deploy renewable energy, retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient and construct more durable infrastructure that it could guarantee a job to every American who wants one. Those jobs would pay well and offer union protections. And because climate change touches on every facet of life, the transition away from fossil fuels would happen alongside a rapid expansion of safeguards for Americans already suffering the ill effects of dirty energy, from poisoned waterways to the coal industry’s monopolistic domination of entire regional economies.

Yup, I'm sure you feel it's worth it considering you want to use everybody else's money. What seems for you loons to have difficulty with is knowing that ALL countries would need to jump on that bandwagon for it to be worthwhile....and that ain't gonna happen.

And cheap ass you wants someone else to pay to fight it.

Face it, you can't possibly be so stupid to deny AGW & deny emissions is not not the major cause. I mean really, who can really be that dumb. reduce the effects of global warming. You use it as an excuse to fuck over your own family.

What is it that you think you will have to pay??? Using alternative HVAC will save you money. Driving EV or hybrids will save you money.

Not having to pay to rebuild our coastal cities, ports, miitsry bases because of rising oceans will save you money.

Not paying for higher food costs will save you money.

You are just a short sighted, ignorant, fool

Youi deny it only as an excuse to not help

And you've pitched in how much? Dumbass
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

It's worth it.

Instead of extreme weather disasters, famines and wars over natural resources, the Green New Deal envisions a future in which our nation overcomes its addiction to oil, gas and coal. The federal government would need so many workers to deploy renewable energy, retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient and construct more durable infrastructure that it could guarantee a job to every American who wants one. Those jobs would pay well and offer union protections. And because climate change touches on every facet of life, the transition away from fossil fuels would happen alongside a rapid expansion of safeguards for Americans already suffering the ill effects of dirty energy, from poisoned waterways to the coal industry’s monopolistic domination of entire regional economies.

And then we'd all be paying three times more for fuel than what we are paying today. No thank you.

EVs & hybrids cheaper to run.

Seriously? Are you that stupid? Do you have any idea what it costs to replace batteries in an EV?
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

It's worth it.

Instead of extreme weather disasters, famines and wars over natural resources, the Green New Deal envisions a future in which our nation overcomes its addiction to oil, gas and coal. The federal government would need so many workers to deploy renewable energy, retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient and construct more durable infrastructure that it could guarantee a job to every American who wants one. Those jobs would pay well and offer union protections. And because climate change touches on every facet of life, the transition away from fossil fuels would happen alongside a rapid expansion of safeguards for Americans already suffering the ill effects of dirty energy, from poisoned waterways to the coal industry’s monopolistic domination of entire regional economies.

Yup, I'm sure you feel it's worth it considering you want to use everybody else's money. What seems for you loons to have difficulty with is knowing that ALL countries would need to jump on that bandwagon for it to be worthwhile....and that ain't gonna happen.

Actually every other country is on board.

And you nailed it why corporations don't want to go green. It's not because global warming isn't real. It's because it's going to cost them to go green. Corporations don't want to do anything that's not for profit.

And yes, since they do most of the polluting, they should pay to go green.

But remember stupid, corporations don't ever pay ANYTHING remember? Don't you remember that the cost will get passed on to consumers? Did you forget that important right wing talking point stupid?

So the reality is I am going to pay for it. I'm a fucking consumer you dolt.

Sure, get back to us when China cleans up the mess they're making.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

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