Green New Deal

Wasn't Solyndra the wave of the future? Obama dry-humped the crap out of them, after all.

"Green Energy" = Slush funds to payoff the corrupt, supporting more corruption

That said, Trumps record on charitable donations looks bleak compared to that of the Obamas as best I can tell.
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Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
Huh? How in the world did I defend the deal or AOC? I agreed with your freaking point.

Come on. Think.

This is up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked, satirized and dismissed Trump in 2016. The voting public is fickle.

Or just keep laughing. Whatever. Your call.
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rushes from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
Huh? How in the world did I defend the deal or AOC? I agreed with your freaking point.

Come on. Think.

This is up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked, satirized and dismissed Trump in 2016. The voting public is fickle.

Or just keep laughing. Whatever. Your call.
maybe i don't need this energy drink... :)
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rush from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
This is where we are. Totally binary. Make a contrary point and you're the enemy.

This country is in trouble.
Again. Green is the wave of the 21st Century.

THAT is where job growth is and will be

Wasn't Solyndra the wave of the future? Obama dry-humped the crap out of them, after all.
Solyndra received a $535 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee, the first recipient of a loan guarantee under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus program, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, while the overall loan program was in the black in 2014, it took a $528 million loss from Solyndra

In every emerging technology there are false starts. The world moves on
the Green Big Deal is a socialist pipe dream that attacks the american dream and our way of life!
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rush from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
This is where we are. Totally binary. Make a contrary point and you're the enemy.

This country is in trouble.
i said that when i came in here and got blasted by several. if i tell someone i don't agree with their 1 point, i suddenly agree with everything they hate.

like i always say, a billion shades of gray between black and white but black and white is all most people choose to see.
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rush from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
This is where we are. Totally binary. Make a contrary point and you're the enemy.

This country is in trouble.
i said that when i came in here and got blasted by several. if i tell someone i don't agree with their 1 point, i suddenly agree with everything they hate.

like i always say, a billion shades of gray between black and white but black and white is all most people choose to see.
Such is the power of ideology. I'm in awe of it more every day.
The Right can laugh and mock, but it also better start thinking about a smart approach to deal with this. It's not going away.

Laughing and mocking isn't a strategy.


omg! At least one person gets it. Hallelujah!
I try to tell this to people on the Right but they would rather spend their time mocking and laughing instead. As if that's gonna make it go away.
I cannot believe the US House of Representatives is actually going to be presented a bill with the phrase "farting cows" in it. Oh. My. God.

Yep. This is the kind of crap government you get when Dims are in charge.
“Overall, the DOE loan program has been an unquestioned success,” Ken Johnson, a spokesperson for the Solar Energy Industries Association said in a statement. “It provided important funding for a wide range of green energy projects and helped, in part, to make solar the fastest-growing source of renewable energy in America.”

Compared with venture capital firms and other lenders, the LPO looks financially sound, according to some analysts. It has lost only $780 million (thanks to Solyndra and a few other failures), putting its “loss rate” at 2.28 percent.

“People make a big deal about Solyndra and everything, but there’s a lot of VC [venture capital] that got torched right alongside the DOE capital,” Michael Morosi, an analyst with Jetstream Capital, a company that invests in renewable energy, told Bloomberg BusinessWeek. “A positive return over 20 years in clean tech? That’s not a bad outcome.”
Boston University must be ashamed of themselves giving a degree to that stupid bitch.

She majored in Economics,

That shows you how worthless a degree in Economics from Boston University is, doesn't it?

She didn't learn a damn thing, did she?

Dumber than a doorknob.

That paper with be the laughing stock of the Democrat Party for many years in the future.
Trump majored in Economics

Dumber than a doorknob

Trump is hardly dumb at all. Indeed, he's been called a "Very Stable Genius". When he received his official Presidential physical exam from Dr. Ronny Jackson, he had the highest score ever recorded on the Cognitive Test. Several years ago, on nationwide TV, he outsmarted wrestling billionaire Vincent McMahon, McMahon openly admitted that Trump was smarter than he was.

Thanks for proving my point

McMahon is significantly dumber than a doorknob as are his fans
Actual quote.

AOC has the best words
Boston University must be ashamed of themselves giving a degree to that stupid bitch.

She majored in Economics,

That shows you how worthless a degree in Economics from Boston University is, doesn't it?

She didn't learn a damn thing, did she?

Dumber than a doorknob.

That paper with be the laughing stock of the Democrat Party for many years in the future.
Trump majored in Economics

Dumber than a doorknob

Trump is hardly dumb at all. Indeed, he's been called a "Very Stable Genius". When he received his official Presidential physical exam from Dr. Ronny Jackson, he had the highest score ever recorded on the Cognitive Test. Several years ago, on nationwide TV, he outsmarted wrestling billionaire Vincent McMahon, McMahon openly admitted that Trump was smarter than he was.

Can anybody tell me the last Republican President that wasn't labeled "dumb" by the left? GW? Reagan? GHB? Ford?

Puppets only perform by the way their strings are pulled.

Ike, Nixon, Ford, Bush 41

The others weren’t that sharp
The Right can laugh and mock, but it also better start thinking about a smart approach to deal with this. It's not going away.

Laughing and mocking isn't a strategy.


omg! At least one person gets it. Hallelujah!
I try to tell this to people on the Right but they would rather spend their time mocking and laughing instead. As if that's gonna make it go away.
you telling me the left doesn't sit there and mock and laugh at the right?

the problem is the vast majority of us in the middle put up with it and that needs to end. we need an adult to tell the kids to shut the fuck up and go to the corner while we clean up their mess. while trump is doing some things i certainly agree with, to date he's far from the adult to pull us out of this.

if the the left wants to be taken seriously, then they need to stop saying stupid shit like 90% of this GREEN deal is.
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
Breathe dude..the hyperbole is going to give you a stroke

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