Green New Deal

When sea levels rise rapidly, as they have been doing, even a small increase can have devastating effects on coastal habitats. As seawater reaches farther inland, it can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer and agricultural soil contamination, and lost habitat for fish, birds, and plan.When large storms hit land, higher sea levels mean bigger, more powerful storm surges that can strip away everything in their path.

Sea Level Rise

"rising rapidly" In most places the rise is not even measurable. I have lived on the coast for over 40 years, the water level is where it was 40 years ago.

your prophet algore said that florida would be under water by now and that there would be no ice at the poles----------he lied and you bought it, what does that say about you?
"Between 1900 and 1990 studies show that sea level rose between 1.2 millimeters and 1.7 millimeters per year on average. By 2000, that rate had increased to about 3.2 millimeters per year and the rate in 2016 is estimated at 3.4 millimeters per year. Sea level is expected to rise even more quickly by the end of the century."

The Smithsonian. I think they knoew more than you.

Sea Level Rise

so you actually believe that a 1.2 millimeter rise per year can be measured? 1.2 millimeters is about this much ----

I suppose that you also think that a .05 degree annual temperature change can be accurately measured for the entire planet.

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid you liberals are.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

So you want the benefits but not willing to put in the effort. Figures.

There are no benefits because I don't believe the same crap you people believe. Every time you leftists come up with an idea you like, it ends up costing everybody else money.

I don't say that we should force people to own firearms or penalize people for having a child out of wedlock. If I believe that people should be married before having children, then I'll get married before having my own children. If I believe I should have a firearm for protection of myself and family, I don't believe in forcing you to do the same.

If you want to spend money to be more green, I'll hold the door open for you. But don't expect me to be forced through that door as well. I like my gasoline. I like my car (although I need a new one) I like driving myself everywhere I go. I love my remote start so I can warm up my car in the winter and cool it off in the summer before I enter the vehicle.

"If you don;t want to piss in our water supply, that is up to you. Don't try to force me to quit it."

Here's the part you libs refuse to get. No one wants polluted air and water. Everyone wants to fight pollution. Where you lose support is when you insist on the fake unproven link between climate and pollution. So I ask once more but don't expect an answer, why isn't fighting pollution enough for you libs?
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)

Yes, many people use the weekend for shopping or entertainment. But in most cases, they don’t put on a lot of miles. Where I work, we had two employees who drove nearly 40 miles each way for work. I don’t know many people who put on 80 miles on Saturday and 80 miles on Sunday.

However much fuel is wasted sitting in traffic congestion. You are burning fuel and not going very far for the fuel you’re burning. Maybe you don’t deal with that where you live, but it takes place in larger cities every work day.

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Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

The far-left has their wall.

There's an unintentional genius to this...

An entire generation of millennials wants a planet to live on after us baby-booms die.

This can potentially ignite the progressive base while not scaring off moderates.

You see, moderates know not to take it seriously, it's an ideal, a symbol, like the wall.

It's like I stated earlier. We don't care if people want to go green. I'm all for it. What we do care about is them forcing everybody to go green at a great expense to us.

Buy a windmill, get solar panels on your home, ride a bike or take public transportation, get an electric car, Freeze in the winter and sweat like a pig in summer. We don't care. Just don't force us to do the same.

When they take these polls, they ask people "Would you like to have cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well duh, WTF do you think they're going to say? Now ask them if they'd like cleaner air and cleaner water at an expense to them of a thousand dollars a year? You'd get way different results in that poll.

So you want the benefits but not willing to put in the effort. Figures.

There are no benefits because I don't believe the same crap you people believe. Every time you leftists come up with an idea you like, it ends up costing everybody else money.

I don't say that we should force people to own firearms or penalize people for having a child out of wedlock. If I believe that people should be married before having children, then I'll get married before having my own children. If I believe I should have a firearm for protection of myself and family, I don't believe in forcing you to do the same.

If you want to spend money to be more green, I'll hold the door open for you. But don't expect me to be forced through that door as well. I like my gasoline. I like my car (although I need a new one) I like driving myself everywhere I go. I love my remote start so I can warm up my car in the winter and cool it off in the summer before I enter the vehicle.

"If you don;t want to piss in our water supply, that is up to you. Don't try to force me to quit it."

your underlying message is quite clear, you want to force people to comply with your unproven AGW religion.
which humans were burning fossil fuels 2 to 14 millions years ago? you just defeated your entire argument and don't even realize it. LOL. mean you actually think there can only be one cause of CO2 increase ever?

You're that fucking stupid?

Jesus Christ...this same stupid Denier shit?


Did someone say that the ONLY thing that can ever cause Climate Change is humans?


There have been other causes over the millenia?


Newsflash...WE are causing it NOW...and it's happening more rapidly (and thus more catastrophically) thn it did those millions of years ago.

Another newflash for you. Measuring Atmospheric CO2 by per centage is stupid and (intentionally) inaccurate.

Measure it in PPM and the results show something completely different...and much more alarming.
which humans were burning fossil fuels 2 to 14 millions years ago? you just defeated your entire argument and don't even realize it. LOL. mean you actually think there can only be one cause of CO2 increase ever?

You're that fucking stupid?

Jesus Christ...this same stupid Denier shit?


Did someone say that the ONLY thing that can ever cause Climate Change is humans?


There have been other causes over the millenia?


Newsflash...WE are causing it NOW...and it's happening more rapidly (and thus more catastrophically) thn it did those millions of years ago.

