Green New Deal

Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.

No, this is just one of the left's attempts at underplaying. She didn't say, "Put more money into rails to solve traffic congestion." If she had, THAT might have warranted treating like a serious adult proposal, rather than the arrogantly peurile crap she actually spewed.

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don't even bother trying to "explain" how she meant something other than what she said, and don't waste our time pretending the REAL problem you're pissed about is that we took her words at face value and extrapolated them out to the logical conclusion.
The compete quote, which was poorly worded comes from the FAQ's which reads:
"Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle". There is no mention of Hawaii. However the context of the statement is eliminating the need for internal combustion engines. The last time I checked, no one is driving car to Hawaii.

Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Finally, please explain to me why I'm supposed to judge Occasional Cortex's insanity based on what you and fellow lunatic worshippers "assume" she "really meant by that", rather than by her actual words.
We should start with locations already at risk.

New cities in more optimal locations could make it more worth while.

Promote the general welfare not the general warfare!

Metadata for the general welfare not the general warfare!
Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Childish nonsense like that is what you base your opposition to this on?

That's sad..and dishonest

China is eating our lunch on Green Energy and high speed rail and you're pretending that someone wants to end air travel completely?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.

No, this is just one of the left's attempts at underplaying. She didn't say, "Put more money into rails to solve traffic congestion." If she had, THAT might have warranted treating like a serious adult proposal, rather than the arrogantly peurile crap she actually spewed.

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don't even bother trying to "explain" how she meant something other than what she said, and don't waste our time pretending the REAL problem you're pissed about is that we took her words at face value and extrapolated them out to the logical conclusion.
The compete quote, which was poorly worded comes from the FAQ's which reads:
"Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle". There is no mention of Hawaii. However the context of the statement is eliminating the need for internal combustion engines. The last time I checked, no one is driving car to Hawaii.

Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Finally, please explain to me why I'm supposed to judge Occasional Cortex's insanity based on what you and fellow lunatic worshippers "assume" she "really meant by that", rather than by her actual words.
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails so there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

I just read the House bill HR109, Green New Deal. It doesn't actually require anything be done but create a more detail plan and more legislation.

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that"
(1) it is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal—
(2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal goals”) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal mobilization”) that will require the following goals and projects—
(3) a Green New Deal must be developed through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives, civil society groups, academia, and businesses; and
(4) to achieve the Green New Deal goals and mobilization, a Green New Deal will require the following goals and projects

The legislation simple requires the administration to create a Green New Deal legislation which would of course have to come back to congress for budgeting.

This legislation is just Bull Shit and it's going no where. The problem the democrats have is it has strong public support. Pelosi wants to let it die in committee but Republicans want to keep it alive so it can be a campaign issue. However, the problem may well turn out to be a problem for both parties because this stupid piece of legislation hits the topics the public is really interested in, an emphasis on education, healthcare, job creation, the environment, and infrastructure.
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Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.

No, this is just one of the left's attempts at underplaying. She didn't say, "Put more money into rails to solve traffic congestion." If she had, THAT might have warranted treating like a serious adult proposal, rather than the arrogantly peurile crap she actually spewed.

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don't even bother trying to "explain" how she meant something other than what she said, and don't waste our time pretending the REAL problem you're pissed about is that we took her words at face value and extrapolated them out to the logical conclusion.
The compete quote, which was poorly worded comes from the FAQ's which reads:
"Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle". There is no mention of Hawaii. However the context of the statement is eliminating the need for internal combustion engines. The last time I checked, no one is driving car to Hawaii.

Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Finally, please explain to me why I'm supposed to judge Occasional Cortex's insanity based on what you and fellow lunatic worshippers "assume" she "really meant by that", rather than by her actual words.
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails then there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

For one, trains are failures which is why government subsidizes them. Two, they are so expensive to build and take up a lot of land.

When talking about the border wall, you yourself brought up the point of eminent domain and how wrong it would be to take property at the border for the wall. But you think it's okay to take properties all across the country for rails?
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails then there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

You would assume that because you're a reasonable person.

The people claiming otherwise obviously are not
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.

No, this is just one of the left's attempts at underplaying. She didn't say, "Put more money into rails to solve traffic congestion." If she had, THAT might have warranted treating like a serious adult proposal, rather than the arrogantly peurile crap she actually spewed.

