Green New Deal

Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
The energy savings would be great for those on the left. In the winter time, factories shutdown. They don't turn off the heat, but keep it low.

And on Friday you'd be heating your home or cooling it.

It's a fucking wash. Stop being stupid
All the people in the country driving a half hour each way or an hour each way. I think if we all stayed home on Friday's the savings would be huge.

Same way they are thinking about saving money with the post office and only delivering 5 days a week. I think it's a great idea.

That's another thing. We don't need mail every single day. Every other day would be fine with me. My bills can wait an extra day.
Eliminate junk mail.

That is a lot of trees processing CO2, less delivery trucks and less to deliver on the rout.

Shit, I am liking this green thing :D
How about just eliminate the post office?
It’s a money pit that cannot be fixed
It really is outdated and unnecessary.

But, if it not for usps what would ups and fed ex charge? A lot more than they do now.

But I’m not mailing shit so what do I care?
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?
Sure, get back to us when China cleans up the mess they're making.

At the rate they are going (and because of foot dragging by people like you) they'll be there before us. They certainly are gaining the technological lead
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.
Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year?

Then that would be dishonest.

Ask them that and put that number at a more realistic $50-$100...and you wouldn't get much pushback
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment

Tell us about these 1700 dollar "applications" dimwit...

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment

Tell us about these 1700 dollar "applications" dimwit...

Evidently Fakebook didn't mention that to you...dumbass.
Sure, get back to us when China cleans up the mess they're making.

At the rate they are going (and because of foot dragging by people like you) they'll be there before us. They certainly are gaining the technological lead

Let this article help explain how damn stupid you are.
If China Is So Committed To Renewable Energy, Why Are So Many New Coal Plants Being Built?
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? Odd title. Click on the link. They're going BIG on renewables

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment

Tell us about these 1700 dollar "applications" dimwit...

Here ya go Einstein.
Green New Deal Applied in NYC - Moonbattery
Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Evidently Fakebook didn't mention that to you...dumbass.

I NEVER go on Facebook (and recommend you folks don't either.) had some splainin to do Lucy

What "applications"?
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It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment

Tell us about these 1700 dollar "applications" dimwit...

Here ya go Einstein.
Green New Deal Applied in NYC - Moonbattery
That says NOTHING about "applications" moron
$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?
Hey nimrod..I converted my entire house for less than $200 bucks and ended up saving money because they last so long and use so much less energy

What planet do you live on? What century do you live in?

Well, dumbass, there many applications that require more than just switching out a light bulb. If you weren't so fricken stupid you'd know that.

Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment

Tell us about these 1700 dollar "applications" dimwit...

Here ya go Einstein.
Green New Deal Applied in NYC - Moonbattery
That says NOTHING about "applications" moron

WTF, it doesn't say ANYTHING about $200 either.
WTF, it doesn't say ANYTHING about $200 either.

$200 is what it cost to relamp my house stupid...and it's already paid for itself.

As far as knowing what I'm talking about?

I happen to be certified as a Green Energy Associate as well as being a project manager in the Bldg automation field.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground here.

Ya know what the turnaround time is on a building being relamped? (I bet you don't even know what that term means). ONE YEAR.

That's right. Relamping a friggin hi rise pays for itself in ONE year. Million and multimillion dollar projects pay for themselves in a YEAR. After that it's near free money.

Ya know what else it is?

JOBS my dumb friend.
WTF, it doesn't say ANYTHING about $200 either.

$200 is what it cost to relamp my house stupid...and it's already paid for itself.

As far as knowing what I'm talking about?

I happen to be certified as a Green Energy Associate as well as being a project manager in the Bldg automation field.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground here.

Ya know what the turnaround time is on a building being relamped? (I bet you don't even know what that term means). ONE YEAR.

That's right. Relamping a friggin hi rise pays for itself in ONE year. Million and multimillion dollar projects pay for themselves in a YEAR. After that it's near free money.

Ya know what else it is?

JOBS my dumb friend.

Terrific, certified in BS no doubt.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

$1000/year, yikes, you may be off by about $6000. Wasn't it this morning they were saying it would cost $1950/per apartment just to switch to LED lights in NYC?

Well I know what I pay for water and sewer over here for me and my tenants. It's well over $3,000 a year.

A few years back, the feds came by and said they didn't like the quality of our water. Okay, then get the hell out of Cleveland and drink somebody else's water. No, they forced us into all kinds of expensive modernization.

So to sneak it in a little better, they spread it out for six years hoping we wouldn't notice as much.
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Let's not be ridiculous.

That we have made a major move from coal to natural gas is a GOOD thing in terms of CO2 emissions...but it's not nearly enough to solve the problem.

It is however good to point out that old technologies can and should be updated.
There is another solution to the greenhouse problem. Removing carbon dioxide that is already in the air is seen as a potential way to combat global warming. There are various approaches, lumped together as “negative emissions technologies” to distinguish them from technologies that reduce or eliminate emissions from power plants and other sources.

In theory, reducing the concentration of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere might be one way to keep the world under the two-degree Celsius target for warming established by the 2015 Paris climate agreement. But in practice, removing carbon dioxide is far from simple. There are major questions about scale, cost, speed and energy requirements. In most cases, the carbon dioxide that was removed would have to be buried underground indefinitely — and carbon storage technologies have only been deployed on a small scale so far.

We could always plant more forest which sounds like a great idea except that most of developing nations are destroying forest far faster than it's growing.
Which leaves reducing greenhouse emission dramatically and quickly
Which should happen but is unlikely to happen so start looking for your beachfront property in Alaska.
Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year?

Then that would be dishonest.

Ask them that and put that number at a more realistic $50-$100...and you wouldn't get much pushback

Lies seldom do.

So you think you can have clean air and water for $100.00 more a year? Count me in. After we spend that, I don't want to ever hear any more complaining again. If you can do that, you have me on board. But I want a contract with all environmentalists of the deal.
So what you're saying is you will do anything to make our country greener except work two extra hours a day.......figures.

What a twit. What do you think those workers are doing with that extra day off?

Yes moron. USing the same amount of energy they would otherwise...heating/cooling their homes...travelling..


No you SF, they are doing what they do on any other weekend. Do you see any rush hour on weekends?
I used to work an hour away. That's 2 hours driving and eating up all that gas.

If I had Friday off or worked from home on Friday's that would have saved a lot of gas. Now multiply that by every driver who drives on Friday's and that's a lot of gas.

Gas prices would go down right?
That would depend on what you do on your day off.

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