Green New Deal

93 trillion dollars is 5 times more than our GDP. THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID! not even Herman Cain's 999 plan can get that much revenue!

"when we go bankrupt, and the world is over, can i please have a hamburger"
It'll cost Skatey eight gazillion dollars!

You fucking idiots

It'll create JOBS...and Republicans predicting costs?

Gimmee a break
That's because of the MSM lies and the fact most people never used Commie Care.

Bullshit. That's because the Republican lies were exposed for what they were and millions got healthcare (which Republicans are STILL trying to take away)
93 trillion dollars is 5 times more than our GDP. THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID! not even Herman Cain's 999 plan can get that much revenue!

"when we go bankrupt, and the world is over, can i please have a hamburger"
20 trillion becomes 40 trillion then 60 trillion and now 93 trillion. Hey, what comes after a trillion.
As someone who cares very much about the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren, I will, on considering the issues of the environment and climate science, vote for the people aggressively addressing both over someone aggressively resisting actions to them.

I don't have any delusions that all of the green new deal would pass congress (or even muster) , but I don't expect my favorite sports teams to go undefeated, either. Nobody gets everything they want. This is about moving the needle in what i see as the right direction. Even a lot of old school republicans satisfy this for me, though most of them have now retired or are being shouted down.

Do I think we will go all solar or wind in 15 years? Of course not. Couldn't happen. But, with so much resistance to ANY action, I both understand and encourage people to push that much harder in the other direction. Ask for the world, and be happy to end up with something. Anything. Baby steps.
93 trillion dollars is 5 times more than our GDP. THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID! not even Herman Cain's 999 plan can get that much revenue!

"when we go bankrupt, and the world is over, can i please have a hamburger"
20 trillion becomes 40 trillion then 60 trillion and now 93 trillion. Hey, what comes after a trillion.

Sounds like you're starting to catch's quadrillion.
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.
Today, and everyday, is a good day to remember climate change not only threatens the people around us, but the creatures as well. Animals are on the front lines of climate change. We must use our voices to speak up for those who can't.
Ignore the shit stirring troll above. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

He's no better than a sock puppet
Regarding the bullshit from the troll above

According to Greenpeace, he is "a paid spokesman for the nuclear industry, the logging industry, and genetic engineering industry" and is an outspoken proponent of nuclear energy and skeptical of human activity as the main cause for global warming.[3][4][5] Greenpeace also stated in 2010 that Moore "exploits long-gone ties with Greenpeace to sell himself as a speaker and pro-corporate spokesperson.
Patrick Moore is a Canadian environmentalist, often incorrectly referred to as a founder of Greenpeace, who believes that humans are not to blame for global warming. According to a statement by Greenpeace, “Patrick Moore frequently portrays himself as a founder or co-founder of Greenpeace, and many news outlets have repeated this characterization. Although Mr. Moore played a significant role in Greenpeace Canada for several years, he did not found Greenpeace.”
It was a hypothetical.
Oh, good. I didn't really want a new anyway.

You didn't want to get the point either. And that is if you tell Americans that government will give them something, very few will refuse it.
Would you refuse free healthcare? Of course not. If I phrase the question a little differently, would you support government free healthcare paid for by the government out of taxes, would you support it? People are not near as stupid as you think.

If for one minute you feel healthcare would be free, yes people are that stupid.
Of course it has to be paid for but by who and when. I have not read the Medicare for All proposal but I would guess a large share of the cost would be defrayed to businesses, the wealthy, and possibly future generations. In today's world it's quite reasonable that many people would not consider the costs because much of today's cost of goverment is not paid directly by the end user of government services.

Which always ends up being the big problem, and is why "Medicare For All" would end up being a gigantic failure. People bitch endlessly about how their health insurance companies "prevent" them from getting procedures they want by refusing to pay for it or requiring them to jump through a set collection of hoops (known as "managed care") to get it. What most people don't seem to get is that managed care procedures exist precisely because when "someone else" is actually getting the bill, people don't bother to consider the costs, so the person picking up the check has to.

Does anyone really think that if the government becomes the only one picking up the check, they're somehow going to be immune to the need to limit and rein in spending by consumers who have no idea what the cost is, and don't give a damn?
Oh, good. I didn't really want a new anyway.

You didn't want to get the point either. And that is if you tell Americans that government will give them something, very few will refuse it.
Would you refuse free healthcare? Of course not. If I phrase the question a little differently, would you support government free healthcare paid for by the government out of taxes, would you support it? People are not near as stupid as you think.

If for one minute you feel healthcare would be free, yes people are that stupid.
Of course it has to be paid for but by who and when. I have not read the Medicare for All proposal but I would guess a large share of the cost would be defrayed to businesses, the wealthy, and possibly future generations. In today's world it's quite reasonable that many people would not consider the costs because much of today's cost of goverment is not paid directly by the end user of government services.

Latest guesstimates suggest Medicare for all would cost about $3 TRILLION per year. You seem to feel that a large share of that cost would be, for one, defrayed to businesses. Hate to tell ya, but if businesses were required to pay a huge portion many of those business would be either leaving the U.S., or passing that cost on to the consumer. Now as far as the wealthy paying for a portion, you may want to check into who is considered "wealthy". Meaning if you have any money at all, you could be among the wealthy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Anyone who thinks we're miraculously going to manage to copy "other industrialized nations" in having single-payer healthcare without copying their murderously high tax rates for everyone AND their rationing is insane.
93 trillion dollars is 5 times more than our GDP. THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID! not even Herman Cain's 999 plan can get that much revenue!

"when we go bankrupt, and the world is over, can i please have a hamburger"
20 trillion becomes 40 trillion then 60 trillion and now 93 trillion. Hey, what comes after a trillion.

Quadrillion, I believe.

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