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don't even bother trying to "explain" how she meant something other than what she said, and don't waste our time pretending the REAL problem you're pissed about is that we took her words at face value and extrapolated them out to the logical conclusion.
The compete quote, which was poorly worded comes from the FAQ's which reads:
"Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle". There is no mention of Hawaii. However the context of the statement is eliminating the need for internal combustion engines. The last time I checked, no one is driving car to Hawaii.

Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Finally, please explain to me why I'm supposed to judge Occasional Cortex's insanity based on what you and fellow lunatic worshippers "assume" she "really meant by that", rather than by her actual words.
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails so there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

I just read the House bill HR109, Green New Deal. It doesn't actually require anything be done but create a more detail plan and more legislation.

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that"
(1) it is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal—
(2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal goals”) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal mobilization”) that will require the following goals and projects—
(3) a Green New Deal must be developed through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives, civil society groups, academia, and businesses; and
(4) to achieve the Green New Deal goals and mobilization, a Green New Deal will require the following goals and projects

The legislation simple requires the administration to create a Green New Deal legislation which would of course have to come back to congress for budgeting.

This legislation is just Bull Shit and it's going no where. The problem the democrats have is it has strong public support. Pelosi wants to let it die in committee but Republicans want to keep it alive so it can be a campaign issue. However, the problem may well turn out to be a problem for both parties because this stupid piece of legislation hits the topics the public is really interested in, an emphasis on education, healthcare, job creation, the environment, and infrastructure.
/——-/ What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails then there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

You would assume that because you're a reasonable person.

The people claiming otherwise obviously are not
/—-/ When the Warmers trade in their private jets and limousines and start taking AmTrak then maybe we’ll stop mocking you clowns.
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean. Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded. I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails then there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing. However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying? Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

You would assume that because you're a reasonable person.

The people claiming otherwise obviously are not
/—-/ When the Warmers trade in their private jets and limousines and start taking AmTrak then maybe we’ll stop mocking you clowns.

That ain't going to happen. I can't picture the Hollywood elites showing up for some award show in electric cars.
this proposal is a RAW DEAL for America, especially rural communities. 93 trillion dollars of pork! MAKE EM SQUEAL!

every american family would have to pay 65K dollars annually.
just as folks in 2016 polls hid their sympathies for Trump, so are folks right now hiding their antipathy to the Dems' lurch to the left with the Green Big Deal.

Trump is a precursor to something that will last very, very long.
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
/----/ A bogus poll of random adults is absolutely meaningless.
From your link: Total 1,127 respondents collected Feb. 8-9, 2019, a margin of error plus or minus 3.12 percentage points with a 95% confidence level. So 80% of 1,127 = 901 in a country with 260,000,000 adults, agree with this idiotic plan. BFD.
liberalism find a cure.jpg
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
You'd never know it from this board
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
/----/ A bogus poll of random adults is absolutely meaningless.
From your link: Total 1,127 respondents collected Feb. 8-9, 2019, a margin of error plus or minus 3.12 percentage points with a 95% confidence level. So 80% of 1,127 = 901 in a country with 260,000,000 adults, agree with this idiotic plan. BFD.
View attachment 249165
That's actually a more than adequate sample. You really shouldn't try to talk about topics you know less than nothong about (in this case, statistics), because you are embarrassing yourself.
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

LOL, go for it.
Democrats backing the Green New Deal (GND) "are talking about trains to Hawaii," TRUMP said. "They haven't figured out how to get to Europe yet." He begged the Democrats not to abandon the GND because he recognizes that the more its details and costs are discussed, the more absurd it will become. "When the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your energy," he said at one point. "Did the wind stop blowing, I'd like to watch television today, guys?" "We'll go back to boats," he said, drawing huge laughs when he added, "I don't want to talk [the Democrats] out of [the GND], I just want to be the Republican who runs against it."
"Trains to Hawaii" is one of Trump's exaggerations. I just love this shit. Some democrat, not even running for office says we should put more money in rails to solve traffic congestion. That turns into a democrat plan to expand rails to replace highways which becomes the democrat plan to replace all cars with trains which becomes trains to Hawaii, around the world and to to moon.