Another newflash for you. Measuring Atmospheric CO2 by per centage is stupid and (intentionally) inaccurate.

Measure it in PPM and the results show something completely different...and much more alarming.

who is "we"? the biggest polluters are china and India, How do you plan to make them members of the AGW religion? By force? War? talk to them?

the USA is not the major polluter on earth, we have taken major steps to reduce pollution. If you want to go off the grid and live under a rock, go for it, I prefer AC and heat and running water and flush toilets.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new. Labor experts have been studying and advocating these approaches since the 1970s. For example, in 2008, researchers from Brigham Young University conducted a series of surveys among employees and community members to assess their perspectives about a four-day workweek. The researchers found that about four-fifths of the employees reported a positive experience working that type of schedule.

Based on these positive results, Utah’s governor enacted a mandatory four-day workweek for all state employees. The state’s goals were to curb energy costs, improve air quality, ensure that needed services would still be available (for instance, garbage collection), and help to recruit and retain state employees. In 2011, however, Utah reversed course, saying that savings never materialized.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new. Labor experts have been studying and advocating these approaches since the 1970s. For example, in 2008, researchers from Brigham Young University conducted a series of surveys among employees and community members to assess their perspectives about a four-day workweek. The researchers found that about four-fifths of the employees reported a positive experience working that type of schedule.

Based on these positive results, Utah’s governor enacted a mandatory four-day workweek for all state employees. The state’s goals were to curb energy costs, improve air quality, ensure that needed services would still be available (for instance, garbage collection), and help to recruit and retain state employees. In 2011, however, Utah reversed course, saying that savings never materialized.

We tried it where I worked, worked 4 10s, everyone liked it but productivity went down, especially on the 4th day.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new.

The main thing is, it should be mandated by law.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new.

The main thing is, it should be mandated by law.

Why? Why not each business decide for itself? Should restaurants only be open 4 days? how about grocery stores and gas stations?
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new.

The main thing is, it should be mandated by law.

Why? Why not each business decide for itself? Should restaurants only be open 4 days? how about grocery stores and gas stations?

People aren't qualified to make these decisions without government oversight. Otherwise, they'll do it wrong.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new.

The main thing is, it should be mandated by law.

Of course, when you want something cry to daddy gov so you can get it.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)
In your defense I looked it up and Saturday is the busiest day on the roads.

I’m going to do more research. I still think we drive more miles on weekdays.

I used to drive 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. If I took fridays off that would be huge savings but now I’m 7 minutes from work so now when I’m off I drive MORE
The idea of a four-day workweek is not new.

The main thing is, it should be mandated by law.

Why? Why not each business decide for itself? Should restaurants only be open 4 days? how about grocery stores and gas stations?
Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause. Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is market friendly for Commerce. Labor should be able to quit and apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
That’s the answer to your question. Most people are going to stay home or stay local.

They are still heating their homes and they still get out. They may be going to different places (traffic happens when masses of people go to the same place at the same time)

A four day week is basically a wash as far as energy goes. If that appeals to you, go for it.

There are many businesses that do that (primarily in the summer...ya know when it's nicer to get out and drive)

Yes, many people use the weekend for shopping or entertainment. But in most cases, they don’t put on a lot of miles. Where I work, we had two employees who drove nearly 40 miles each way for work. I don’t know many people who put on 80 miles on Saturday and 80 miles on Sunday.

However much fuel is wasted sitting in traffic congestion. You are burning fuel and not going very far for the fuel you’re burning. Maybe you don’t deal with that where you live, but it takes place in larger cities every work day.

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I can't believe it is so hard to find how many miles Americans drive on the weekdays vs. the weekends.

But we can't really help it if someone who has Friday off drives around more than if they went to work that day. What they do on their free time is their choice. What I was able to find is this

On New York’s Long Island, Suffolk County legislator Wayne Horsley also has proposed employees have the option of working four 10-hour shifts, rather than five eight-hour shifts, saying it would save 461 barrels of oil in a 120-day pilot project.

The program, termed Operation Sunshine, will cut gasoline costs for workers who drive an average round trip of 32 miles to work. It also aims to cut the county’s energy bill by having fewer employees in the office at a time, Horsley said.

Some schools, including community colleges in rural areas where commutes are long and public transportation is scarce, already have plans to drop a day of classes, usually Fridays.

The school district in Marietta, Georgia, a city north of Atlanta, institutes a four-day week during June and July when schools are out and it is mostly administrative staff who are working, saving on air conditioning and water in addition to commuting costs for employees, said Thomas Algarin, director of communications at Marietta City Schools.
Read the new green deal, needs a lot of work, 2 items pie in the sky, whole thing cut down to about six points, maybe then people could understand where its going.
Russia is an existential threat. global warming is an existential threat. guns are an existential threat.

poor Mexicans are NOT an existential threat, my friends
Russia is an existential threat. global warming is an existential threat. guns are an existential threat.

poor Mexicans are NOT an existential threat, my friends

Russia is a third world power, nothing like it was in the 60s and 70s. Global warming is a hoax, pollution is a threat, but not climate change, Guns are not a threat, crazy humans are a threat and always have been.

Poor Mexicans on the whole are not a threat, but the criminals, drug dealers, and human trafficers within them are. Without effective borders we cease to be a country. Come here legally and you will be welcomed, come illegally and you are a criminal for violating our immigration laws.

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