No, this is just one of the left's attempts at underplaying. She didn't say, "Put more money into rails to solve traffic congestion." If she had, THAT might have warranted treating like a serious adult proposal, rather than the arrogantly peurile crap she actually spewed.

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don't even bother trying to "explain" how she meant something other than what she said, and don't waste our time pretending the REAL problem you're pissed about is that we took her words at face value and extrapolated them out to the logical conclusion.
The compete quote, which was poorly worded comes from the FAQ's which reads:
"Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle". There is no mention of Hawaii. However the context of the statement is eliminating the need for internal combustion engines. The last time I checked, no one is driving car to Hawaii.

Yeah, last time I checked, nobody drives to Hawaii because they take planes. By all means, please explain to me how your oh-so-helpful citing of the "complete quote" in any way changes anything, other than allowing you to fraudulently pretend it does. And then please explain where your quote in any way makes the building and use of high speed rails dependent on CAR travel, rather than the air travel it ACTUALLY links to.

Finally, please explain to me why I'm supposed to judge Occasional Cortex's insanity based on what you and fellow lunatic worshippers "assume" she "really meant by that", rather than by her actual words.
Simply stated, you can't build railroads across an ocean.

No shit, Dick Tracy. I believe we all noticed that.

Why would anyone assume that was the writer's intent when the sentence is obviously miss-worded.

Because they're HER words, which means whether or not they make sense is HER responsibility, not mine.

I would assume that the author meant that if we build enough high speed rails so there would only be long distance nonstop flights thus eliminating the wasteful take offs and landing.

I assume that anyone who is an elected federal official and has an entire staff of presumably-educated people who were paid to put this thing together over a period of time should be taken at the words they speak, rather than having me generously "assume" something more intelligent on their behalf.

By all means, please name me ANY Republican lawmaker whose words you interpret with these "assumptions" as to how they meant something other than what they said.

However, if we had a high speed rail network that extensive, why bother with flying?

Yes, and we wouldn't have to bother with the rail network, either, if we all had purple sparkly flying unicorns.

The point remains that she suggested something that can't be done, so talking about, "Well, she's right that we wouldn't need flying if we did that" is a ludicrous waste of time.

Since the document is filled with errors and has been removed from the website, I don't know why we are discussing it.

Because she and other Democrats are still gabbling on about her Green New Deal, and she hasn't bothered to provide the "final draft" to replace the immensely-humorous "first draft", so all we can really go with is what "The Boss" has provided thus far.

Whenever she'd like to SHOW us the brilliant and logical finalized plan, rather than simply telling us it exists and we should trust her about it, I'll be happy to switch over to talking about THAT.

I just read the House bill HR109, Green New Deal. It doesn't actually require anything be done but create a more detail plan and more legislation.

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that"
(1) it is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal—
(2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal goals”) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal mobilization”) that will require the following goals and projects—
(3) a Green New Deal must be developed through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives, civil society groups, academia, and businesses; and
(4) to achieve the Green New Deal goals and mobilization, a Green New Deal will require the following goals and projects

The legislation simple requires the administration to create a Green New Deal legislation which would of course have to come back to congress for budgeting.

By all means, feel free to be as gullible and willfully amnesiac as you like. Just don't expect me to join you, and DEFINITELY do not come at me trying to say that having a 5-minute memory is the smart and sensible thing to do.
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
/----/ A bogus poll of random adults is absolutely meaningless.
From your link: Total 1,127 respondents collected Feb. 8-9, 2019, a margin of error plus or minus 3.12 percentage points with a 95% confidence level. So 80% of 1,127 = 901 in a country with 260,000,000 adults, agree with this idiotic plan. BFD.
View attachment 249165
That's actually a more than adequate sample. You really shouldn't try to talk about topics you know less than nothong about (in this case, statistics), because you are embarrassing yourself.
/——/ A sample of 900 is an indication of the entire nation? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha how pathetic. Grasping at straws
What strong public support? AOCs Green New Deal and you Warmers are the laughing stock of America.
Do you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself? Literally every time I log into this site I catch you saying something stupid and false that you just pulled out of your ass.

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

More than 80% of Americans support almost all of the key ideas in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
You'd never know it from this board
/——/ And 900 approve Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

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